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Emily McKay: The Lair

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Emily McKay The Lair

The Lair: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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In the battle against the vampiric Ticks, humanity was slowly but certainly headed for extinction. For months, twin sisters Lily and Mel had been �quarantined” with thousands of other young people being harvested for their blood—food for the Ticks. Finally escaping with a few friends, the twins are separated—and must continue the fight on their own . . . After making it to a resistance base camp in Utah, Lily learned to survive at all costs. But when a Tick attack decimates the fighters, Lily and her pregnant friend, McKenna, decide to make the hard trek north to Canada—and safety. Meanwhile, Mel is being taught how to survive by the very vampire that turned her. Living without her sister is hard, but dealing with the fact that her autism was cured by the vampire bite is an even bigger challenge. But when a monstrous betrayal places Lily in mortal danger, Mel must set out to find her, save her, and begin to unravel the empire of destruction that the Ticks have built.

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I never thought it would be easy to rescue teens off Farms and form a rebellion. To track down and kill Roberto, the vampire behind it all. To find and rescue Lily and keep her safe. I didn’t expect it to be easy, but I thought it would be possible. I thought I could do it.

I hate it when I’m wrong.

I didn’t know how wrong I was until Lily, McKenna, and I finally made it to Base Camp after what had to be the worst road trip since the Donner party. A little over a week ago, Sebastian and I had rescued Lily; her twin sister, Mel; and McKenna and her boyfriend, Joe, from a Farm in north Texas. And, yeah, only three of us were left by the time we made it to Base Camp.

Base Camp was located in an abandoned underground storage facility snuggled up under the mountains in Utah. The human rebellion operated out of Base Camp. There were less than two hundred of us: the forty-three guys I’d fought with when the Ticks attacked Elite Military Academy, plus another sixty or so kids we’d since rescued from Farms. Sometimes Sebastian was with us; sometimes not. But he didn’t really count as a human anyway.

Getting to Base Camp was hell. Not just the part where Ticks were trying to rip out our hearts or even the part where the deranged Dean had tracked us across the country. Once all the bad shit was over, the actual driving sucked, too. Even though it was unseasonably warm, there was still ice on the roads. Very little, thank God, or we wouldn’t have been able to drive, even in the Hummer we’d picked up in Nebraska.

Since I knew the way, I did all the driving myself, letting McKenna rest in the back, while Lily curled in the front seat beside me. It was peaceful, somehow, but I knew it wouldn’t last.

Base Camp was supposed to be safe.

We rolled into Base Camp around mid-afternoon. Normally, the fenced parking lot outside the old storage facility was bustling with activity during the day. When you live inside a mountain with minimal electricity, you spent as much time as possible outside, even when it’s cold.

I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw what was left of the fence. When I’d left to go find Lily, the fence had encased the entire parking lot. It wasn’t electrified—we didn’t have the solar panels to operate that kind of thing anyway—but it was topped with razor wire and nothing had gotten through it in the time we’d lived there. Now, a swath big enough to drive a semi through was torn out and peeled back. Like someone had sliced open a sardine can. Something had gotten past Base Camp’s first layer of defense.

I stopped the Hummer about twenty feet shy of the gate and left the keys in the ignition. “I’m going to go in first. See what’s going on.” I shot Lily a look. She was frowning as she looked through the front windshield. It didn’t take a genius to figure out this wasn’t exactly the safe haven I’d led her to expect.

She cocked her head. “Maybe everyone’s just inside?”

“On a warm day like this? Everyone should be outside. We don’t have the electricity to power the lights during the day. At the very least, everyone with KP duty should be out in the yard, cooking.” I pointed to the two oversized garage doors set in to the mountainside. They led into the loading dock and were big enough to drive a train through. The tracks went a hundred yards into the storage area. Beside the two bay doors was a simple steel door, which led in to the office area of Underground United, the storage company from the Before. “At the very least, those doors should be open. Besides, when I left, this fence was intact.”

I didn’t mention the stretch of dirt on the far southern side of the parking lot. Just outside the fence, but away from the tree line was a round spot where the snow had been cleared. Or where a funeral pyre had melted it.

Even though I didn’t say this aloud, Lily’s gaze seemed to follow my own.

She looked back at me. “I don’t like this. I’ll wake up McKenna. We should all go in together.”

McKenna had been asleep in the backseat for the past several hours. No one would have blamed her for bailing on the rebellion. She was six months’ pregnant. But even though I’d offered—over and over again—to drive her up to Canada in search of some last outpost of civilization, she’d refused. She wanted to come to Base Camp. If her boyfriend, Joe, was alive out there somewhere, he would be heading for Utah, so that’s where she wanted to be. Which was all well and good, but that didn’t mean I wanted to put a pregnant girl at risk.

“No,” I whispered. “I should go in by myself. I can move faster on my own if things go bad.” Then, because Lily didn’t like being ordered around, and I didn’t blame her, I asked, “Do you mind staying here?”

She seemed to think about it for a minute. I sure as hell wouldn’t wait in the car while she went in. Lily could take care of herself, but I was hoping she’d want to stay to take care of McKenna. Finally she nodded.

“I’ll stay here.” Then she looked up at me with real fear in her eyes. “But, Carter, if things do go bad, I’m driving straight through the fence and coming after you.”

And this . . . this was why I loved her.

Lily had never backed away from a fight in her life. She scared the hell out of me, but there was no one I wanted on my side more.

She leaned forward, and I couldn’t resist slipping my hand behind her neck to pull her in for a kiss. Her hair was soft against the back of my hand and her breath warm on my mouth. She tasted like cinnamon and hope. And fear. Yeah, there was always a hint of fear mixed in there. That was the world we lived in, but here in the car, with the craziness locked outside, I could almost block out everything else. I could almost believe that it was going to be okay. That I would be able to keep her safe and that we’d be able to make a difference. Almost.

A moment later, I was out of the car, slipping between the jagged edges of the chain-link fence to walk across the vast, open space of the yard with only a hunting knife in the sheath at my boot and a Glock pressing into the small of my back.

I skirted around the edge of the yard and approached the door to the office. Just outside the door, I pressed the sole of my boot to the rock, so I could pull out the knife without bending over or taking my eyes off the woods. I left the gun where it was. Unless you had enough bullets to take down a bull elephant, guns didn’t do a lot of good against Ticks. I couldn’t hear anything from my side of the door. I raised my hand to the steel and tapped out the first five beats of “Shave and a Hair Cut.” I held my breath, waiting for the next two beats. Nothing.

For one endlessly long moment, there was zilch.

What if that was it? What if Base Camp was just gone? What if I’d rescued Lily, dragged her halfway across the country, and got her sister turned into a vampire all on the promise that there was a rebellion to join, only to find out that it had been wiped out?

I was good at talking my way out of almost anything. At bluffing. But even I couldn’t bluff my way through this. If Base Camp was gone, we were screwed.

I returned my knife to its sheath and pulled out my lock picks. A voice from behind me said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

A voice I recognized. Thank God.

I slowly turned around to see Eddie Mercado, one of the guys I’d gone to the Elite Military Academy with, pointing a rifle at my chest. I nearly laughed. “What are you going to do, Merc? Shoot me?”

Merc studied me cautiously. He didn’t look pissed off or angry. Not the way you’d expect from a guy who wasn’t lowering his rifle. Instead he looked nervous. Maybe even a little afraid, something I’d never seen before. He’d told me once that his mother was black and his father was Cuban, but I’d always suspected there was a little rino in there somewhere, too. The guy was just that tough. I could fight him, but there was no way I could win. Certainly not when he was the one with the rifle.

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