Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik , 89–91.
Doughty, «France», 146–7.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik , 202–4.
Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik , 805.
Bark, «Июльские дни 1914 г.», 32–4; Bridge, How the War Began , 30–32; Игнатьев, Внешняя политика России, 1907–1914 , 213–14.
BD, т. IX, 125, 93–4.
Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 76–7.
Там же, 77, 80.
Rosen, Forty Years of Diplomacy , 163.
Stengers, «Belgium», 158.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik , 335–42; Poincaré, Au Service de la France , 288; Krumeich, Armaments and Politics , 219– 20.
Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 82–3; Poincaré, Au Service de la France , 302; Doughty, «French Strategy in 1914», 443.
Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss , 375.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist , 295.
Там же, 301.
Bridge, «The British Declaration of War», 407; Haldane, An Autobiography , 288–9; Cecil, Albert Ballin , 205–9.
Bridge, «The British Declaration of War», 408; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 135–6; BD, т. XI, 91, 73–4; 104, 83–4.
Geiss, July 1914 , 183–4.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince Von Bulow , т. III, 122–3.
Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss , 368–469.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist , 301.
Hobhouse, Inside Asquith's Cabinet , 176–7; Robbins, Sir Edward Grey , 289–90.
BD, т. IX, 185, 128.
BD, т. IX, 170, 120–1.
BD, т. IX, 216, 148.
Eubank, Paul Cambon , 171.
Там же, 169.
Trumpener, «War Premeditated?», 66–7; Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik , 739, 741.
Cecil, Wilhelm II , 202–3.
Bridge, Russia , 52.
BD, т. IX, 135, 99; 147, 103; The Times , 27 июля 1914; Bark, «Июльские дни 1914 г.», 26; Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik , 759; Verhey, Spirit of 1914 , 28–31.
BD, т. XI, 162, 116; 245, 160–61.
Renzi, «Italy's Neutrality», 1419–20.
Там же, 1421–2.
Hobhouse, Inside Asquith's Cabinet , 177.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy , 345.
Afflerbach, «Wilhelm II as Supreme Warlord», 432.
Игнатьев, Внешняя политика России, 1907–1914 , 218–19.
Geiss, July 1914 , 283.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 171.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , vol. II, 460–61.
Vermes, Istv'an Tisza , 234.
Rosen, Forty Years of Diplomacy , 163.
Zweig, The World of Yesterday , 243–5.
BD, т. XI, 270, 174; Poincaré, Au Service de la France , 368.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré , 171.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik , 335–42; Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 83.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik , 345–7; Herwig, The Marne , 17.
Lieven, Nicholas II , 199–200.
Geiss, July 1914 , 260–61.
Там же.
Bridge, Russia , 50; Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 86.
Там же, 87–8.
Там же, 78; Geiss, July 1914 , 291.
Cimbala, «Steering through Rapids», 387.
Bridge, How the War Began , 65–6; Bark, «Июльские дни 1914 г.», 31–2; Kleǐnmikhel», Memories of a Shipwrecked World , 202–3.
Cecil, Wilhelm II , 204–5.
Geiss, July 1914 , 284–5; Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia , 447; Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 168–9.
Ekstein and Steiner, «The Sarajevo Crisis», 404; Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy , 347.
Hankey, The Supreme Command , 154–6.
Geiss, July 1914 , 288–90.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. II, 300–302; Geiss, July 1914 , 296–7; Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 86.
Verhey, Spirit of 1914 , 17–20.
Там же, 53–6. 22.Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 151–2, 164, 168–9.
Geiss, July 1914 , 291–2, 308–9.
Turner, «Role of General Staffs», 315.
Там же.
Austro-Hungarian Gemeinsamer Ministerrat, Protokolle des Gemeinsamen Ministerrates , 156–7.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. II, 669–70.
Geiss, July 1914 , 323.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke , 199–200; Hewitson, Germany and the Causes , 197; Turner, «Role of General Staffs», 314–15.
Cecil, Wilhelm II , 204.
BD, т. XI, 293, 185–6.
BD, т. XI, 303, 193; Robbins, Sir Edward Grey , 293–4.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 140–3; Hazlehurst, Politicians at War , 84–7.
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