iPad и неизбежные перемены
Swisher Kara, Mossberg Walt. Apple CEO Steve Jobs at D8: The Full, Uncut Interview. D8 Conference: All Things Digital. Rancho Palo Verdes, CA. 2010. June 1–3. URL:
iPad как предшественник iPhone
Swisher Kara, Mossberg Walt. Apple CEO Steve Jobs at D8: The Full, Uncut Interview. D8 Conference: All Things Digital. Rancho Palo Verdes, CA. 2010. June 1–3. URL:
Levy Steven. Apple Computer Is Dead; Long Live Apple // Newsweek. 2007. January 9. URL:
iPod Nano
Apple Keynote Address at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater. San Francisco. 2006. September 12 // Goldman Jim. CNBC Business News. URL:
iPod Touch
Pogue David. Steve Jobs on Amazon and Ice Cream // New York Times: Bits. 2009. September 9. URL:
Apple Keynote Address at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater. San Francisco. 2006. September 12 // Apple SpecialEvent[Sep12,2006] .1/6.YouTubeVideo,12:46. URL:
Curriculum Vitae Стива Джобса
URL: https://www.me.com; см. также: URL: http://100legends.blogspot.com/2011/01/steve-jobs-resume.html
Завет Стива Джобса компании Apple
Lubenow Gerald C., Rogers Michael. Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall // Newsweek. 1985. September 29. URL:
Годовое жалованье Стива Джобса (1 дол.)
MarsalKatie. Jobs: «I make fifty cents just for showing up» // Apple Insider. 2007. May 10. URL:
http://www.applein-sider.com/articles/07/05/10/jobs_i_make_fifty_cents_ just_for_showing_up.html
Не оглядываясь на прошлое
Levy Steven. 25 Years of Mac: From Boxy Beige to Silver Sleek // Wired. 2008. № 17.01. December 22. URL:
Сложности жизни
Arthur Charles. Steve Jobs: The Guru Behind Apple // Independent: Science. 2005. October 29. URL:
Утрата рыночной ниши
Voice of the Innovators: The Seed of Apple’s Innovation // Bloomberg Businessweek. 2004. October 12. URL:
Потеря денег
Linzmayer Owen W. Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World’s Most Colorful Company. San Francisco: No Starch Press, 2004.
Утраченные возможности
Brier David. Like Life, Branding Needs Vision Too // Fast Company. 2009. August 11. URL:
Mac Cube
Macworld Expo. New York City. 2000.
Официальное представление компьютера Macintosh
Apple Special Event for the Macintosh. 1984. January.
Завет «Мака»
Morrow Daniel. Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories. Interview with Steve Jobs. Conducted at NeXT Computer Corporate HQ. 1995. April 20. URL:
Дерзкое заявление
Steve Kemper. Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos Meet «Ginger» // Code Name Ginger. Harvard Business School. Working Knowledge for Business Leaders. 2003. June 16. URL:
…Моя мечта состоит в том …
Sculley John, Byrne John A. Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple: A Journey of Adventure, Ideas, and the Future. New York: HarperCollins, 1987.
…Проблема заключается в конкуренции с пиратами…
Media Interview. Apple Expo Paris. 2005. September 20.
Инновационный дефицит в компании Microsoft
…Компании Microsoft не хватает вкуса…
Triumph of the Nerds. Transcript from the television program. PBS. Airdate: 1996. June. URL:
…К сожалению, я не верю в то …
Goodell Jeff. Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview // Rolling Stone. 1994. № 684. June 16. URL:
Недальновидность компании Microsoft
Lohr Steve. Creating Jobs: Apple’s Founder Goes Home Again // New York Times Magazine. 1997. January 12. URL:
Подмена ценностей
Sheff David. Playboy Interview: Steven Jobs // Playboy. 1985. February.
D8 Conference: All Things Digital. Rancho Palo Verdes, CA. 2010. June 1–3.
…Инновации не связаны с тем…
Kirkpatrick David, Maroney Tyler. The Second Coming of Apple Through a Magical Fusion of Man – Steve Jobs– and Company, Apple Is Becoming Itself Again: The Little Anticompany That Could // CNNMoney/Fortune. 1998. November 9. URL: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1998/11/09/250834/index.htm
…Когда мне исполнилось 23 года …
Triumph of the Nerds. Transcript from the television program. PBS. Airdate: 1996. June. URL:
Мотивация персонала
…В большинстве компаний …
Sheff David. Playboy Interview: Steven Jobs // Playboy. 1985. February.
…В основе компьютера Macintosh …
Macworld. 1984. № 1. February. URL:
…Что тебе интереснее…
Sculley John, Byrne John A. Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple: A Journey of Adventure, Ideas, and the Future. New York: HarperCollins, 1987.
…Лучше пойти в пираты…
Sculley John, Byrne John A. Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple: A Journey of Adventure, Ideas, and the Future. New York: HarperCollins, 1987.
…Можно потратить миллиарды долларов…
Booth Cathy, Jackson David S., Marchant Valerie. Steve’s Job: Restart Apple // Time. 1997. August 18. URL:
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