regardless of – независимо – тәуелсіз; немқұрайды, еліктейтін
Metrology technician – технический специалист в области метрологии – метрология саласындағы техникалық маман
investigation work – исследовательская работа – зерттеу жүргізу жұмысы
to evaluate – оценивать – бағалау, баға қою, баға кесу
out – of – tolerance – вне допуска – шектен тыс
out-of-tolerance notification – уведомление о выходе из допуска – шектен шығу туралы хабарлама
specifications – технические характеристики – техникалық сипаттамалар
task documentation – документация по выполненным работам – орындалған жұмыстар туралы құжаттама
to provide – обеспечивать – қамтамасыз ету
Ex. 1. Read and translate the text Applied metrology
Metrology laboratories are places where both metrology and calibration works are performed. Calibration laboratories generally specialize in calibration work only.
Both metrology and calibration laboratories must isolate the work performed from influences that might affect the work. Temperature, humidity, vibration, electrical power supply, radiated energy and other influences are often controlled. Generally, it is the rate of change or instability that can be very detrimental.
Calibration technicians execute calibration work. In large organizations, the work is further divided into three groups:
Alternatively, the technicians can be divided by major discipline areas: physical, dimensional, electrical, microwave and so on. But the principles are the same regardless of the equipment. Metrology technicians perform investigation work in addition to calibrations. They also apply proven principles to known situations and evaluate unexpected or contradictory results. Metrologistsare people who perform metrology work at and above the technician levels.
The metrology and calibration work is always accompanied by documentation. The documentation can be divided into two types; one related to the task and the other related the administrative program. Task documentation includes calibration procedures and the data collected. Administrative program documentation includes equipment identification data, calibration certificates, calibration time interval information and 'as-found' or 'out-of-tolerance' notification. Administrative programs provide standardization of the metrology and calibration work and make it possible to independently verify that the work was performed. Generally, the administrative program is specific to the organization performing the work and addresses customer requirements. General administrative program specifications created by industry groups, such as the ANS (ANSI) Z540 series may also be covered in the administrative program. Other specifications created by the US Food and Drug Administration, US Federal Aviation Administration or other agencies would supplement or replace ANS Z540 for work performed in their domains. Often administrative programs can be as complicated and detailed as the measurement work itself.
Ex. 2. Answer the following questions
1. What does calibration laboratories specialize in?
2. What documentation is calibration and metrology work accompanied by?
3. What work do metrology technician do ?
4. What is ANS ?
5. What do administrative programs provide ?
Ex. 3. Are these sentences true or false?
1. The metrology and calibration work is always accompanied by documentation.
2. Administrative programs provide standardization of certification.
3. Metrology work is done by government.
4. Tear – down people set-up equipment for calibration.
5. Operators perform calibration procedures.
6. Set-up people collect data.
7. ANS is an administrative program for standardization of metrology and calibration work.
Ex. 4. Fill the blanks using the words from the text: Applied metrology
Metrology … ar e places where calibration and metrology works are performed. These … can be found today in many countries … laboratory is specialized in calibration. Calibration work is done by calibration … These are people with an engineering degree. In metrology … the work is divided between people wh o are responsible for setting – up … ne eded f or calibration, operators who execute calibration … and collect data and people who … sets-up.
Ex. 5. Match the beginning with the endings based on the text
Ex. 6. Put the questions to the bold-typed words:
1. Metrologists perform metrology work.
2. Task documentation includes calibration procedures and collected data.
3. An administrative program provides standardization.
4. These programs standardize calibration work.
5. ANS is a specification created by this program.
Ex. 7. Make the summary of the text:«Applied metrology» using the following plan:
The Conditions for performing calibrating works in the laboratory;
Staff involved in these works and their functions.
Project work
Is applied metrology important for researchers? Give your viewpoint.
to bear a defined relationship to – иметь определенное отношение – белгілі өзара байланысқа ие болу
physical quantity – физическая величина – физикалық шама
with a reference to – ссылаясь – мәліметке сүйене
system of weights and measures – система весов и мер – салмақ және өлшем жүйесі
volume – объем – көлем
authority – уполномоченный орган – уәкілдік берілген ұйым
inaccuracy – неточность – дәлсіздік
confusion – путаница – араластыру; шатастыру; түсінбестік, білместік
internationally – standardized reference objects – стандартизированные на международном уровне ссылочные объекты – халықаралық деңгейде стандартталған сілтемелік нысандар
artifact – предмет, созданный человеком, артефакт, образец – адаммен жасалған зат; артефакт; үлгі
realization of the unit of measure – воспроизведение единицы измерения –өлшем бірлігін қайта жаңғырту
in terms – в отношении – жайында, жөнінде
physical constant – физическая константа – физикалық тұрақты шама
legal basis – правовая база – заңды негіз
to eliminate – исключить – жою, құрту, шығару
advantage – преимущество – артықшылық, басымдылық
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