When Cam tried to answer, her voice broke on a sob. For so many months before Blair had come into her life, she had kept the pain at bay by immersing herself in work and unemotional sex. Now, when she had finally found happiness, the peace was threatened by forces she did not know how to fight. She was breaking, and she didn't know how to stop it. Desperate, she clung to Blair and fought for breath.
For the first time in her life, Blair understood that the essence of love was the solace that one gave in the dark of the night when the terror and uncertainty and ghosts of old heartache were the strongest. Holding her lover in a grip so firm it might have been painful if it hadnt been so essential, she whispered fiercely, "I love you, baby. I love you."
Eventually, Cam's head cleared and the fist that had squeezed the air from her lungs and threatened to stop the blood in her veins relinquished its hold, and she pushed away onto her back, gasping. "God, I'msorry. I have no idea what happened."
"Are you all right?" Blair murmured, her own breath tight in her chest. Blindly, she found Cam's hand and squeezed.
"Yes. Just a nightmare-the kind you have when you're awake."
"Ive had them," Blair said quietly. "You make them stop."
"So do you". Cam turned on her side and brushed her fingers over Blair's face, stroking her neck and shoulders. "Thank you."
When they kissed, it was with thanks as well as desire. Cam shifted until her thigh nestled between Blair's legs and groaned faintly as Blair pressed into her. "I need you, Blair."
As she leaned down to kiss her again, the phone rang. Cam pulled away, cursing.
"Easy, lover". Blair patted Cam's cheek and laughed a little unsteadily. "Ordinarily I'd ignore it, but I think we'd better answer that."
"I take a rain check then," Cam whispered and kissed her quickly.
"You bet you will."
Reluctantly, Cam moved away and Blair reached for the phone.
"Blair Powell...give us 10 minutes."
Suddenly wide awake, she hung up and pushed back the sheets.
"Time for a shower, Commander. Felicia says she has what we need."
Lucinda Washburn looked up from the stack of papers and studied Blair unblinkingly. "How many people know about this?"
Across from her, Blair, dressed in jeans and the light cotton sweater she had traveled in, said, "Five federal agents."
"Jesus," Lucinda muttered. "That's a security nightmare."
"No, it isn't," Blair assured her. "No one is going to say anything to anyone."
"You trust them all?"
Blair laughed at the irony, thinking of all they'd been through together. "With my life."
"As I understand it," Lucinda began, rifling through the pages, "one of the senior senators has been gathering intelligence on private citizens and politicians, including the President of the United States, ostensibly to plan campaign strategy and possibly influence lobbyists, voters, and party officials-using federal agents and resources. Is that what youre telling me?"
"Pretty much". Blair shrugged. "I don't really knowwhat his intentions were, but the transmissions we intercepted clearly indicate unofficial surveillance being carried out by some members of the FBI, with that information being routed to Senator Wallace and at least one person at Justice."
"And who tipped you to this?"
"Anonymous." She would not reveal AJ's role. She wasn't even certain that her old friend hadn't been an active part of the operation, and if she had been, Blair had no desire to see AJs career torpedoed. "When the photo of Cam and me leaked to the press, we started digging, and this is what we found."
"Pretty lucky," Lucinda observed wryly, her voice making it clear that she knew there was more to it than Blair was revealing. "As it stands, the use of wire-taps and electronic surveillance in the investigation of private citizens who are not suspected ofanything violates any number of federal laws, not to mention the campaign irregularities if Wallace tries to capitalize on any of this."
"That's why I brought it to you," Blair said quietly. "If it doesn't involve Dad now, it might next year. And there are plenty of other names in that file who are on his reelection team or who are big supporters."
"That's not all," Lucinda said, something close to distaste in her voice, as she slid one of the pages from the pile and held it up. "Here we have a list of clients of an escort service. This looks suspiciously like the basis for blackmail, and that's getting a little far afield from campaign violations."
"We don't know that anyone has actually been blackmailed.Coerced might be a better word."
"Thats a fine distinction," Lucinda pointed out.
"I know-but if we...uh, you...put an end to this now, it won't ever reach that point."
"The only good thing," Lucinda remarked dryly, "is that they weren't particularly selective in their surveillance. We've got one federal judge, two Congressmen, and a cabinet member-and they all cross party lines. That will give me leverage on both sides of the fence."
Lucinda pushed the papers away, watching Blair carefully as she spoke. "This is serious, but it can all be handled without going public-and I think that's for the best."
"I don't have any desire to air Washington's soiled linens on prime time TV," Blair said sharply.
"But you brought this to me for a reason." She held up a hand when Blair started to explain. "Oh, I know-you're concerned about your father's political future. I believe you. So am I. What else do you want?"
"I want the Justice investigation into my security chief called off. It never should have gotten as far as it has, but someone is pushing buttons in Treasury or Justiceor both, and I know at least one of those people is involved in this undercover operation."
Lucinda's eyes flicked to the stack of documents. "Yourchiefs name is on the escort list."
Blair never blinked. "I know that. It has nothing to do with her job performance, and it has nothing to do with our relationship. The Justice inquest was instigated by someone with a personal ax to grind with her. I want it to stop."
Leaning back in her chair, Lucinda gazed at some point across the room, clearly mentally sorting options. "You know," she said contemplatively, "most people believe that the currency of government is the almighty dollar, but it isn't. Its favors. I hold IOUs on a lot of people. I dont mind using some of them to clear this up, because it's going to save me a lot of trouble down the road to shut this down right now."
The anxiety that had churned in Blair's stomach since she had called Lucinda from the plane on the way to DC to ask for an emergency early morning briefing began to abate. "It will have to be soon in order to help Cam."
"Oh, it will be," Lucinda said. "But I'll expect something in return."
Blair's eyes narrowed. "And what would that be?"
"That you keep a lid on your relationship with Agent Roberts-at least until after the nominations. No statements, no public acknowledgements, and no more public displays of affection."
Blair should her head. "No. You said it yourself-if I hadn't brought this information to you, you might have found yourself in a very difficult nomination race against Wallace next year. I'd say we're even."
"You should consider politics."
"Not in this lifetime. I'll tell you what, though," Blair conceded. "I promise if I make any public statement about my personal life I'll give you fair warning so Aaron will be prepared to handle the press corps."
"It sounds like you're already planning something. I'd like the details now."
"Actually, that's something I'd rather discuss with my father."
Blair rose and walked toward the door. As she reached for the handle, she turned back and said, "Thanks for the help."
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