Positive Ethics for Mental Health Professionals
A Proactive Approach
Second Edition
Sharon K. Anderson
Colorado State University
Mitchell M. Handelsman
University of Colorado Denver

This edition first published 2021
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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To my adult kids, I appreciate and love you more than you can know.
To my mentor, Karen Kitchener and my students who have challenged my thinking.
To Jesus, my best teacher.
To my wife Debbi, with whom I will now have more time to spend—promise!
To all my teachers, including all my students.
To the memory of my parents, whose many gifts to me included an appreciation for education and the people involved in it.
“I thought ethics would be arduous and full of technical terms and rules... This book was transformative in the way I look at ethics. It was so easy to read/understand and the layout made it so relatable. I really appreciate the Journal Entry prompts and the Food for Thought prompts as well! Who knew I would find an ethics book I couldn’t put down?!”
A. E. First-Year Counseling Psychology Graduate Student University of Santa Clara
1 Cover
2 Title page Positive Ethics for Mental Health Professionals A Proactive Approach Second Edition Sharon K. Anderson Colorado State University Mitchell M. Handelsman University of Colorado Denver
3 Copyright
4 Dedication
5 Series page
6 About the Authors
7 Preface
8 Introduction
9 Part I: Taking Stock Chapter 1: Basics of Awareness: Knowing Yourself and Your Core Chapter 2: Basics of Awareness: Privilege, Discrimination, Oppression, and Social Justice Chapter 3: The Process of Acculturation: Developing Your Professional Ethical Identity Chapter 4: Navigating the Ethical Culture of Psychotherapy
10 Part II: The Nuts and Bolts of Psychotherapy Ethics Chapter 5: Boundaries and Multiple Relationships in the Psychotherapy Relationship Chapter 6: Confidentiality: A Critical Element of Trust in the Relationship Chapter 7: Informed Consent: The Three-Legged Stool Chapter 8: Making the Most of Supervision Chapter 9: Ending Psychotherapy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ethical
11 Part III: The Ethical Ceiling Chapter 10: Putting It All Together: Toward Ethical Excellence
12 Appendix A: Possible Information to Be Shared with Clients
13 Appendix B: Policy Areas
14 References
15 Author Index
16 Subject Index
17 End User License Agreement
1 Cover
2 Title page Positive Ethics for Mental Health Professionals A Proactive Approach Second Edition Sharon K. Anderson Colorado State University Mitchell M. Handelsman University of Colorado Denver
3 Copyright
4 Dedication
5 Series page
6 About the Authors
7 Preface
8 Table of Contents
9 Begin Reading
10 Appendix A: Possible Information to Be Shared with Clients
11 Appendix B: Policy Areas
12 References
13 Author Index
14 Subject Index
15 End User License Agreement
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