Chantelle ran over to him and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before returning to Emily, where she clearly seemed more comfortable.
Of all the motherly tasks Emily had had to do in the last twenty-four hours, this was the most nerve-wracking for her. She tucked the little girl into the large four-poster bed in the room next to the master, tucking her teddy from the parade in beside her and Andy Pandy on the other side.
“Would you like a bedtime story?” Emily asked Chantelle. Her father had always read to her at night; she wanted to recreate that magic for Chantelle.
The little girl nodded, her sleepy eyes already beginning to droop.
Emily ran down to the library and found her old copy of Alice in Wonderland . It had been a favorite of hers as a kid, and when she’d found the old, dusty copy in the house when she’d first arrived she’d been overwhelmed. It made her happy to know she could give the book a new lease on life and bring the joy contained within its pages to someone new.
She took the book back upstairs and sat in a chair beside the bed, just like her father used to do. As she began to read, Emily felt memories swirl up inside of her. Her own voice transformed into her father’s as she felt herself being transported back in time.
She was tucked in bed, the blankets up to her armpits. The room was lit with candlelight. She could see the banisters of the mezzanine ahead of her and realized she was in the huge room at the back of the house, the room she and Charlotte shared. Though she was fighting to stay awake, to keep listening to the wonderful story her father was reading, her eyelids were beginning to feel heavy and droop. A moment later she became aware of the darkness enveloping her and the sound of her father’s footsteps as he climbed down the mezzanine ladder and headed for the door. There was a burst of light from the landing as he opened the door, then a voice saying, “Are they sleeping?” Emily wondered whose voice it was. She didn’t recognize it. It wasn’t her mom’s because she’d stayed in New York. But before she had a chance to mull it over any longer, she fell asleep.
Emily startled back to the present moment. The room was in darkness now, the full moon outside providing a soft light. There was a blanket on her knees. She must have fallen asleep while reading and Daniel had put it there.
In the bed before her, Chantelle was snoring softly. Emily stood, her body aching from being on the chair for so long. She really needed to fall asleep in an actual bed at some point!
As she walked to the door, she wondered about the memory, about the mysterious voice she had heard speaking to her father. Unraveling the mystery of her father’s disappearance was something Emily had been working toward since arriving at the house. But now with Chantelle here, her mind was occupied with other things. She wanted to look forward and plan for the future, not backward at a past that had already ceased to be.
As she closed Chantelle’s door behind her and wandered down the corridor, Emily wondered what her new life would bring, what it would look like now that she had a family. She’d surprised herself by how much she’d enjoyed the day, by how content it had made her feel, and how accomplished. Each of the little moments when Chantelle had sought out comfort from her felt like a victory. Her only worry was Daniel. He hadn’t taken as naturally to the whole thing. He’d need more time.
Just as she was thinking these thoughts, she reached the large window at the top of the staircase. Outside it was very dark, the moon a stark white and the stars twinkling. There was little light to see by, but there was enough for Emily to make out Daniel standing beside his motorbike. Emily watched, her joy quickly turning to anguish as he placed his helmet on, mounted the bike, and sped off along the driveway and out of sight.
Emily stood on the porch, looking out anxiously for Daniel’s return. She twisted her hands as her worst fears swirled in her mind. Daniel had promised not to do this, not to drive off on his motorbike without telling her. If he was breaking that promise, could it be because he was running out on them? Had his day with Chantelle been so difficult on him that he’d decided to abandon her in Emily’s care? She didn’t want to think such terrible thoughts, she wanted to trust him, but he’d let her down like this before.
Emily held onto the doorframe to steady herself, her breath coming in short pants. When Daniel had first returned it had felt like he was a soldier returning from war. Now, as Emily waited for him with a heavy pit growing in her abdomen, she felt like she was waiting for that soldier once again.
Just then she picked up on the sound of the motorcycle’s engine in the distance. She strained to hear, her hope spiking. The sound grew louder and louder until she was convinced that it was indeed Daniel returning home. She squeezed her eyes shut with relief and exhaled the breath she’d been holding.
The motorcycle rounded the corner and drove up the driveway toward her, catching her in its headlights, making her squint. Then it pulled to a halt. The engine cut out and silence enveloped them.
Emily rushed down the steps as Daniel pulled of his helmet. “You’re awake,” he said with a grin. “I wasn’t sure if you were down for the night.” Then his smile disappeared as he caught Emily’s expression.
“You jerk,” she barked. “Where have you been?”
Daniel frowned. “I went to get gas. I’ve been gone like fifteen minutes.”
“You can’t do that,” Emily shouted. “Take off like that. I had no idea where you were.”
“I’m sorry,” Daniel stammered. “You’d fallen asleep. I thought I’d just quickly get gas.”
Emily took another deep breath, trying to calm herself. She felt Daniel wrap his arms around her shoulders.
“You can’t disappear on me like that,” Emily gasped. “Okay?”
“Okay,” he said into the crown of her head. “I get it. I’m sorry.”
They stayed like that, holding one another under the moon and stars, for a long, long time.
“I’m not going to leave you, Emily,” Daniel said finally. “You have to trust me.”
“You don’t always make it easy to,” Emily replied, pulling out of his embrace.
“I know,” Daniel agreed. “But I’m not going anywhere. I moved in with you, remember?”
Emily nodded. It was proof of his commitment, but it didn’t fully comfort her.
Daniel continued. “And while I was on my ride I was thinking about the carriage house, about how we can make it a self-contained vacation house like you wanted. I’ll do the work myself, as a thank you for everything you’ve done for me and Chantelle.”
Emily started to feel herself warm up again, the anguish that had built up starting to finally melt away.
“It will be a great source of income for you,” Daniel added. “Then when Chantelle’s a teenager we could let her use it, give her some space away from her boring mom and dad.”
His words struck a chord deep within Emily. Daniel hadn’t been able to project their relationship further ahead than a few months at a time. Now he was talking in decades. He was referring to her as the “mom.” For the first time, he was truly seeing them as a unit, as two halves of a team.
But as Daniel and Emily lay in one another’s arms in bed that night, Emily’s fears flickered in her mind over and over again. Daniel’s little stunt with the motorcycle had reawakened her long-held fear of abandonment. Just a few weeks ago she was planning on a life without Daniel. Now suddenly he seemed committed to her. Could he really switch like that, so seamlessly, so quickly? And was it really because he’d realized how important their relationship was to him?
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