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Matthew Skelton: Endymion Spring

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Matthew Skelton Endymion Spring

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Attractively packaged in an all-important shiny cover, and clocking in at just shy of 450 pages, Matthew Skelton's debut novel is a substantial and impressive addition to the oeuvre of modern children's books that many commentators say is undergoing something of a 'Golden Age'. Endymion Spring, feverishly sought after by many a publisher when it was completed and thrust forth upon the books community for acquisition, has catapulted its shy creator into a very large limelight. And it is attention richly deserved. It's a well-written book that impresses from the beginning. The author expertly interweaves two narratives with aplomb. The first tells of the adventures of 12-year-old Blake Winters, who is visiting Oxford with his academic mother and his kid sister, Duck. While their mum immerses herself in dusty academia, Blake feels trapped in the rarefied air of the college library until one day, while running his finger along a shelf, something pierces his finger, drawing blood. The biting book responsible is a battered old volume, with a strange clasp like a serpent's head―with real fangs. Printed on its front are two words: Endymion Spring. The second part of the story takes place in 1452, in medieval Mainz, the German city where Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press to use movable type. It's the tale of Gutenberg's young apprentice, and the sacrifices he makes to keep a precious, dangerous dragon book from falling into the wrong hands. The publishing industry loves a rags-to-riches story, and it hit the jackpot when Matthew Skelton, a penniless academic from Oxford, wrote a first novel that sold for huge sums of money. But Skelton has justified the investment in him by writing an intriguing, dramatic and suspenseful novel that cannot to fail to entertain all those who dare to pick it up. (Age 10 and over) – John McLay

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The porter let out a sigh as soon as the door was closed. "Goodness, Blake, they've been arriving all day, they have. From all over the world. I've been run off my feet. Who'd have thought so many people would be interested in a few books?"

Blake was gazing out of the window. He could see the Dutch scholar bending down to stroke Mephistopheles, who curled seductively around her legs, but Prosper Marchand was nowhere to be seen. An engine soon revved in the street, however, and roared into the distance.

Bob was a short, stocky man in his mid-fifties, with just a smudge of a mustache beneath his nose. His shirtsleeves had been rolled up to reveal a dragon tattoo on one wrist and a spinach-green anchor on the other. He rubbed his hands together and grinned at the boy. "Now then, Blake, what can I do for you?"

Blake glanced wistfully at the pigeonholes behind the counter. "Is there a letter for me?" he asked, suddenly feeling hesitant and shy.

Even though his dad made a point of calling them every evening, he wanted to receive a special letter — something personal, in writing — to help him make sense of their present situation. His parents were barely speaking to each other and he needed some assurance that everything would be all right.

The porter gave him a sympathetic smile. "I don't think so, but you never know. It's always worth another look."

While Bob bent down to check the slot that had been temporarily assigned to "Dr. Juliet Winters and Family," Blake busied himself by studying the tags on the suitcases near the door: Australia, India, Russia, Japan…People from all over the world were converging on the college for the conference, while his dad — the only person he really cared to see — was thousands of miles away. It wasn't fair. They would never be a family without him.

"Well, wouldn't you know it," said Bob, springing up again like a puppet. "There's something for you after all. How did it find its way in there.?"

He winked at Blake, whose heart leaped at the discovery. The boy grabbed the letter.

Almost immediately, he knew it was not from home. There were no airmail stripes on the envelope and the handwriting was too fussy and feminine to be from his father. A graphic designer, Christopher Winters had distinctive lettering that reminded Blake of circus animals in a procession: his Js swung their trunks like elephants and his Qs sat like fat owls on branches. Everything he touched turned into a work of art.

Blake frowned. This letter was addressed to "Dr. Juliet Somers & Child" and appeared to be an invitation to some formal engagement.

"Not what you wanted, eh?" said Bob, reading the look of disappointment on his face.

Blake didn't respond. He was having trouble swallowing. It didn't really surprise his that the envelope mentioned only one child — Duck was the obvious choice — but it upset him to think that his mother was using her maiden name here in Oxford. He wondered if there had been a mistake, but deep down he knew that she probably preferred it this way.

