Victor Gryaznov - Futurological forecast. post —industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine – immortality

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Futurological forecast. post —industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine – immortality: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Futurological forecast. What is a post-industrial civilization. Nanotechnologies. Nanomedicine. Immortality. Already now for 3 million dollars it is possible to buy cyber immortality.

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Futurological forecast

post —industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine – immortality

Victor Gryaznov

© Victor Gryaznov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4474-7103-3

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

Futurological forecast post industrial civilization nanotechnologies - фото 1

Futurological forecast

post – industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine —


Victor Gryaznov February 24, 2016

What do post-industrial civilization, nanotechnologies, nanomedicine, and immortality mean?

While the script of the film was lying in a script writer’s drawer waiting for his hour of triumph, a lot of different events happened. The outstanding figures of the era passed away – Boris Yeltsin – the first President of Russia, Viktor Chernomyrdin – a brilliant orator, famous for his eloquence, Yegor Gaidar – the grandson of the famous writer Arkady Gaidar, and others. They did not await cyber immortality whereas the main rebuilder Mikhail Gorbachev – the last but one General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party and the First President of the Soviet Union – is alive. For some reason, he celebrated his anniversary in London. If it had been possible to give him immortality, he would have done so many rebuildings during his immortal life that it’s even awe – inspiring to think about it…

www Pixabaycom Lets start with the terminology A word industrial is - фото 2


Let’s start with the terminology. A word “industrial” is obviously clear – these are factories and different manufactures, producing material wealth. The prefix post means “after”. After industrialization. Doesn’t it mean that everything is already produced, and nothing needs to be produced? But all material things are absorbed and eroded, fall into disrepair. We need to change and modernize them. But it’s not all that simple. It’s necessary to produce all the time but on a higher technological level. That is when nanotechnologies will come.

The prefix “nano” – is a billionth part of a unit. Revolution will happen when nanotechnologies reach the electronic level. That is when a fantasy begins. Fantasy, which is near!

The latest technologies will allow to tear electronic communication of atoms - фото 3

The latest technologies will allow to tear electronic communication of atoms, transplant the electrons from one orbit to another, or add them or subtract them. Then we can make a chemical element from the other one, without resorting to any chemical reactions. We can get gold or any other element from plumbum. So, nanotechnologies are miraculous philosopher’s stone (the elixir) which was the greatest alchemists’ dream ever. We can get iron, steel from the air. And if we input programs for producing iron and concrete in the computer we will receive reinforced concrete. You can build without a stop but why? We can input a program for apartment building’s schemes. Just press one button and you will get a brick. Press another one – and you will get a house. The same is with food. Just input the program and collect the molecule of wheat from the electrons – that is the program of producing the flour. You can bake bread, but why do you need an oven? You can create a program for molding, a program for baking. Just press a button and you will get a loaf of bread, press another one – and you will get two loaves etc.

Fantastic! But think over how humanity develops, what was invented and adopted over the last one hundred and fifty years. In a word – industrialization. We tried to explain you the meaning of the post industrialization from the nano technological point of view. As a concrete example, it is possible to tell about the successes in the field of producing of stainless steel, where the carbon atom is substituted by nitrogen atom. The propellers of marine vessels are already produced from this steel.

Here we must also remember the genius of humanity – the academist Vernadsky, famous for the term “noosphere of humanity”. In his writings we can also find such terms as heter trophicity and auto trophicity. In brief – the first is the consumption of solar energy through the plant as an intermediary where this energy is accumulated, whereas a man receives it indirectly with food. As for auto trophicity (“auto” means “self”), it shows that the person will begin to obtain this energy directly from the Sun in the process of evolution

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