Hayden unclenched his fists. “How is it we can do anything but stop the pain of others?”
“I have no answer for you. I’m just thankful we have a Druid with strong healing magic. Without Sonya we’d have already lost Malcolm, Larena, Quinn, and Marcail.”
Hayden looked down at his palms that were already healed. “I’ve taken so many lives without a second thought.”
“They were Warriors and wyrran of Deirdre’s, Hayden. That doesn’t count.”
“Doesn’t it?” he asked. “I’ve spilled so much blood. And the droughs I killed? Who am I to ask that someone be spared?”
Broc inhaled a deep breath. “What right does anyone have, yet everyone asks. If Isla can be helped, she’s at the right place.”
Hayden prayed he was right. His stomach churned each time he thought about having to take Isla’s head. How many droughs had he killed? He’d lost count, it was so many.
“Have you finally admitted to yourself that you care for Isla?” Broc asked.
Hayden glanced over to find Broc’s dark brown gaze on him. “Has it been that obvious?”
“To everyone.”
“Aye, I’ve admitted it to myself. And now, to you.”
“Does Isla know?”
Hayden shook his head. “Things have a way of getting out of control when I’m around her. She spins me about so that I cannot get my bearings.”
“Ah,” was all Broc said understanding laced through that one sound.
“I never wanted this.”
“Those who seek it rarely find it. It’s those who doona want it that it comes to them easily.”
Hayden thought on Broc’s words long after the Warrior had departed the tower.
Isla just wanted to be left alone. Now that she was out of the sun she could try and turn her mind to other things to help with the pain.
“Tell me where it hurts?” Sonya coaxed.
Isla would rather ignore her, but Sonya was persistent. She wouldn’t leave until she had attempted to help Isla. “It began in my temples and now has gone down into my neck.”
Sonya’s cool fingers lifted Isla’s braid and softly rubbed the back of her neck. “Does your head ache often?”
“But it does happen?”
Isla didn’t want anyone to guess that Deirdre was the cause of it. Isla wasn’t even sure herself, which is why she wanted to be left alone to think about it. “Occasionally.”
“I’m going to try and heal you now,” Sonya said.
Isla kept her eyes squeezed shut. Even without the sunlight, the candles that blazed to allow the others to see caused her head to throb more.
Every time someone so much as bumped the bed she had to bite back a moan of pain. She didn’t want anyone, especially Hayden, to see just how badly she hurt.
Sonya’s magic began to flow over Isla, the feel of it beautiful and sweet. It was strong and pure. Isla felt as if tree limbs were softly brushing over her, soothing her. It was an illusion of Sonya’s magic that only other Druids would be able to detect, but it was lovely and did help to calm her.
It was just a moment later that Isla felt more magic. This time it was earthy and like a root that coiled around her giving healing energy. Cara, Isla realized.
Together the Druids did their best to take away the ache in Isla’s head, but they could only manage to diminish it somewhat. It was enough that Isla was able to open her eyes, though.
“Save your magic,” she told Sonya and Cara. “I just need to rest.”
Isla heard Hayden bark Marcail’s name. A moment later Marcail knelt beside the bed, her head even with Isla’s. “Nay,” Isla said. “Don’t.”
“Shh,” Marcail whispered. “I won’t take away the pain, though I would if you would allow me.”
“It might harm your child.”
Marcail smiled, a smile full of love and wisdom. “I feel my child’s magic already. I don’t think it would hurt the babe.”
“Nay,” she said again.
“As I thought you would say. If you won’t let me take the pain, there is something you could try. Your have more magic than any of us here, so if anyone can do this, you can.”
Isla felt a cool cloth on her forehead. “What is it?”
“When I do take someone’s emotions, I have to let my magic surround me. If I don’t, the emotions could very well kill me.”
“I knew it,” Isla heard Quinn grind out from somewhere in the tower.
Marcail didn’t break eye contact with Isla. “Call your magic and let it fill you, let it protect you.”
“And you think this will make the pain stop?”
“It helps to lessen my illness when I take emotions.”
It was worth a try at least. “Can you have everyone leave?”
“Of course.” Marcail rose to her feet. “Isla needs to be alone.”
Cara wiped Isla’s face once more. “I’ll be back in a wee bit to check on you.”
Isla smiled and let her eyes shut.
“I’m not leaving,” Hayden said tightly.
Elation swept through Isla. His presence comforted her as nothing else could. She caught Cara’s hand before she could leave. “He can stay.”
Cara’s smile was slow as it spread across her face. “Fallon. Quinn. Leave Hayden. Isla has asked that he be allowed to stay.”
Cara’s fingers squeezed Isla’s for a moment before she walked away. It wasn’t long before the door closed. Isla had her back to the door so she didn’t know where Hayden was, and she feared turning over would cause more pain.
“None of it helped, did it?”
His voice was warm, deep, and soft as it drifted to her. “A little.”
She wanted to feel his arms around her again, to have his strength surround her. It had felt so good to be carried by him. Hayden had sheltered her from the sun and protected her as much as he could. He might say he didn’t care, but she knew he did. Deep down, he did.
And that was the problem. He did care. For a drough . Though he wanted to despise her, to shun her, she had heard the worry in his voice, felt the tenderness in his hands.
If she died right then, it all would have been enough. She had known the warmth of a skilled lover, the gentleness of a fierce Warrior. And it had all been for her alone.
Isla’s heart swelled with the knowledge.
Isla wanted Hayden beside her. She wanted to feel his touch, his warmth. As if he had heard her silent plea, he loomed beside the bed staring down her.
“What can I do?” he asked.
“Hold me.”
His brow puckered. “I doona want to hurt you.”
“Your touch soothes, Hayden. I need you.”
She didn’t have to tell him twice. He kicked off his boots before he gently removed her shoes. He walked around the bed and crawled in behind her.
Isla sighed contentedly when he molded his body to hers. His warm breath fanned her neck, and he laid his arm next to hers as it draped her stomach.
“Is it Deirdre?” he asked.
“I’m not sure.” And she didn’t lie. “Before, when Deirdre would take over, the pain was blinding, but it never lasted long.”
His fingers intertwined with hers. “So this is different. A result of Deirdre’s loss of magic?”
“She didn’t lose all her magic. You need to remember that. But, aye, it could be.”
“Your shield? Would that hinder her?”
“If her magic was weak it could distort it.”
He sighed and tightened his arm around her. “I want to help.”
“You are. More than you know.” She thought of Grania, of how her niece had died, and she found she wanted to tell Hayden. “I’ve something to tell you.” “What?”
“You know the little girl Fallon found in Cairn Toul?”
She felt his head nod. “Aye. That was Grania.”
“It was. While Deirdre was occupied fighting you, I went to Grania. I had already seen Lavena and knew nothing could help her, but I thought I could take Grania away.” His hand smoothed the hair away from the side of her face. “What happened?”
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