Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke , 124.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon , 135.
Fischer, War of Illusions , 83.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé , 70n1.
Rathenau and von Strandmann, Walther Rathenau , 157.
Eubank, Paul Cambon , 141.
Grey, Twenty-five Years , т. I, 233.
Stieve, Der diplomatische Schriftwechsel Iswolskis , 194–5.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins , 79–80.
Там же, 80–81.
Messimy, Mes Souvenirs , 68.
Krumeich, Armaments and Politics , 21–9.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik , 21–21.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor , 124.
Beyens, Germany before the War , 61.
Fesser, Der Traum vom Platz , 148.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army , 291.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke , 125.
Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre , 172.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz , Kindle version, loc. 852–9.
Röhl, «Admiral von Müller», 656.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 81–2; Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke , 131.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe , 161–6.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach , 57.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. I, 342.
Bosworth, «Britain and Italy's Acquisition», 683.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach , 10.
Там же, 38–9.
Gooch, «Italy before 1915», 222. 86.Там же, 225–8. 87.Там же, 206.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach , 6–8; Gooch, «Italy before 1915», 216–17.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach , 34.
Там же, 36.
Gooch, «Italy before 1915», 209.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 257, 289–91.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 241, 278–9.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon , 143–4.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War , 58–62.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 250, 284.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans , 35.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. I, 346; Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon , 144–5.
BD, т. VII, 763, 788–9.
Cambon, Correspondance , т. III, 7.
Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. I, 357.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars , 360–61.
Hoetzendorf, Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hötzendorf , 105.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass , 232.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars , 72.
Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo , 179–80.
Jelavich, History of the Balkans , 110.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans , 34–5.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars , 80.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 249, 283–4.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy , 29–30.
Там же, 32–3.
Там же, 33.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance , 27–8.
Neklyudov, Diplomatic Reminiscences , 38 –9.
Там же, 45.
Там же, 80–81.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy , 62–4, 67.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 570, 568.
Fischer, War of Illusions , 150.
BD, т. IX, ч. 2, 5, 3–4.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy , 141–5.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars , 65–6.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans , 79.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy , 203–4.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 92.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance , 116–17; Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements , 231.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance , 118; Albertini, The Origins of the War , т. I, 412–13.
Игнатьев, Внешняя политика России, 1907–1914 , 141.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar , 328–9.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente , 92.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements , 203.
Bodger, «Russia and the End», 84.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance , 132.
Bodger, «Russia and the End», 79.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans , 85.
Sazonov, Fateful Years , 49–50; Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold , 234n.
Taube, La Politique russe d'avant-guerre , 225–7.
Sazonov, Fateful Years , 54.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 711, 683–5; Helmreich, The Diplomacy , 154–5.
Sazonov, Fateful Years , 78.
Там же, 80.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans , 102.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold , 119.
Там же, 484–5.
Musulin, Das Haus am Ballplatz , 178.
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