Simone Suchler - Schoolgirl_s first date

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Simone Suchler

Schoolgirl_s first date


Exquisitely pretty little twelve-year-old Julie Miller smiled coyly at her new boyfriend as she slowly opened the topmost button on the front of her crisp white blouse.

Billy drooled and watched closely as Julie's delicate fingers moved lower and lower down the front of her tight blouse, lingering tenderly at the button that held the material closed over her sweetly formed young tits.

"Come on, baby!" Billy whispered, his voice quivering with excitement.

"Now, if you're going to get all bothered about this, Billy, I'll just have to button myself right back up!" Julie said, pursing her full wet lips and slipping the button back through the buttonhole.

"Oh, Julie!"

"Then behave yourself! I told you I would give you a look! But that's all! Now stop that drooling and just watch!"

Billy nodded eagerly, wiped his sweaty palms hard over his knees. His eyes dropped to the small bulges of the pre-teen's breasts.

Julie settled herself back against the car seat, wet her lips again, then freed the button once more. She was just as excited as Billy was, sitting here in the back seat of her big brother's car. Jerry, the youngster's brother, had finally been persuaded to take his little sister along to the drive-in. He was not happy with the job and had secretly arranged with his girlfriend that she would drive her car and park in the back row at the far end. Then, after Jerry drove the two little kids into the drive-in, he would leave them alone in his car and hop over to Ellen's. This arrangement had worried Julie at first, because she didn't really know Billy all that well, but when Jerry promised to park only a few cars away and in the same row, she agreed.

And the idea of being alone with Billy, one of the most desirable boys in school, was very exciting to her! Imagine! Little Julie and Big Billy! His reputation was well established among the older girls! Macho man! Hung like a horse! Well, maybe it was true that Julie didn't really understand what "hung like a horse" meant, but the other girls had sure been impressed when Julie had told them that Billy had asked her out for a date!

Donna, one of Julie's best friends, had taken her aside during lunch period and tried to explain about Billy.

"Julie, are you nuts?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Donna?" Donna clutched at her friend's upper arm, making Julie wince.

"Are you stupid, girl? Billy Powers is a sex maniac!"

Julie yanked her arm out of Donna's hurting grip.

"You're the one who's nuts, Donna!"

"Oh? You better ask Norma whether I'm nuts or not! She can tell you all about him! And I mean ALL!"

Julie pouted her lovely lips and creased her brows in a pretty frown. She whirled away from her friend and sat down on the cement steps leading down toward the football field behind the school.

"Okay," she said. "Tell me about him."

"I don't know," Donna admitted, sitting down beside her young friend, and taking her upper arm in both her hands, and pulling Julie close. "But Norma told me some absolutely terrible things about him."

Julie tried to pull her arm free, but only halfheartedly. She liked Donna a lot, and sometimes she even liked the other girl's gentle caresses, her delicate touches – but right now all she wanted to do was hear about Billy Powers.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" she insisted, offering her arm in exchange for the secret information.

Donna stroked Julie's bare skin with her fingertips, just barely touching, tickling, loving.

"Norma told me Billy wanted to…"


"Billy wanted her to let him… tie her up!"

Julie's head jerked back, causing her long thick blonde hair to fall down over her pretty face and shoulders.


"Yes! He wanted to tie her up! And you can just imagine the things he wanted to do to her after he had her like that!"

Julie kept the frown on her face, her lips twisted up on her face as she considered what she'd just been told. She wasn't sure she understood it right.

"What's wrong with that?"

"With what?" Donna asked. She was stroking Julie's bare arm with her cheek, now.

"With letting him tie her up?"

Donna pulled her head away from Julie's arm and stared at her friend in open astonishment.

"What's wrong with it? If a girl lets a man tie her up, she'll let him do… anything else he wants, too!"

Julie made a face at Donna.

"Oh, poop! You don't know anything! And Norma is a crazy bitch!"

"Julie!" Donna shrieked. She hated that kind of language. It upset her terribly, and to hear her best friend talk like that was doubly upsetting to the youngster. She leaped up and glared down at Julie.

"I suppose you'd let him tie you up?"

Julie was angry now, too, and without really thinking about her answer, she leaped up and shouted loudly at Donna. "Yes, I would! And a lot of other things, too!"

And Donna turned and ran away, tears running down her cheeks. She hid in the girl's bathroom, and wept her heart out, so terribly afraid for her friend, and afraid that Julie really would let Billy have her virginity. And that was the first time in her life poor little Donna realized she wanted Julie's virginity! That she loved Julie!

She wept harder, and wasn't even aware of the arm encircling her shoulders until a quiet voice whispered in her ear, "Oh, Donna. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Donna twisted and turned until she was fully in the arms of her girlfriend, and she gulped hard and sniffed back her last tears, then slowly and tentatively brought her lips close to Julie's, her young heart pounding wildly in her tiny chest. Julie was confused, but felt a strange sensation growing stronger inside her body, deep inside her heart and even deeper inside her… cunny!

And she moved her head forward the slightest bit, to touch her full lips against Donna's thin lips. The two twelve-year-old girls kissed! But the touch of Donna's burning eager lips frightened Julie, and she jerked her head back, and gasped, "Oh!"

Donna tightened her grip around Julie's back, pulling their small bodies as tightly together as it was possible for them to get with their clothes on!

"Julie!" Donna burst out. "I love you!"

"No!" Julie cried, twisting her body out of Donna's arms and backing away, pressing the back of her arm against her lips, which were still moist with her girlfriend's saliva.

"Yes! I love you!"

Donna took a step forward, forcing Julie back another step. Julie found herself enclosed by the walls of the toilet stall. She glanced around quickly, then stared at the young girl before her. She was scared!

Donna lifted her hands in front of her, imploring her friend to understand her need, her love – but it was a need and a love that she didn't understand herself! Her hands went up to her face and covered her eyes. She burst into tears.

When she lowered her hands again, Julie was gone.

And now, only a few hours later, here she sat in the back seat of her brother's car, unbuttoning her blouse for Billy.

The evening had gotten off to a very nice start. Julie had dressed in her prettiest Sunday dress, putting on her only pair of real stockings instead of those horrible pantyhose, and wearing a lovely black ribbon in her hair. As she put the black ribbon on, she felt a sharp twinge of pleasure rush over her nipples and she couldn't figure out why! It was a long ribbon, with two very long tails that hung down through her long blonde hair. As she drew it through her slender fingers, she recalled Donna's words about letting Billy tie her up.

And at that moment, she felt her nipples tingle! And she subconsciously rubbed her thighs tightly together between her nubile legs!

But the thought of Donna's words about Billy brought with it the mental image of her best girlfriend standing in the john, weeping, imploring…

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