Cernus threw his hands before his face. With a cry of horror he threw off the robe of the Ubar and, turning, fled from the box.
The crossbowmen threw their weapons into the sand.
Saphronicus, Captain of the Taurentians, removed his purple cloak and his helmet, and walked down the steps from the box to the sand. There he knelt before the man who stood there, and placed his sword at his feet, in the sand.
The man then ascended to the box of the Ubar, where he set his helmet on the arm of the throne. The robe of the Ubar was placed about his shoulders. His sword across his knees, he took his seat on the throne.
There were tears in the eyes of those about me, and my own eyes were not dry as well.
I heard a child ask his father, "Father, who is that man?"
"He is Marlenus," said the father. "He has come home. He is Ubar of Ar."
Once again the thousands in that place began to sing. I dismounted and went to the body of Menicius, pierced by four bolts. I took his killing knife from my belt and threw it, blade down, into the sand beside the body. The scroll on the knife read, "I have sought him. I have found him."
Then I retraced my steps to the tarn. My sword was in my sheath, the quiva in my belt.
I remounted.
I had business remaining in the house of Cernus, once Ubar of Ar.
I waited in the hall of Cernus, on his own great chair. Before me, on the wooden table, there lay my sword.
I had had little difficulty in arriving at his House before him. I had ridden the black tarn. My eyes had not permitted any to dispute my passage, and, indeed, the halls of his house were now largely empty. Word had apparently reached the House of the doings at the Stadium of Blades before it had come to the Stadium of Tarns, much farther away.
I had walked through the largely deserted halls, empty save for a scurrying slave or a furtive man-at-arms, gathering his belongings, preparing to make away. I passed numerous prisoners, slaves, male and female, some chained to walls, many locked behind bars.
In her chamber I had found Sura.
She was lying on the straw of a slave, but she had wrapped about her body the garment of a free woman. The collar, of course, was still at her throat. Her eyes were closed; she was extremely pale.
I rushed to her side, took her in my arms.
She opened her eyes weakly, and did not seem to recognize me.
I cried out in anger.
"He was a beautiful boy," she said. "He is a beautiful boy."
I put her down and tore rags to wrap about her wrists.
"I will call one of the Caste of Physicians," I whispered to her. Surely Flaminius, drunk, might still be in the house.
"No," she said, reaching for my hand.
"Why have you done this?" I cried in anger.
She looked at me in mild surprise. "Kuurus," she said, calling me by the name by which she had known me in the house. "It is you, Kuurus."
"Yes," I said. "Yes."
"I did not wish to live longer as a slave," she said.
I wept.
"Tell Ho-Tu," she said, "that I love him."
I sprang to my feet and ran to the door. "Flaminius!" I cried. "Flaminius!"
A slave running past stopped on my command. "Fetch Flaminius!" I cried. "He must bring blood! Sura must live!"
The slave hurtled down the hall.
I returned to the side of Sura. Her eyes were closed again. She was pale. The heartbeat was all but inaudible.
About the room I saw some of the things with which we had played, the silk marked with the squares of the game, the small bottles, the vials.
Sura opened her eyes one last time and regarded me, and smiled. "He is a beautiful boy, is he not, Kuurus?" she asked.
"Yes," I said, "he is a fine boy."
"He is a beautiful boy," she said, a smile a reproach in her eyes.
"Yes," I said. "Yes."
Then Sura closed her eyes. She smiled.
Flaminius came in but a few moments. With him he carried the apparatus of his craft, and a cannister of fluid. There was paga on his breath but his eyes were sober. At the door, suddenly, agonized, he stopped.
"Hurry!" I cried.
He put aside the things he had brought with him.
"Hurry!" I cried.
"Can't you see?" he asked. "She is dead."
Flaminius, tears in his eyes, came and knelt with me beside Sura. He choked and put his head in his hands.
I had risen to my feet.
I waited now in the Hall of Cernus. It was empty. I looked about me at the tables, at the tiled floors; at the slave rings by the wall; at the square pit of sand between the tables. I had taken my seat on the chair of Cernus; I had drawn my sword, and laid it across the wood before me.
I could hear shouting outside in the streets but, because of the thick walls of the House of Cernus, it seemed distant. Here and there I heard snatches of the song of Ar's glory.
It was dark and cool in the hall. It was quiet. I waited. I was patient. He would come.
The door burst open and five men entered, Cernus, wild-eyed, suddenly haggard, and behind him Philemon, of the Caste of Scribes, the man who had commanded the fifty tarnsmen who had ridden against me in the Stadium of Tarns, and two Taurentian guardsmen.
As the men burst into the room I stood behind the table, in the half-darkness, setting the point of my sword in the wood, holding the hilt with both hands, surveying them.
"I have come for you, Cernus," said I.
"Kill him!" cried Cernus to the man who had ridden against me, a Taurentian, and to the other two Taurentians, guardsmen.
The man who had ridden against me threw me a look of hatred and drew his sword, but, angrily, he threw it to the tiles.
Cernus cried out in rage.
The other two Taurentians, one after the other, drew their swords and threw them to the tiles.
"Sleen!" cursed Cernus. "Sleen!"
The three Taurentians turned and ran from the room.
"Come back!" screamed Cernus.
Philemon, of the Caste of Scribes, his eyes wide with fear, threw a look after the guards, and then he, too, turned and fled.
"Come back!" screamed Cernus. "Come back!" Then he spun and faced me.
I regarded him, not speaking. My face must have been terrible to look upon.
"Who are you?" stammered Cernus.
In that moment I believe perhaps I did not appear Tarl Cabot, whom Cernus surely knew me to be, but some other. It was as though he had never looked upon the face that now, dispassionately, regarded him.
"I am Kuurus," I said.
I had, in my passage from Sura's chamber to the Hall of Cernus stopped in the chambers where I had resided. There I had once more donned the black of the Assassin. There, once more, I had affixed on my forehead the mark of the dagger.
"The killer?" said Cernus, his voice breaking.
I said nothing.
"You are Tarl Cabot!" he cried. "Tarl Cabot of Ko-ro-ba!"
"I am Kuurus," I told him.
"You wear upon your forehead the mark of the black dagger," whispered Cernus.
"It is for you," I told him.
"No!" he cried.
"Yes, Cernus," said I, "it is for you I wear the black dagger."
"I am innocent!" he cried.
I would not speak.
"Menicius!" he cried. "It was he who slew the Warrior of Thentis! Not I!"
"I have taken gold," I told him. I would not yet speak to him of Sura.
"It was Menicius!" he wept.
"It was you who gave the order," I said.
"I will give you gold!" he cried.
"You have nothing," said I, "Cernus." I regarded him evenly. "You have lost all."
"Do not strike me," he begged. "Do not strike me!"
"But," I laughed, "you are first sword of the House of Cernus. You are even, I hear, of the Caste of Warriors."
"Do not strike me!" he whimpered.
"Defend yourself," I said.
"No," he said. "No. No."
"Noble, proud Cernus," I scoffed.
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