The Island of Whisky
© Alba-Collection Verlag 02/2021 ·
Malt Distillery (working) |
Malt Distillery (closed) |
Port Ellen Maltings |
Other tourist feature |
Information centre |
Lighthouse |
Tidal area |
I would like to dedicate this book to my wife Barbara, because without her support this journey would not have been possible.
To our two daughters, Lynne and Lesley, who have made every step of the way home worthwhile. Our sons-in-law David and Damien and our four wonderful grandchildren Lily, Beth, Eoghan and Ruaridh.
We as a family have been blessed in so many ways.
Jim McEwan
April 2021
The Story of
Jim McEwan | Udo Sonntag
Prologue Prologue
1This is Where I Come From 1 This is Where I Come From
2From the Potato Holidays Into the Wild West 2 From the Potato Holidays Into the Wild West
3Follow Your Nose 3 Follow Your Nose
4Inspiring People – James McColl 4 Inspiring People – James McColl
5Davy Bell – Always a Penny in Your Pocket 5 Davy Bell – Always a Penny in Your Pocket
6The Lifeline of Islay – the Puffers 6 The Lifeline of Islay – the Puffers
75 O’Clock – Tea Time?
8Queen of Port Charlotte
9Arrival in Glasgow Bridgeton
10From Bridgeton to Bellshill
11Back to Bowmore
12Giving Something Back to the Community – Swimming Pool
13A New Era Starts
14Being on the Road is Not a Holiday
15Big in Japan
16With Suntory on Top
17Farewell From Japan
18Legendary Drams – a Piece of Home
19Don’t Mess With Jim
20Expensive Hangover
21Where Did it All Go Wrong For You, Jim McEwan?
22Judgement Days
23Bringing Cinderella to the Ball
24Soulmates – Duncan McGillivray
25Recruiting Allan and Adam
26First Drops
27The Botanist
28The Story of Ugly Betty
30Yellow Submarine
31Legendary Drams – Port Charlotte
32Legendary Drams – Octomore
33Legendary Drams – Black Art
34Legendary Drams – Space Mission Bruichladdich One
36Height of the Hollow
37Babylon Bags
38Highland Toast
39Thank You at the End
Mary’s Poem
Hall of Fame
List of Illustrations
To the whisky world he is ‘Jim McEwan’ but to me just Dad. Even now as an adult and seeing the positive impact he has had on the whisky world, I am exceptionally proud of his professional career but prouder of his personal one. We are a close family and for years Dad was the only man in the house with three women. He travelled a lot, especially during Lynne’s and my teenage years and I am sure at times he was delighted to get on a plane to escape the teenage angst, boyfriend chat and mood swings that come with two teenage daughters. Nowadays, the numbers have evened, with two sons-in-law in his corner that he can talk football with and walk the hills without any mention of PMT or dieting! Being a grandad (known as Pappe) is possibly his favourite role, as he gets to retell his stories and make up new ones, walk the places he used to take us as kids and then hand the grandchildren back to us when they get tired and grumpy, or he does!
Dad was a fun dad. Mum handled the day-to-day disciplining and raising of us, while Dad would work at the distillery and travel for long periods of time to many different countries. We did not know any different and while he was away we kept in touch with phone calls and awaited the arrival of the postcards he always sent us, which were inevitably full of nonsense and funny stories and always addressed to ‘Tiger mouse’ or ‘Scooter’ (I have kept them all, and they still make me smile to this day). On his return I remember the excitement at picking him up from the airport and listening as he told us tales of his adventures and the places he had been and holding my breath while he opened the suitcase to unpack, knowing that somewhere in there was a giant duty-free Toblerone just for me!
When at home, he was in charge of the bedtime routine. The success of this was always questionable as more often than not, we would end up more excited and wide awake than at the start. He would do Unstoppable Plod, where, slow and zombie-like, he would go from one end of the hall to the other, with Lynne and I frantically and by any means necessary trying to stop him and never succeeding. Super-hyped and excited, he would then try and calm us down with a bedtime story, but Dad’s stories were never from books – they were mostly made up and full of excitement and adventure, with just enough of the truth that we believed every word. When he would finish the story and wish us a good night, we would eventually drift off believing that we too could escape ten crocodiles if the need ever arose (unlikely, living on Islay!).
At weekends, Dad would take us out for walks, bike rides or horse riding on our horse Oliver. The walks would start off along one of the beaches and always involved the challenge of getting onto a rock before the next wave hit, often ending up on it for several minutes waiting for the water to subside enough to get back to the beach, or getting bored waiting and just jumping in! These walks would generally involve some perilous cliffside ascent, especially on a stormy day when we would plead for Dad to take us close enough to the edge that we felt the spray off the waves crashing into the cliffs, feeling a sense of pride when you got soaked the most as it meant you were the bravest!
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