diversification 67, 68, 95, 106, 156, 253-6, 302
older people, employing 93-7
focus on green sector 116, 274
focus of 68
management structure, decentralised 60, 156
name 13
rationale behind approach of 44
Stars of the Year dinner 90, 259
‘stick to what you know’ and 68
vertical disintegration 156, 253-4
see also under individual company/subsidiary name
Virgin Limited Edition 317
Virgin Media 189, 190, 246, 250, 294
Virgin Megastores 58-9, 206, 235-6
Virgin Mobile 37, 68, 151, 189, 210, 246, 250, 255
Virgin Money 23, 39, 61-2, 100, 201, 207, 210, 243-4, 281, 308
credit card 61-2, 293
Giving 210
London Marathon and 308
Northern Rock and see Northern Rock
Virgin Saver 62
Virgin Music 56, 58-9, 125, 206, 235-6, 291-2 see also Virgin Records
Virgin Pulse 197-8
Virgin Rail 137
Virgin Records 236, 237, 254, 29, 320
birth of 150, 226, 302
communication and 167-8
delegation in 72-3
first shop 57
handshake deals 278-9
sale of 284
small size as an advantage 32
staff 16-17
Virgin Retail 235
Virgin Trains 19, 138, 139, 245
Virgin Unite 29, 179, 209-10, 307, 312, 328
Virji, Shezad 106
visible, be 12-13, 27, 91, 316
Voyager 180
walkabout, manager/CEO 134-6, 166-8, 202
Walsh, Willie 116
Warner Brothers Records 129
Warren, Doug 206
water 147, 211, 274, 275-6, 310
Wax, Ruby 7
‘we’ and ‘they’ 52-5
weakest link, the 22-5
web-based businesses 129-33
websites 76-8, 129, 248, 249
West Coast Main Line 137, 304
Westpac Banking Corporation 61
work-life balance 96, 241, 289-92, 306, 308, 314-17
Williamson, Phil 259-60
wind energy 147, 275
Zuckerberg, Mark 164
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