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Anonymous: The Nunnery Tales

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Anonymous The Nunnery Tales

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As we lay quiet, face to face, she breathlessly whispered to me, “Oh, how I love you! You are a young man, are you not?”

I smiled assent, then she continued, “If you love me and have found any pleasure in what you have been doing, or value the virginity you have just robbed me of, please set me right with your aunt, and do me the justice to say that I am innocent of what you and Emilie have accused me.”

This I readily promised to do. All this passed unheard by my Lady Abbess, and Sister Emilie, who were amusing themselves by stroking and handling my balls, pumping my flaccid shaft in an attempt to restore it to its firm and proud state, patting and slapping my buttocks, and cramming their fingers up my rump. In fact, although I had done my duty to my aunt the night before, and Emilie's cunt could hardly have been dry since my attack upon her in the morning, they both seemed mad with lust, as if they hadn't been fucked for a fortnight!

I put a stop to their lascivious liberties with my person by raising my body and releasing Agnes, who blushed deeply as she rose, and prepared to adjust her disordered dress.

“Stop a little,” exclaimed Lady Agatha. “Emilie and I will wipe you dry, and make you comfortable.”

“How did you like it? Ha! A little blood I see, not much. That was a fine shove which broke through your maidenhead, was it not?”

Thus laughing and making fun of what to poor Agnes was really a serious transaction, they wiped her pouting cunt lips from which oozed the thick fluid of our passion and made her as comfortable as she could reasonably expect to be.

But when Agnes began to solemnly protest her innocence, and called upon me to confirm it, my aunt cut her short with, “Bah, we know all about it, my dear. It was all a planned thing between me, Emilie, and my nephew here, Monsieur Auguste d'Ermonville, to whom I beg to introduce you, although I think he has managed to introduce himself already and that in a very appropriate manner.”

Again she laughed merrily, then continued. “Mind, Agnes,” she said, “that whatever has taken place in this room is as sacredly secret as if it had never been. You must not even reveal it to your confessor.”

This Agnes cheerfully promised.

“And now,” said my aunt, “as we have pretty well used up our young gentleman between us, and cannot expect more gratification from him, we will amuse ourselves with a glass of champagne and some chocolates and we will exchange some stories to amuse ourselves.”

While she was providing the refreshments, I sat down on the sofa and drew Agnes on my knee. The feel of her bare bottom on my lap sent a tingle of lust and excitement through me.

Thus comfortably situated, I was prepared for anything that was forthcoming in the way of amusements, or story telling, or any other rational or agreeable amusements. Agnes' position seemed to provoke the jealously of both the other ladies, and Emilie said that she thought it was her turn now. My aunt merely said, “Well, Auguste, I suppose your maxim is last come, first served. Anyway, Agnes will not be fit to be fucked again for forty-eight hours, that's one comfort!”

“Nor will Louise, that's another comfort,” exclaimed Emilie, with great satisfaction.

“What? Two maidenheads in the course of one morning?” laughed my aunt. “Upon my word, my dear nephew, you are playing the bull among my young heifers! Call in Adele and Louise, my dear Emilie. The latter must want some refreshment; and if the former wants anything else, I'll call in Father Eustace. Or if, as is likely enough, he is worn out with his attentions to my sister, Adele must be satisfied with a dildo!”

Upon this, the four girls cast lots, and the lot fell upon Louise, the youngest, and most inexperienced of the four.

She began by saying that she feared that she would be unable to amuse us, that she really was perfectly ignorant of everything. But on being cross-examined by my sagacious aunt, she confessed to having seen something of which she could tell, though she could hardly call it amusing.

“Leave us be the judge of that,” said the Abbess. “Tell us all about it.”

Louise proceeded thus: “About two years ago on the death of my mamma, my father sent me into the country to visit his mother, a venerable lady who lived in great seclusion. He thought that the change of air and scene would be beneficial to me. Accordingly, accompanied by my own governess – a handsome but very strict middle-aged lady of thirty – I duly made my appearance at the chateau of Madame de Fleury. I was most kindly received by her, but my pleasure was somewhat damped when I noticed her nephew – a most extraordinary man of deficient mental capabilities who was in appearance much like an ape. He was short and heavily built; his brow was almost like a gorilla; and he was covered with thick, coarse hair. What's more, he never spoke, but communicated with bestial grunts and groans. She assured me that he was perfectly tame and quite harmless, and that I must learn to be familiar with him, as he had been for many years the only companion and amusement of a lonely old woman. So I did my best to get rid of my fears; indeed Sylvian – for that was his name – was the only object of which I had any reasonable dread, and that I got over with the assistance of my strong-minded governess who did not seem to have any dread of him at all, but rather seemed to like him. She was so fond, she said, of studying human nature, so similar to that of the beast. Now I knew nothing of nature, much less of wickedness, but at least even I in my ignorance began to think it rather extraordinary that this ape-like man should begin to follow Madam Herbelot around the house and grounds, instead of remaining with his mistress, as was his former custom.

“At first I fancied that it was only on account of the delicacies and sweets that she used to feed him. But I soon observed certain peculiarities. I noticed that when my governess, Madam Herbelot came into the room, and particularly if she approached him, a huge bulge would appear in the front of poor Sylvian's trousers.

“But never mind that! While Madame de Fleury was in the room, my governess pretended never to show any interest in Mr. Chimpanzee, as I called him, whether he exhibited any animal propensities or not. But one day even my Grandmother, who was partially blind, could not help noticing the state of lust the poor fellow had worked himself into, and she remarked to my governess, 'It is a pity that I cannot get a female companion for poor Sylvian. The dear creature is wearing himself out.' I may remark here that neither my relative or my governess were aware of my presence in the room, for I sat in an embrasure shrouded by the curtain, out of which, as I peeped, I beheld this ugly caricature of a man, grasping what I suppose I must call his cock, through his very trousers with one hand while he worked it quickly up and down. At this sight, my grandmother looked with something like sorrow and pity. Madam Herbelot observed it with interest and curiosity. 'It was a great pity,' continued my grandmother in a musing tone, as she looked at the man-beast who had now concluded his performance. 'If he goes on frigging himself in this way, he'll kill himself.' She wondered if she could find a peasant girl who for a crown or two would let him do what he liked with her.

“'Would not that get her large with an idiot-child, my dear Madame de Fleury?' inquired my governess.

“'It needn't do anything of the sort,' replied my grandmother dictatorially. 'If such should be the case, I should take care of the progeny, but it need not be so; for if she kneels down on all fours with her rump uppermost, there is no fear of his producing any result upon her; or indeed for that matter, he might fancy shoving his cock into her rumphole itself, perhaps better than the other orifice: it would be much the same to her, and anything to please him, poor fellow!'

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