Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy , 349.
BD, т. XI, 369, 228– 9.
The Times , 29, 30 и 31 июля 1914.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen , 280–81.
Bach, Deutsche Gesandtschaftsberichte , 107.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke , 205.
Там же, 208.
Там же, 206.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 95; Fischer, War of Illusions , 502–4.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 174; Verhey, Spirit of 1914 , 59–60.
Stone, «V. Moltke – Conrad», 216–17.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , 670–71; Williamson, Austria-Hungary , 206–8.
Stone, «V. Moltke – Conrad», 217.
Afflerbach, «Wilhelm II as Supreme Warlord», 433n22.
Verhey, Spirit of 1914 , 46–50, 62–4, 68, 71; Stargardt, The German Idea of Militarism , 145–9.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke , 216–20.
Groener, Lebenserinnerungen , 141–2, 145–6.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke , 219–24.
Там же, 223–4.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 174–5.
The Times , 1 августа 1914.
BD, т. XI, 510, 283–5.
Robbins, Sir Edward Grey , 295; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 136–7; Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith , 38.
DDF, 3-й выпуск, 532, 424–5; BD, т. IX, 447, 260.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist , 304.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy , 353n34; Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist , 304–5; Hazlehurst, Politicians at War , 88.
Бодлианская библиотека Оксфордского университета, Papers of Sir Eyre Alexander Barby Wichart Crowe, MS Eng. E. 3020, 1–2.
Bridge, Russia , 76–9.
Воейков, С царем и без царя , 110.
Lieven, Nicholas II , 203.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus , 463–4.
Там же, 465–7; Joll, The Second International , 162–6.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus , 469–72.
Poincaré, Au Service de la France , 432–3.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré , 174–7; Albertini, The Origins of the War , vol. III, 88–91.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. III, 85, 89; Krumeich, Armaments and Politics , 227.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. III, 106–7; Keiger, Raymond Poincaré , 180–82.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré , 189.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 147n82; Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss , 422.
Adam, Bonar Law , 170.
Hazlehurst, Politicians at War , 96–7; Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith , 145; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 136ff.
Hankey, The Supreme Command , 161–2; Hazlehurst, Politicians at War , 97–100.
Geiss, July 1914 , 231.
Stengers, «Belgium», 152–5.
Там же, 161–3.
BD, т. XI, 670, 349–50; Tuchman, The Guns of August , 107–8; The Times , 4 августа 1914.
Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith , 150.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years , т. II, 12–13.
Robbins, Sir Edward Grey , 296.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years , т. II, 20; Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist , 305–6.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years , т. II, 321–2; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 145–6; Великобритания, парламентские дебаты, палата общин, 5-й выпуск, т. LXV, 1914, cols 1809–34; The Times , 4 августа 1914.
Hazlehurst, Politicians at War , 32; Grigg, Lloyd George , 154.
BD, т. IX, 147, 240–41; Schoen, Memoirs of an Ambassador , 200–201, 204.
Krumeich, Armaments and Politics , 229.
The Times , 5 августа 1914.
Joll, The Second International , 171–6.
Hollweg, Reflections on the World War , 158n; Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 176–7; BD, т. XI, 671, 350–54.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 181.
Cecil, Wilhelm II , 208–9.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy , 361.
Gregory, Walter Hines Page , 51–2.
Там же, 151.
Joll, 1914 , 15.
Lubbock, Letters of Henry James , 389.
Morison, Letters of Theodore Roosevelt , 790.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach , 78.
Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith , 130n2.
Bond, The Victorian Army and the Staff College , 294–5, 303.
Strachan, The First World War , т. I, 239–42.
Там же, 278–9.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss , 857–8.
Smith, One Morning in Sarajevo , 264–8.
Fuller, The Foe Within , гл. 8, везде.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945 , 368.
Cecil, Wilhelm II , 210–12.
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