Dee Westee - Pleasure_s A Must

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Pleasure_s A Must

Dee Westee

Chapter 1

Her breathing was beginning to return to normal. The orgasm from masturbation was sort of swimming away from her, leaving her with an empty kind of satisfaction, at best.

Stacey bit her lip and held her eyes tightly shut. Well,. she needed that, she consoled herself. Her stomach muscles relaxed, her upper thighs relaxed. So good to relax, she thought. But why this way? Why always this lonely way? She was feeling a melancholy she wasn't supposed to be feeling on the eve of her vacation. After all, she had long been anticipating the two weeks she and her brother Kurt were going to spend in the Catskills along with the Wilson's at an isolated house they had reserved months ago. The place was beautiful, she knew, far up in the mountains. They would be able to really relax, swim in the stream that ran through the partially wooded lot, bask in the sunshine, and be happy together. She had been so involved with making the arrangements, checking on whether this or that had been done, and now she didn't want to let it be known that she was no longer sure whether she wanted to go on the trip or not. It would be cruel to back out now, she decided, so she would put on a false front and go along for the benefit of the others.

Practically all of the final arrangements had been made. She had worked feverishly at the bank for the last few days to get things in shape so that she could take the two weeks off. Her brother Kurt and his buddy Bill had put in a request for vacation time a few months back in anticipation of this trip, had bought fishing tackle, and had saved up the money out of their weekly paychecks to enable them to make the trip. Both had invested in good hiking boots so that they could roam the mountainsides and enjoy the natural surroundings.

Everything was in readiness except herself. She had the feeling of being crushed by a huge juggernaut, which she had helped to set in motion, when she had agreed to go along on this trip. Now it was too late to back out, and she wished she didn't feel so much like a prisoner on death row, condemned to die and knowing the exact date and time of her execution. How was she going to withstand the pressure of this intimate vacation with her brother and the married couple who were their best friends?

Morosely, she wandered into her bedroom, opened her closet, and began removing some things she would have to pack for the trip. Well at least it would be a big relief to get out of the city and into the county. Maybe she could just spend most of the time up in the woods, away from the rest. She didn't know what she was going to do now that her feelings had changed so much about her older brother.

It had all started this evening. It wasn't that she didn't love Kurt any more… after what he did. It's just… well, maybe I love him too much, she thought… so much that I almost… let him… It bothered her that he had tried. Yes! It really bothered her.

And then again she had to admit that what he was trying to tell her had made sense. Since their parents had died two years ago, they had only each other as family. She remembered how important Kurt had become to her after the terrible auto accident, the funeral arrangements, the empty, lonely feelings that he had soothed by being with her. Then it had seemed just natural for them to move into an apartment together in the city, sharing expenses and housework, and trying to build 'a life for themselves. She had worked hard at the bank, becoming a supervisor in only two years, and Kurt had completed his apprenticeship training and was now a full-fledged welder, working on some of the city's biggest construction projects. It was at his work that Kurt- had met Bill and Birdie, introduced them to Stacey. Over the last year or so, the foursome had spent many happy hours together.

Of course, occasionally Stacey had gone out on dates with some of the young men she met at work. But none of them had really tried to love her for herself. It seemed that all they were interested in was having a few drinks or smoking a few joints and then hitting the sack as quickly as possible, and Stacey had concluded each of these relationships in a hurry. Perhaps that was how life in the modern day was supposed to be, but she didn't want any part of it. Kurt, too, had taken girls out on dates, but he never brought any of them home to meet Stacey. Sometimes he spent a night out, but Stacey never asked him about what he was doing, and it seemed that none had really taken up his steady attention.

But they had been happy together! Oh, how happy they had been. Their two bedroom apartment was in a new, comfortable building, and they had fixed it up just the way they wanted, with sunny yellow curtains in all the windows and plenty of green plants everywhere. It was as though they had created an island of family love within the ocean of isolation'-that was the big city.

And now all that had been destroyed. She began slowly to go over what had happened. She really found it hard to remember every detail, since she could still hardly believe that it had occurred. She and Kurt had gone up to the roof swimming pool after work, enjoying the evening sunset over the city skyline. They had been alone at the pool, and for some reason it seemed that Kurt couldn't keep his eyes off Stacey. She had felt naked under his gaze, as though the scanty bikini she was wearing only accented her excitingly shaped figure, mature, womanly, but still petite and almost fragile with a nipped-in waist swelling curvaceously downward to voluptuously rounded hips and buttocks, gently tapering thighs and long, curving line of calves, tiny ankles and equally small, narrow feet… and upward to full-mounded breasts that were barely contained in the mere suggestion of a bra-top, all crowned by long, honey blonde hair over a beautiful face with wide, jade-green eyes, a short pretty nose and somewhat full, sensuous lips.

"You know, I sure am lucky to have such a sexy little sister!" he had complimented, unable to hide the salacious look in his eyes.

Stacey couldn't help seeing the hungry leer he gave her, but she tried to ignore it, telling herself that he was only seeing what any man' would have seen, for she was aware that her stunning figure always seemed to have some effect on males. But this was her own brother, and he had never really looked at her like that before. Of course, when they were smaller, they had played house the way all kids do, and when they were in their preteens, Kurt had tried some of the funny business like touching her pussy that big brothers are known for. But nothing serious had ever happened, thank God, and since they had grown up Kurt had never given the slightest hint of sexual desire for his twenty-year-old younger sister. In their apartment, they had always observed an unspoken decorum that neither had broken, so that there was never an outward sign of the inner loneliness they both sometimes felt, not having any steady lovers of their own.

In a way she was happy that Kurt found her so attractive-she supposed it was just her natural female pride in her physical appearance. And she couldn't deny that he was just as attractive as she was.

"Well, brother dear," she had returned, "You're mighty handsome yourself, you know!"

It was true. Kurt was a strapping six feet tall, lithe, strong, and athletic. He was twenty-five, five years older than she. He had the same jade-green eyes looking out under wavy blond hair over a boyish grin. If they weren't brother and sister, they certainly would have made a striking couple, and Stacey had often enjoyed the admiring stares of strangers when the two of them went out together to a restaurant or theater, arm in arm. But Stacey had always assumed that some day she would meet a man who could be everything Kurt was to her and more – someone she could make love to, and have babies with-someone she could marry!

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