Harry Turtledove - Striking the Balance

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At the bloody height of World War II, the deadliest enemies in all of human history were forced to put aside their hatreds and unite against an even fiercer foe: a seemingly invincible power bent on world domination. With awesome technology, the aggressors swept across the planet, sowing destruction as Tokyo, Berlin, and Washington, D.C., were A-bombed into submission. Russia, Nazi Germany, Japan, and the United States were not easily cowed, however. With cunning and incredible daring, they pressed every advantage against the invader's superior strength, and, led by Stalin, began to detonate their own atom bombs in retaliation. City after city explodes in radioactive firestorms, and fears grow as the worldwide resources disappear; will there be any world left for the invaders to conquer, or for the uneasy allies to defend? While Mao Tse-tung wages a desperate guerrilla war and Hitler drives his country toward self-destruction, U.S. forces frantically try to stop the enemy's push from coast to coast. Yet in this battle to stave off world domination, unless the once-great military powers take the risk of annihilating the human race, they'll risk losing the war.

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Harry Turtledove

Striking the Balance



(Characters with names in CAPS are historical, others fictional)


ANIELEWICZ, MORDECHAI Jewish fighting leader, Lodz, Poland

Apfelbaum, Moisei Colonel Skriabin’s clerk, gulag near Petrozavodsk, USSR

Auerbach, Rance U.S. Army cavalry captain, Lamar, Colorado

Avram Partisan near Hrubieszow, Poland

Bagnall, George Flight engineer, Pskov, USSR

BeckWehrmacht captain, Riga, Latvia

BEGIN, MENACHEM Jewish guerrilla, Haifa, Palestine

Birkenfeld; Oskar Jewish Order Service policeman Lodz, Poland

Boleslaw Pole in Lodz, Poland

Borcke, MartinWehrmacht captain, Pskov, USSR

BRADLEY,OMAR U.S. Army lieutenant general, outside Denver

BROCKDORFF-AHLEFELDT, WALTER VONWehrmacht lieutenant general, Riga, Latvia

Casimir Partisan leader outside Hrubieszow, Poland

Chaim Jewish guard, Lodz, Poland

CHILL, KURTWehrmacht lieutenant general, Pskov, USSR

Daniels, Peter (“Mutt”) U.S. Army second lieutenant, Chicago

Dolger, HansWehrmacht captain and adjutant, Pskov, USSR

DONOVAN, WILLIAM (“WILDBILL”) U.S. Army major general, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Donskoi, Yakov Soviet interpreter, Cairo

Drucker, Johannes Panzer driver north of Lodz, Poland

Easter British Army colonel, Haifa, Palestine

EDEN, ANTHONY British foreign secretary

Embry, Ken RAF pilot, Pskov, USSR

Fleishman, Bertha Jewish fighter, Lodz, Poland

FritzWehrmacht ammunition hauler north of Lodz, Poland

Fyodorov, Ivan Soviet prisoner in transit

GERMAN, ALEKSANDR Partisan brigadier, Pskov, USSR

GODDARD, ROBERT Rocket scientist, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Goldfarb, David RAF radarman, Dover, England

Gorbunova, Ludmila Red Air Force senior lieutenant, Pskov, USSR

Grabowski U.S. Army corporal, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Grillparzer, GuntherWehrmacht gunner outside Lodz, Poland

GROVES, LESLIE U.S. Army brigadier general, Metallurgical Laboratory, Denver

Gruver, Solomon Jewish fighter, Lodz, Poland

Hanrahan U.S. Army captain, outside Fordyce, Arkansas

Hawkins U.S. Army lieutenant, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Hines, Rachel U.S. Army cavalry private, Lamar, Colorado

Hsia Shou-Tao Communist guerrilla leader, Peking

HULL, CORDELL President of the United States

Ignacy Partisan leader outside Warsaw

Irma Waitress, Lamar, Colorado

Jager, HeinrichWehrmacht panzer colonel outside Lodz, Poland

JoachimWehrmacht ammunition hauler north of Lodz, Poland

Jones, Jerome RAF radarman Pskov, USSR

Jordan, Constantine RAF flight lieutenant, Dover, England

Kagan, Max American nuclear physicist, north of Moscow

KapellmeisterWehrmacht major Kristianstand, Norway

Kaplan, Naomi Barmaid, White Horse Inn, Dover, England

Karol Farmer north of Lodz, Poland

KURCHATOV, IGOR Nuclear physicist, north of Moscow

Kurowski U.S. Army private, Chicago

Lidov, Boris NKVD colonel, Moscow

Liu Han Ex-peasant woman; guerrilla, Peking

Liu Mei Liu Han’s daughter

Logan Radioman near Fall Creek, Illinois

Magruder, Bill U.S. Army cavalry lieutenant, Lamar, Colorado

MAOTSE-TUNG Communist Party leader, Peking

Marchenko NKVD captain, gulag outside Petrozavodsk, USSR

MARSHALL, GEORGE U.S. Secretary of State

Mather, Donald Captain, SAS, Dover, England

Mavrogordato, Panagiotis Captain of the freighter Naxos

Maxi SS officer north of Lodz, Poland

McBride RAF flying officer, Dover, England

Mehier, Karl Panzer loader north of Lodz, Poland

Mendel Jewish guard, Lodz, Poland

Mieczyslaw Farmer north of Lodz, Poland

Mikhailov, Anton Zek in gulag near Petrozavodsk, USSR


Mori Japanese Army major, west of Peking

Muldoon, Herman U.S. Army sergeant, Chicago

NIEHHO-T’ING Guerrilla leader, Peking

Nussboym, David Political prisoner in transit

Osborne, Andy Guide near Karval, Colorado

Palchinsky, Yuri Guard, GULag near Petrozavodsk, USSR

PATTON, GEORGE U.S. Army lieutenant general near Fall Creek, Illinois

Peterson, Richard T echnician, Metallurgical Laboratory, Denver

Pirogova, Tatiana Red Army sniper, Pskov, USSR

Rasmussen U.S. Army lieutenant, Chicago

RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON German foreign minister

Rita Madam, Elgin, Illinois

Roundbush, Basil RAF flight lieutenant, Dover, England

Rudzutak, Stepan Gang boss in gulag near Petrozavodsk, USSR

Russie, Moishe Jewish leader, approaching Palestine

Russie, Reuven Moishe and Rivka Russie’s son

Russie, Rivka Moishe Russie’s wife

Saul Jewish guard, Lodz, Poland

Schultz, Georg German mechanic attached to Red Air Force, Pskov, USSR

Sholom Partisan outside Hrubieszow, Poland

SKORZENY, OTTO SS Standartenfuhrer, North of Lodz, Poland

Skriabin NKVD colonel, GULag outside Petrozavodsk, USSR

Smithson, Hayward U.S. Army major, Medical Corps, Karval, Colorado

STALIN, IOSEF General Secretary, Communist Party, USSR

Stefarnia Partisan outside Hrubieszow, Poland

STERN Jewish guerrilla leader, Jerusalem

Summers, Penny Refugee, Lamar, Colorado

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