Andrew Webber - Jesus Christ Superstar

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Jesus Christ Superstar

Authors Andrew Lloyd Webber music orchestration musical direction Tim - фото 1


Andrew Lloyd Webber – music, orchestration, musical direction

Tim Rice – lirics

The singers:

Judas Iscariot – Murray Head

Jesus Christ – Ian Gillan

Mary Magdalene – Ivonna Elliman

Pontius Pilate – Barry Dennen

King Herod – Mike D'Abo

Peter – Paul Devis

Caiaphas, High Priest – Victor Brox

Priest – Paul Raven

Annas – Brain Keith

Simon Zealotes – John Gustafson

Maid by the Fire – Annette Brox



No text.

Heaven on their minds.

My mind is clearer now – at last all too well
I can see where we all soon will be
If you strip away the myth from the man
You will see where we all soon will be

Jesus! You've started to believe
The things they say of you
You really do believe
This talk of God is true
And all the good you've done
Will soon get swept away
You've begun to matter more
Than the things you say

Listen Jesus I don't like what I see
All I ask is that you listen to me
And remember – I've been your right hand man all along
You have set them all on fire
They think they've found the new Messiah
And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong
I remember when this whole thing began
No talk of God then – we called you a man
And believe me – my admiration for you hasn't died
But every word you say today
Gets twisted round some other way
And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied

Nazareth your famous son should have stayed a great unknown
Like his father carving wood – he'd have made good
Tables chairs and oaken chests would have suited Jesus best
He'd have caused nobody harm – no-one alarm
Listen Jesus do you care for your race?
Don't you see we must keep in our place?
We are occupied – have you forgotten how put down we are?
I'm frightened by the crowd
For we are getting much too loud
And they'll crush us if we go too far

Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Please remember that I want us to live
But it's sad to see our chances weakening with every hour
All your followers are blind
Too much heaven on their minds
It was beautiful but now it's sour
Yes it's all gone sour

What's the buzz. / Strange thing, Mystifying.

Bethany, Friday Night

What's the buzz? Tell me, what's happening?
Why should you want to know?
Don't you mind about the future,
Don't you try to think ahead
Save tomorrow for tomorrow,
Think about today instead
What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening?
I could give you facts and figures -
I could give you plans and forecasts
Even tell you where I'm going -
When do we ride into Jerusalem?
Why should you want to know?
Why are you obsessed with fighting
Times and fates you can't defy?
If you knew the path we're riding
You'd understand it less than I
What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening
Let me try to cool down your face a bit
That feels nice, so nice...
Mary that is good -
While you prattle through your supper –
Where and when and who and how
She alone has tried to give me
What I need right here and now
What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening?
It seems to me a strange thing, mystifying
That a man like you can waste his time on women of her kind
Yes, I can understand that she amuses
But to let her stroke you, kiss your hair, is hardly in your line

It's not that I object to her profession
But she doesn't fit in well with that you teach and say
It doesn't help us if you're inconsistent
They only need a small excuse to put us all away

Who are you to criticise her?
Who are you to despise her?
Leave her, leave her, let her be now
Leave her, leave her, she's with me now
If your slate is clean – then you can throw stones
If your slate is not then leave her alone

I'm amazed that men like you can be so
Shallow thick and slow
There is not a man among you who knows
or cares if I come or go

ALL (save JUDAS)
No you're wrong! You're very wrong!
How can you say that?
Not one – not one of you!

Everything's alright.

Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you, oh, don't you know
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine
And we want you to sleep well tonight
Let the world turn without you tonight
If we try we'll get by so forget all about us tonight
Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes
Sleep and I shall soothe you, calm you and anoint you
Myrrh for your hot forehead, oh, then you'll feel
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine
And it's cool and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your heap and feet
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And relax think of nothing tonight
Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes
Woman, your fine ointment – brand new and expensive
Could have been saved for the poor
Why has it been wasted? We could have raised maybe
Three hundred silver pieces or more
People who are hungry, people who are starving
Matter more than your feet and hair
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you, oh, don't you know
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine
And we want you to sleep well tonight
If we try we'll get by so forget all about us tonight
Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes
Surely, you're not saying we have the resources
To save the poor from their lot?
There will be poor always, pathetically struggling -
Look at the good things you're got
Think! While you still have me
More! While you still see me
You'll be lost and you'll be so sorry when I'm gone
Sleep and I shall soothe you, clam you, and anoint you
Myrrh for your hot forehead, oh, then you'll feel
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine
And it's cool and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your head and feet
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And relax think of nothing tonight
Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax
Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes

This Jesus must die.

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