He glanced at the porter. "No, not really. But maybe tomorrow," he said, almost managing a smile.


"It's a reminder about the dinner tonight," said Juliet Winters, reading the letter. "You two are invited and so, it seems, is Sir Giles Bentley. He's the guest of honor."

Duck skipped ahead, pleased to know she would get a chance to show off to the college professors, but Blake lagged behind. He didn't want to go to a stuffy old dinner and meet yet more grown-ups who were either impressed with his mother's books or else astonished by Duck's intelligence. As usual, he would spend most of the time unnoticed. What's more, he didn't want to be introduced to anyone as Dr. Somers' kid. It surprised him that his mother hadn't mentioned it.

"It says only one child on the envelope," he tried. "Do I have to go?"

"Of course you do. It's simply an oversight or a misprint; you know how these things happen."

No, he didn't know how these things happened — but they seemed to happen to him an awful lot.

Juliet Winters noticed the skeptical expression on his face and waited for him to catch up. "The college understands perfectly well that I have two children," she said testily, putting an arm around him to speed him up. "Everyone will be expecting you to come, just as I'll be expecting you to be on your best behavior."

"Who is Giles Bentley?" asked Duck, skipping back to join them.

"Sir Giles," her mother corrected her, "was keeper of Books in the Bodleian Library for many years. He's retired now, but by all accounts is the same crotchety old curmudgeon he always was. I don't want you going anywhere near him."


"Because I said so."

Blake could tell that his mother didn't want to discuss the matter further, but Duck had already formed the next question on her lips."

"Why don't you like him so much?"

"Oh, Duck, if you really must know," said her mother, fighting to control her temper, "he interfered with some research your father and I were doing when we were students. He acquired an important manuscript we needed to consult, but refused to let us see it."

They were walking along a shady path near the back of the Fellows' Garden. At the sound of her voice a few timorous birds flew out from the undergrowth, shrilling their displeasure.

"It was an important document," she said more softly. "It could have made our careers. Yet still he kept it from us."


"Oh, I don't know!" She scowled at a fir tree leaning over the other plants. "Power, perhaps. Or greed. Sir Giles learned long ago that it was possible to make more money by purchasing rare books for his own collection than by sharing them with others."

Juliet Winters motioned them towards an old wooden door set into a mossy wall. Savage spikes jutted above it in an iron crown. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a set of keys.

"Sir Giles' decision set me back — who knows how long — years, probably," she said irritably. "It was all I could do to scrape my way back, but your father…well, he just gave up."

Blake was stunned. He was having a hard time imagining his parents agreeing on anything, let alone a research project, but now he wanted to know what they had hoped to accomplish. It sounded important.

His mother stabbed a key in the lock and twisted it. "I'd still like to get my hands on the manuscript," she said, forcing the door open with her shoulder.

They passed through onto a wide boulevard lined with trees that were gradually losing their leaves. Some had knobbly trunks with bumps and warts of wood; others jigsaws of gray and green bark. An old black-framed bicycle had been propped against a nearby post and Duck raced towards it. She couldn't resist ringing its bell. It let out a dry, rusty croak.

"What book was it?" asked Blake tactfully. "The book you wanted, I mean."

"It wasn't a book," said his mother, ushering them towards the end of the road, where Blake could see the dark silver dome and spires of the city center. "It was a manuscript belonging to a monk who lived in Oxford during the Middle Ages."

Blake stopped. "A monk?" he asked, remembering the mysterious book he had found in the library. It had looked hundreds of years old too. Perhaps the two were related?

A tremor of excitement crept through him.

"What was his name?"

"Ignatius," she said, much to his disappointment. His face fell. She regarded him curiously for a moment. "Why the sudden interest?"

Blake pretended to study a leaf floating belly up in a puddle. He could still feel the weight of the blank book in his hands; the memory haunted him. "No reason," he said, unwilling to divulge his discovery to anyone just yet.

His mother shrugged. "Well, it's a fascinating story. Ignatius claimed to have seen the Devil entering the city with a book of forbidden knowledge on his back. No one believed him, of course, and no one ever found the book. It's a piece of apocrypha really. But I was interested in it because of my research on Faust."

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