Andrea Bühlmann
Vitamin D (English translation)
From the office chair out to the sun
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Titel Andrea Bühlmann Vitamin D (English translation) From the office chair out to the sun Dieses ebook wurde erstellt bei
1. Vitamin D - short sunbathing or vitamin D tablet?
2. Evolution and new lifestyle
3. Natural sources of vitamin D
3.1. UVB radiation forms vitamin D in the skin
3.2. Nutrition
3.3. Solarium
3.4. Artificially fortified foods
3.5. nutritional supplements
3.6. Tips:
4. How does vitamin D in the body?
4.1. These functions involve vitamin D
5. Vitamin D can prevent or even treat diseases
5.1. Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome
5.2. Infections and inflammation
5.3. Autoimmune diseases
5.4. Musculoskeletal Diseases (Osteoporosis)
5.5. Cardiovascular diseases
5.6. cancer
5.7. Nervous diseases dementia, depression, Parkinson's and schizophrenia
5.8. Summary
6. Vitamin D and medicines
7. Risk Groups
7.1. Pregnant women
7.2. Newborn
7.3. Children
7.4. Overweight
7.5. Old people
8. What is the vitamin D requirement?
8.1. Laboratory Values
8.2. Summary / Tips:
9. Bibliography
Impressum neobooks
1. Vitamin D - short sunbathing or vitamin D tablet?
Vitamin D - From the office chair out to the sun
Are you exhausted, tired, tense or unable to sleep through? Then it is likely that you have too little vitamin D. In this book, we consciously focus on vitamin D, how it is formed and needed, and what you can do if it is deficient. With a few tips, you can prevent discomfort and even treat certain ailments. It is important that you also think about other vitamins and minerals, as well as you are willing to adjust your lifestyle if you want to improve your well-being. For most of the time, it is an interaction of factors that influence our health.
If you have little vitamin D, it is obvious to go to the sun from time to time after taking a short break from the office. Instead of a power nap, you can also take a walk in the sunshine to get vitamin D. Other or additional possibilities are, to go to the solarium with the newest quality standard, nutritional change or in our latitudes, the intake of a supplement with vitamin D can also be useful. Do you want more quality of life? Then you are at right way...
Since in the northern hemisphere, about 90% of the population in Germany, suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, probably you too are. Vitamin D supplementation is therefore generally recommended. Since it is a fat-soluble vitamin, it is excreted in an overdose, not as water-soluble vitamins, via the urine, but stored in the fat or a high concentration remains relatively long. An overdose leads to complication when intake in really high amounts. Nevertheless, one should think a bit about his lifestyle before replacing vitamin D. Because it is more likely that people still suffer despite supplementation, which could be remedied by higher amounts of vitamin D or could have been prevented. This may be because the authorities have set the benchmarks too low for many years.
By changing the lifestyle, by going more out during sunshine, vitamin D can be naturally fueled, because it can be built in the skin through the irradiation of UVB rays of the sun. Thus, it can only be formed when the skin is exposed to the sun, free of cream or make-up, which has UVB filters. Vitamin D can also be obtained from the diet. For this purpose, the consumption of fatty sea fish (such as: salmon, herring), avocado or certain mushrooms is suitable. In a less amount, vitamin D is also found in chicken eggs and cow's milk. However, if you are vegetarian or even vegan, you are almost certain to be deficient. However, you have to intake it in a larger amount so that you can meet your dietary needs and enjoy healthy life.
Whether vegan or not, if you want to be sure, you can use the blood levels to measure the vitamin D level and thereby more accurately define the dose of the replacement. What should be paid attention to, we'll talk later.
By eliminating the deficiency of vitamin D, you can prevent many ailments and make life easier and better.
Basically, you prevent enough vitamin D, suffering from stress-related illnesses from burnout to cancer and heart attack. You can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis, prevent bone fractures, and protect against infectious and chronic diseases.
The classic of mental disorders in our latitudes is the winter depression. Many people think it's the weather and the cold that make everyone so grumpy. And you can even be right, because in cold weather many refuse to outdoor hobbies, the sun is less intense and sets faster. Many no longer have daylight after working hours; go, even if it is still dark to the office, eat in the dark canteen and leave after sunset the workplace. Even this fact has a negative effect on the psyche. But it also has a biochemical background: Without sun exposure to the naked skin, the production of vitamin D, which is formed through the skin, is missing. With the result that in the winter the vitamin D level is lower than in the summer and so these symptoms of depression favor.
Young or old, think of vitamin D and, if possible, go daily to the sun for a short time, and / or take an additional supplement with vitamin D for betterment of yourself.
Many findings in this book about vitamin D are already more detailed described by William B. Grant Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. med. Spitz or also Prof. Holick. It's also worth to read these books if you are looking for more details or research results.
2. Evolution and new lifestyle
Let us look at the evolution, when the Homo sapiens lived. They also benefited from sunlight and fueled vitamin D, which required a stable calcium for balance of the body and healthy bones. Equatorial humans developed a dark melanin-rich skin, which protected them from too much sun, but allowed enough for vitamin D production. The people who settled in regions away from the equator, developed a less pigment rich, lighter skin, so that the sun could be used better. In the north, sunlight is not enough to produce vitamin D. Living in climates with little sunlight was made possible by catching and consuming vitamin D rich fish and mammals.
In our age of mobility, ethnicity is mixed. Skin color and sunshine, as well as traditional diet is no longer adapted to the latitude and often leads to a health deficit. We have also developed clothing that covers most of our body and is omitted from the formation of vitamin D. Thus, it is the responsibility of each and every one to think about their vitamin D intake strategy in order to live a healthy life.
3. Natural sources of vitamin D
Vitamin D is formed by sunlight in the skin. More and more people are staying in offices during the sunshine hours. With such a way of life you get too little sunlight. Note that sunscreen prevents vitamin D formation. Dosed sunlight is healthy and protects against many diseases. However, do not overdo it and protect yourself from sunburn.
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