"One thing which might be mentioned,” said Cabot, “though you have doubtless noted it in most of your sister slaves, is that almost all of them have the bodies of the natural human female, in height, size, shape, and such."
"With the exciting slave curves of the natural woman,” said Peisistratus.
"The Gorean male,” said Cabot, “tends to find such women pleasing. They are the sort he wants in his collar, at his feet."
"They sell well,” said Peisistratus.
"Cargo the ships,” had called Peisistratus. His men had then carried various supplies aboard. Shortly thereafter, to the crack of a whip, the slaves had been herded aboard, to be put by one of the corridor bulkheads, to be chained in place before departure.
Another object had been loaded as well, a large cage, in which a mighty beast, snarling, wary, impatient, twisting and turning, paced angrily back and forth.
"Are you sure you wish to make this journey, Lord Grendel?” Cabot asked.
"Do not call me Lord Grendel any longer, dear friend,” said Lord Grendel. “Call me by the name of ‘Grendel’ alone, for that is the name of a monster, and I go where I shall not be “lord,” but, at best, a deformity, a beast."
"Remain in the world,” said Cabot. “Here you have prestige, and power."
"I must accompany the Lady Bina,” he said. “She may need me."
"She is a pretentious, treacherous, worthless ingrate,” said Cabot.
"She is very beautiful,” said Grendel.
"She does not care for you,” said Cabot. “She does not even respect you, despite all that you have risked and suffered for her. She loathes you. She despises you."
"Justifiably,” said Grendel, “for I am a monstrosity."
"Strip and collar her, and put her on a chain, here, on the world,” said Cabot. “Put her in a high collar, if you like, and keep her as a pet."
"No,” said Grendel. “She is a free woman."
"Where will you be disembarked?” asked Cabot.
"If all goes well,” said Grendel, “in the vicinity of Ar, perhaps Venna."
"Why is that?” asked Cabot.
"The Lady Bina has made inquiries,” he said. “She seems to feel that her ambitions might have their best play, the greatest scope for their activity, amongst the highest of the high cities."
"Venna is not a high city,” said Cabot.
"Ar, then,” said Grendel.
"You had best encourage her to veil herself, and well,” said Cabot.
"The Lady Bina is a free woman,” said Grendel. “She does as she pleases."
"Perhaps she hopes to catch the eye of a Ubar,” said Cabot.
"Perhaps,” said Grendel.
"There is no Ubar in Ar,” said Cabot.
"Then perhaps that of a high general, or wealthy merchant,” said Grendel, “until a Ubar may be found."
"She has no Home Stone,” said Cabot. “If she catches anyone's eye, she is likely to be seized and put naked in a pleasure garden."
"Thank you for the rubies which you have given us,” said Grendel.
"It is nothing,” said Cabot.
"Where will you be housed?” asked Cabot.
"With the crew,” said Grendel.
"I, too,” said Cabot. “And the Lady Bina will perhaps be chained in the corridor with the slaves?"
"The Lady Bina,” said Grendel, “will be cabined in the private quarters of Peisistratus, who will then share quarters with his officers. She is a free woman, and should be accorded privacy and luxury, at least such that the ship may afford. Peisistratus is amenable to this, as a personal favor to me."
"It is my understanding,” said Cabot, “that the ship, if it eludes the blockade of Priest-Kings, will make more than one landfall on Gor."
"It will elude the blockade,” said Grendel.
"How do you know that?” asked Cabot.
"I have spoken to Lord Zarendargar,” said Grendel, “four days ago, on the evening before he and his ships left. It has been arranged."
"How can that be?"
"There are intermediaries betwixt the Sardar and the worlds,” said Grendel.
"Initiates?” asked Cabot, skeptically.
"Certainly not,” said Grendel. “They have nothing, truly, to do with Priest-Kings. They merely inhale fumes, starve themselves, interpret dreams, and such, and think the Priest-Kings communicate with them."
"Many ships come and go on Gor,” said Cabot, “but the blockade is surely a standing danger."
"Not this time,” said Grendel. “The ship will have safe passage."
"Because of you,” said Grendel.
"I do not understand,” said Cabot.
"When you spoke with Lord Zarendargar, on the day of the great breakfast, that night, did he not speak to you of these things?"
"We spoke of many things,” said Cabot, “of war and weapons, of beasts and ships, of stratagems, of honor, of codes, and such, and we again drank paga."
"But you spoke not of the Sardar, of Priest-Kings, and their will?” said Grendel.
"No,” said Cabot.
"It seems then,” said Grendel, “that I have news to convey to you, which you may welcome."
"Speak,” said Cabot.
"No longer,” said Grendel, “are you outlawed by Priest-Kings. No longer are you to be hunted down by them. No longer need you fear the containers of the Prison Moon."
"How is this?"
"Agamemnon, and his ambitions, it seems, were of some concern in the Sardar,” said Grendel. “Lord Zarendargar made clear to the Sardar your refusal to accept his plans, and your role in his downfall."
"I did nothing by intent for the Sardar,” said Cabot. “I owe it nothing, lest it be the bitterest of enmities."
"I see,” said Grendel.
"In any event, I am pleased,” said Cabot.
"Do not be too soon pleased,” said Grendel.
"I understand,” said Cabot, “the outlawry lifted, that I am free to return to my holding, free to go where I will, and be as I will."
"Let us hope so,” said Grendel.
"I have a slave in Ar,” said Cabot, “whom I am thinking of reclaiming, and collaring."
"Interesting,” said Grendel.
"The Priest-Kings,” said Cabot, “have no more interest in me."
"Perhaps not,” said Grendel.
"Nor Kurii,” said Cabot.
"Let us hope not,” said Grendel.
"I am to be returned to Gor, am I not?” inquired Cabot.
"That is my understanding,” said Grendel. “Somewhere on Gor."
"Yes,” said Grendel.
"In the vicinity of Port Kar, surely,” said Cabot, “in the vicinity of my holding."
"That is not clear,” said Grendel.
"I do not understand,” said Cabot.
"Much is unclear,” said Grendel.
"Am I not free, if the outlawry is lifted, free to return to my holding, free to go where I will, and be as I will?"
"Perhaps,” said Grendel.
"But you are not certain?"
"In this you see the hand of Priest-Kings?” asked Cabot.
"Perhaps,” said Grendel.
"I hate Priest-Kings!” cried Cabot.
"Perhaps you are no more than a piece on their kaissa board,” said Grendel.
"I move myself!” said Cabot.
"Perhaps,” said Grendel, “that is why they want you on their board."
"We will soon be ready to lift away!” called Peisistratus. “Make haste!"
"Dear Cabot,” said Grendel.
"Speak,” said Cabot.
"There is restlessness in the high councils, suspicions, moves and counter-moves,” said Grendel. “I fear things are afoot."
"Are you not privy to their deliberations?"
"No longer,” said Grendel, “as I have chosen to accompany the Lady Bina to Gor."
"What are you suggesting?” asked Cabot.
"Others may not yet be done with you."
"I do not understand,” said Cabot.
"You are suspect."
"How so?"
"It is feared you may yet be upon the kaissa board of Priest-Kings."
"No!” said Cabot.
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