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Anonymous: The Nunnery Tales

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Anonymous The Nunnery Tales

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I wondered considerably at the interest exhibited by my aged relative for this hideous creature; but I suppose people with little family, and rarely seeing their friends or acquaintances, must fix their affections on something. It seemed, though, that my Grandma's remarks had made considerable impression upon the mind of my governess. One strange circumstance I must mention: Sylvian was locked in at night to prevent his wandering around the house; his apartment, I dared not call it a den, was situated close to Madame's sitting room.

“Entering early one morning to get a book which I had left there on the previous evening, I heard Sylvian grunting as if much excited. On my peeping slightly to see what was the matter, I saw my respected governess holding up her petticoats with her left hand, so as to display her thighs, her belly, her cunt, and all in fact that I had always been taught that a woman should keep concealed. With her right hand she grasped Sylvian's huge stiff red rod and worked it up and down until I thought the man would go mad with his unquenched lust and inability to get at what he wanted, which was of course her private parts displayed purposely to excite him. However, this kind of thing could not last long, and in a minute or two, some milky fluid jerked out of his cock so far as to fall in one of Madame's slippers as she stood close opposite to him. Then the brute sank down on the floor, and I made a hasty and noiseless retreat, not wishing to disturb my governess in her studies of biology. But it seemed that two days afterwards, she was pursuing these studies with unabated vigor, for as I was out in the garden reading in one of the numerous arbors, my chambermaid Annette, who hated Madame Herbelot, called to me in a whisper, 'Mademoiselle,' and beckoned me to follow her. This I did with some curiosity.

“She led the way to a secluded part of the garden where there was also an arbor such as I had left, but overgrown and neglected. Arriving here, Annette put her finger to her lips and peeped through the mass of foliage. I cautiously followed her example, and soon observed my mistress, the discreet Madam Herbelot, on her hands and knees like some four-footed animal, sticking out her posteriors for the benefit of Monsieur Sylvian, who was certainly availing himself of his position with all the delight and enjoyment that his beastly ingenuity could devise. One thing Annette and I both noticed, that perhaps on account of the conversation which I had overheard between my grandmother and my governess, the latter had prudence enough even in the height of her unnatural lust to take some precautions. Or maybe it was that the man-beast himself preferred that mode of operation – either are likely – at any rate, one thing is certain. He had his cock shoved up my governess' rumphole as far as he could go, and actually repeated his performance twice while we were looking at them. At last, he withdrew his dripping pole, and Annette and I retired. She whispered to me, 'She won't be able to walk tomorrow, Miss, but she shall ride, for I'll tell Madam de Fleury and get her sent home.' And to make an end of my long story, so she did.”


The Nunnery Tales

Chapter Six

“Your story, my dear Louise, comes to rather an abrupt termination,” remarked the Abbess. “You certainly seem to have had a very remarkable experience for an innocent girl, and have told us a very nice story, but I think you should make a finish to it. For instance, what reason did Madame de Fleury give for sending your governess away? And what did the monkey-man, Sylvian, if that was his name, do without his lady friend? And did your grandmother carry out her intention of getting a peasant girl into the chateau for his benefit?”

“I was afraid of becoming tedious, madam,” replied the pretty novice, “but I can tell you something of what you wish to know, if it will give you any satisfaction. I learned from Annette that there had been quite a scene between Madame Herbelot and the old lady, the former declaring that it was only the account which Madame de Fleury had given her of her nephew's propensities and wants that had induced her to undertake an interest in him, and to extend her research into biology in that direction.

“Which ended in the baboon extending his researches into her rump,” said my aunt, at which interruption we all laughed.

“But,” continued Louise, “my grandmother told her that although she herself was extremely practical and had no objection to her amusing herself in her own way, especially since it gratified dear Sylvian, she thought that Madame Herbelot had devoted far too much time to such pursuits.

“And so they parted; my governess left ostensibly due to ill health. What is more, to my astonishment, my grandmother did not get into the chateau for her unnatural purpose any mere poor degraded girl.

“She got in a fine, well-shaped, buxom lass. She was very curious to find out what the result would be of a thorough copulation between her pathetic charge and a pure healthy girl who naturally wanted fucking. But she was disappointed in her expectations, as you will shortly hear. It was not that Sylvian had not every chance; for Marie – that was her name – was well paid, fed and clothed, and was expected to fulfill her part of the contract… and so she did. Indeed my grandmother took care of that, for she very seldom permitted her interesting pair of breeding animals out of her sight. For instance, I might be sitting in her room reading to her, Marie sitting at needlework or knitting at a respectful distance, while the man-beast was amusing himself in the apartment, cracking nuts or eating cakes. All of a sudden, Madame would cry, 'Marie, my child, prepare yourself. I see my nephew is getting excited,' which meant that the fellow having fairly been apprenticed in the luxuries of a woman's private parts, began to have constant cock stands. On seeing this, Marie began to show him immediate attention.

“Indeed I fancy that the dear old lady, though long past that sort of excitement herself, did feel something beyond mere ordinary amusement in witnessing the performances of these two and would call out to the poor girl when the beast was preparing for the attack, 'Quick, Marie! Take up your clothes and get down on your hands and knees. I think dear Sylvian will prefer it that way this morning.' Or perhaps it would be, 'Stand up right before him and let us see him do it that way!'“

“Pray,” here interrupted the Abbess, “did your grandmother allow you to remain in the room while these strange proceedings were going on?”

“She did indeed, Madame,” replied Louise, “for she was one of the haughtiest of aristocrats, and regarded her peasantry as just so many animals. I'm sure that she did not consider Marie, who was a good looking, plump, fat rumped, white thighed girl, as one bit better than the ugly brute to which she was induced for pay to prostitute her girlish body. And as for my being in the room, she regarded it as a matter of no more concern than if one of her favorite dogs got fast into a pretty bitch in our presence. When this occurred, as it often did, Madame would survey the proceedings through her spectacles and indulge in prognostications as to what sort of a litter was likely to be the result, just as she used to reflect on what sort of a production Marie would bring into the world after being fucked by the dumb brute. But such abominable expectations were not fulfilled, and I was glad of it. As I said, she came to be disappointed in this way. Connected with the chateau, Madame de Fleury had a very considerable farm, with, of course, its usual complement of servants, ploughmen, carters, herdsmen, and so on. Annette had a more than casual liking for a handsome young fellow who was the head of the cattle department. Accordingly, one morning we were crossing the yard when whom should we meet but this very Robert, who was leading by the halter a beautiful white heifer.

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