Patricia Adam - Managing Internationalisation

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Managing Internationalisation: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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"Managing Internationalisation" explains the process of internationalising any kind of organisation from a management perspective. Based on the renowned EFQM Excellence Model, all issues with special relevance for international activities are explained and traced back to recent scientific research and good management practise. The book is meant for practitioners and students alike. For a better understanding, extensive illustrations, examples, exercises and recommendations for case studies enrich the text.
Dieses Buch erklärt den Prozess der Internationalisierung von Organisationen aus der Sicht des Managements. Auf der Basis des EFQM-Modells für Business Excellence (Qualitätsmanagement) werden alle für internationale Aktivitäten relevanten Themen erläutert. Das Buch ist für Praktiker und Studierende gleichermaßen geeignet. Mit praxisnahen Übungen und Fallstudien.

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utb 8616 Managing Internationalisation - изображение 1

Eine Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verlage

Böhlau Verlag · Wien · Köln · Weimar

Verlag Barbara Budrich · Opladen · Toronto

facultas · Wien

Wilhelm Fink · Paderborn

A. Francke Verlag · Tübingen

Haupt Verlag · Bern

Verlag Julius Klinkhardt · Bad Heilbrunn

Mohr Siebeck · Tübingen

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft · Baden–Baden

Ernst Reinhardt Verlag · München · Basel

Ferdinand Schöningh · Paderborn

Eugen Ulmer Verlag · Stuttgart

UVK Verlagsgesellschaft · Konstanz, mit UVK/Lucius · München

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht · Göttingen · Bristol

Waxmann · Münster · New York


Für alle, die Elefanten das Fliegen beibringen

For all those who teach elephants how to fly Patricia Adam Managing - фото 2

For all those who teach elephants how to fly

Patricia Adam

Managing Internationalisation

UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH · Konstanz

mit UVK/Lucius · München

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UTB-Nr. 8616

E-Book ISBN 978-3-8463-8616-3

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Brockhaus Commission, Kornwestheim


Despite being popular with thousands of organisations worldwide, the EFQM Excellence Model is still hardly recognised by the academic community. Unfortunately, it shares this fate with other holistic models. Textbooks about International Management usually present holistic management models as an afterthought or in a niche chapter, but hardly focus on their inner logic or unique management perspective. Although the awareness of the need for leadership guidance in the ever more complex global environment is apparent, the contribution of these models is often overlooked.

We were therefore delighted when the author, Patricia Adam, approached us and explained her intention to create a textbook that bridged the gap between management reality and academic development. By drawing on her own experience of using the EFQM Model in self-assessment and Award Assessments, this book is intended to give the reader practical insights, combined with the conscientious use of business-related research findings. Whilst this might seem like a “common sense” approach, it’s been proven all too often that “common sense ain’t that common”. This makes the book a great companion for students and management practitioners alike; a pragmatic guide that translates the theory into practical application, with relevant examples and illustrations.

We wish this unique book an excellent reception and its author many positive reviews… although (sorry Patricia) we also hope it doesn’t remain unique for too much longer. May this book support international leaders in their demanding pursuit of successful internationalisation and inspire students to put theory into practice. After all, theory without experience is only theory!

Matt Fisher

Chief Operating Officer EFQM


Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgements Table of Figures 1 Introduction - фото 3

Table of Contents



Table of Figures

1 Introduction and Overview Strategic International Management
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 How to Use This Book
1.1.2 From Gradual Globalisation to Transnational Organisations
1.2 The Use of Holistic Management Models
1.3 The Approach of the EFQM Excellence Model
1.3.1 Background Information: The EFQM and its Model
1.3.2 The Fundamental Concepts of Excellence
1.3.3 The EFQM Excellence Model Framework 2013
1.3.4 The EFQM RADAR Logic
1.4 Process Model “Managing Internationalisation”
1.5 Citations & Notes
2 Key Issue: Developing Cross-Cultural Competence
2.1 The Importance of Intercultural Understanding for International Business Issues
2.2 Hofstede’s Framework: Cultures and Organisations
2.2.1 Culture as a Part of Human Mental Programming
2.2.2 An Introduction to Hofstede’s Dimensions
2.2.3 Power Distance
2.2.4 Individualism/Collectivism
2.2.5 Masculinity/Femininity
2.2.6 Uncertainty Avoidance
2.2.7 Long-Term Orientation
2.2.8 Establishing Country Clusters
2.2.9 Adding a New Dimension: Indulgence versus Restraint
2.3 The Dilemma Approach of Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner
2.3.1 A View of Culture Based on Dilemmas
2.3.2 Universalism versus Particularism
2.3.3 Individualism versus Communitarianism
2.3.4 Neutrality versus Affection
2.3.5 Specificity versus Diffusion
2.3.6 Achieved versus Ascribed Status
2.3.7 The Concept of Time
2.3.8 Inner versus Outer Direction
2.3.9 Reconciling Dilemmas
2.4 Globe Study: More Issues Arising
2.5 Critical Acclaim
2.5.1 Typical Problems of Cross-Cultural Research
2.5.2 Critical Acclaim of Hofstede’s Dimensions
2.5.3 Critical Acclaim of Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner’s Dilemmas
2.5.4 Critical Acclaim of the GLOBE Study
2.6 Citations & Notes
3 Leading the Internationalisation Process
3.1 Good Leadership
3.1.1 The Coherent Leadership Approach
3.1.2 Excellent Leaders: EFQM Criterion 1
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