Th. Om - A book in answers

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A book in answers uniquely combines the dialectics, argumentation and beliefs of every religion. It is the UNIVERSAL KEY. It is the New Earth Bible. Here the thoughts of Eckhart Tolle are brought to an end, here Milarepa, Meister Eckhart, Spinoza and Buddha, Christ and Mohammed appear – all happily united in ALLEINS.The book of lightIt is a book of light. It is the all-embracing declaration of creation, love. The way. Here, in a wonderfully tender dissolution, the pulses of doubt pass. We know who we are. Every thought of fear, the cemented belief in transience, a god moved into the distance in a world of discord – no longer touch the one who is only trying to understand.

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Th. Om





We have forgotten how to be amazed in our society. Everything is fragmented, broken down into its individual parts, which are then disputed. We surround ourselves with fragments of fragmentation, we elevate this methodology to our God, our idol. The separation is almost perfect. And so, and yet, great astonishment will come over all the people. Because the idea of creation is the knowledge of solitude. Deep within ourselves, hidden from our eyes by the same scraps, that prevent us from seeing the love and sinlessness in others, there is the altar of truth, the light. By honestly striving to love without seeing sin in our lives, we prepare it for the truth, the great love of creation. We offer her welcome, we invite her. And how happily she accepts our invitation!

1. Conception

Search for meaning?

Find out the causes?

Generally speaking, a person's primary pursuit is to understand. To fathom the world and its causes, at least to be able to deal with it, to cope with it. This environment is usually relatively limited. That appears individually personally - and depends on a huge number of components and parameters. With the environment is meant not only the concrete material existence of the person, the milieu, the social and cultural circumstances, but also everything, that goes on in his thinking. His dreams, his subconscious, his reflexive actions, his mistakes and things, that arise from all these connections.


It is not possible for the affected person, trapped in the environment just described, to determine the enormous complexity of all these influences in himself, much less in other people, to whom he always has only very limited access. That means he doesn't see the forest for the trees. He understands parts of the whole, maybe sees the trees, that are standing in front of him, maybe finds a mushroom or notices, that the trees can also be felled or set on fire, but he always stays in the forest, which he inevitably only as such can see as a limitation.

Are we trapped in this forest?

That is his view of things, based on the fact, that the trees exist after all / and, if you are not careful, you could be killed by one. The trees are there - so the environment - it cannot be discussed away. One has to behave according to circumstances, that are dictated by the trees and the path through them, one has to adapt in order to simply survive.

Somewhere back there ...?

What the major religions do now, is to proclaim, that there is a beautiful hilly landscape at the end of the forest path, or at least a clearing somewhere. All of this, that has just been described, is tainted with dualism. It is about a pronounced materialistic attitude of people in their finding of meaning. Here the great religions, in the manner of the prevailing, capital-maximizing system, have created a kind of guide, with the help of which one can find quite easily through the myriad of trees. The Bible, the Koran. “Holy” Scriptures

One-handed clapping?

Out of the forest, one comes with this conviction only at the end of material, physical life. In contrast to this belief, which is here tried to clarify with the image of the trees, the true view of life now has nothing to do with anything. It hides behind the one-handed gossip, that takes the dualistic world of people to absurdity. We are immortal, the material envelopes are only tools for our bundled energy, which it uses, in the infinity of the energies of EVERYTHING.

The eternity of stardust?

The world, that one can live, that is the infinity of the stars, the terminology, the compelling logic, that EVERYTHING is connected with each other, interacts with each other, that there is an indescribable whole, that as a wonderful creation in great peace and perfection exists. This big whole consists of all things, that have a place in the energy structure of the WHOLE, whether stone, animal, human or plant, whether shooting star or atomic nucleus. As can also be scientifically proven in dualism, every thing actually has its own energy structure.


Fact, there is not a single question, that cannot be answered immediately. ...

You are the dreamer,

not the dream!

2. Conception

In the beginning there was the smiling unconditionality?

Unconditionality is absolute?

And there it is, the eternal unconditionality. But the human being, in the development of the free will given to him, was allowed to dream a tiny illusion of skepticism. Deeply shocked by this freedom, he was now afraid of what he regarded as almighty and of whose existence he had doubted. From the tiny particle of unbelief, he created, in potentiation of this tiny doubt, this judgment, his sad, lonely world, in which from then on he tried to hide from the unconditionality of creation.

There is no true love in judgment?

In this world of judgment, of doubt, of fragmentation, of the ego, true love has no place. Every single word of the so-called "communication" operated by the ego, not only reduces it to absurdity, but also portrays it as ridiculous. This makes it clear, that nothing at all, that seems to be perceived in any way outside of this unconditionality, could make even the slightest sense.

The belief, that unconditionality is death?

There is the jumping point: We see ourselves, in bright moments, facing an unconditionality, that only scares us. Even more: From our point of view, trapped in guilty verdict, we link this feeling, this actually indescribable something, with death, at the same time knotted with our concept of whatever “God”. That is pure fear. Terror, uncertainty, may be, horror.

Living in the fear of doubt?

But where is our horror, our fear ultimately based? We saw it. It's the doubt, it's the fragmentation. It is our ignorance, the inability of our thought system to see the whole. We doubt every second instead of accepting in silent gratitude. And we refuse to look to the source. We content ourselves with the allegations, that arise from our fragmenting illusions. Transform these superficialities in our thinking, by dividing them again and again into gigantic constructions.

The unconditional is loving?

This is the black paint, that is poured onto the luminous image of the unconditional! This is the stinking dung heap, that each and every one of us dumped on them! And it seems so infinitely difficult to us, to recognize, that behind what we dream, uncon-ditionality we have given it the most terrible attributes, - and, that it is a loving unconditionality. We can trust her in everything.

No more reason to fear?

All of our fears are unfounded! But to look at them, to see the abyss, that separates the deceptive underground of our dreams and our black fear of unconditionality, means, - to go into the darkness we have created ourselves - to realize, that it never existed. We jump from our rock, step into the black throat, and at the same moment land on golden ground.

Pure, unalterable joy?

Do you understand what it means when you realize, that unconditionality is loving? This is pure joy. Don't worry, there are no worries left. You could burst with gratitude. This experience is a baptism towards meaning. A true rebirth, a recognition, an awakening. An orgasm, a conception, a birth, in absolute trust, as it could never be experienced before.

Trustful knowledge of the right path?

Trust in creation, in the Father, by whose hand we move without even the slightest hint of fear. Certain, that we are guided by him on the right path. May the path seem rocky now and then. We know, that every single pebble we encounter, is where it is, in the perfect place. Just as we do and are exactly the right thing in our life, this life, which is now so unconditionally, will be more and more flooded with noticeable love of creation. This is how it is.

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