Simone Suchler - An adolescent affair

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Simone Suchler

An adolescent affair

Chapter 1

The most imaginative teenager at the high school in Colton, Indiana, was Jo Ann Blaine. It was this imagination that had made her the leading ingйnue in school plays even though it was her first year in the high school. It was this same imagination that kept Jo Ann from doing well in the practical subjects such as math, geography, and languages, while she excelled in the various English courses.

If Jo Ann went to the movies, when she emerged, in her mind she was the heroine on screen. She had, in fact, sneaked into an R-rated movie, and for the first time had witnessed simulated intercourse, and all the way home, she dreamily saw herself as the woman on the bed being poked into by the handsome hero.

Once at home, a small two-storey attached home on a street similar to countless other streets in the neighborhood, Jo Ann had to watch herself because her parents were very strict. They had done their best to guard her from anything having to do with sex, though once she had started high school it had been all but impossible for the young teenager to be kept ignorant of how babies were made, and the good feelings that went with it, so that so many girls in high school were already performing the ritual even if they were in no mood to accept the consequences.

At night, in her bed, Jo Ann listened to the silence coming from her parents' room and imagined what was going on in there. Unlike other young girls her age, Jo Ann was quite willing to accept the fact that her parents still "did it!"

One night, certain her parents were indulging, she had left her bed and had sneaked into the bathroom, silently shutting the door, and had put a glass to the bathroom wall which was against the headboard her parents' bed, and she had listened to them whisper as they had gone about gratifying one another.

That night, she returned to bed, the words still in her head, and in her overactive imagination, her father was coming into her bed. Not that her father was that great to look at, but he was experienced when it came to sex, and Jo Ann was certain a man like her father would make it feel good for her right from the beginning. Her imagination was so vivid, that she fell asleep thinking about what it would be like to be fucked by her father. Naturally she would not be able to use the word "fuck" when with him, but in her own mind there was nothing wrong with the word. It described perfectly the action of sexual intercourse. In her mind, sex was performed the way she had seen it simulated on the screen. So in her dream, she was lying on her side, her left side, in bed. Her ears, in the dream, picked up the sound of the shower going, and she knew her mother was in the bathroom.

Then he was there, his hand reaching out and touching her small, forming mammary. In her dream she almost jumped out of bed as his hand caressed her.

"Hush!" the man hissed. "I've been lying on the floor beside your bed just waiting until your mother went to the bathroom. Move over a little and let Daddy in."

Daddy looked so much taller and thinner in her dream. His naked body seemed baby like and hairless, except for the thorn bush at his groin. The penis was somewhat obscure, since the girl had never seen an erect male organ in her young life.

"Be quiet, Daddy," she warned. "Do be careful."

His hands, large and strong, caressed her young body, and her heart leaped at the touch of him as the rattle of water in the shower sounded much louder than it ever had in real life since she was at the other end of the hall from the bathroom.

Her father slid beneath the sheet covering her, and he began kissing her girlish body, running his hot tongue over the hard, swollen nipples and biting tenderly on the slightly swollen mounds, themselves. The girl rolled herself against the man in her dream, and he lifted his face to her. She shuddered as she felt the imaginary penis press itself against her body. In her dream, it felt like soft velvet, totally lacking the hardness that would have been necessary for penetration. The texture was smooth.

Her lips were pressed against her daddy's ear, and she whispered in it, "Do you shower with Mommy?"

"Sometimes," her dream father replied.

"How does she shower?" the girl wanted to know. "Does she soap herself all over? Does she cover those big breasts of hers with suds? Does she coat her groin with soap, too? Mommy's not like me down there," Jo Ann continued. "I haven't started growing hair down there, even though I'm shaving under my arms. Is Mommy really hairy in her crotch?"

"Yes, darling," her father whispered in her ear. "Thick brown hair, all springy and curled like a sponge. Now be quiet because we don't want mommy to hear us… "

"Didn't you do it with her today, Daddy?" Jo Ann asked in her dream.

"No," her father replied. "Your mother is a school teacher, and she's always in a hurry in the mornings. Besides, we don't make love all that often anymore. It's not like when we were young, and it was all so new and thrilling, like when we were first married."

"But I'm young, Daddy," she insisted. "Do I thrill you the way Mommy used to when you were first married?"

For an answer she felt his hand move between her thighs, though it felt suspiciously like her own hand, for when she had been awake, Jo Ann had often stroked her vagina. The girl lifted her right leg and let it lay on top of her father's left leg. She gasped as she felt the velvet length of what was supposed to be his penis move into her, and in her dream it was much like the pressure of her own middle finger. Like her own middle finger, it only went as far as her hymen, then stopped. But then, in her dream, his penis wasn't any longer and was unable to reach any deeper. The organ was not only inside, but seemed to be rubbing lengthwise along her slit, as well.

So good! Jo Ann thought, feeling her clitoris stimulated as it had been when she had rubbed it with her own fingers.

So this was fucking. This was what it was like to enjoy sex. In a way it was disappointing because it was so much like masturbation, but masturbation felt good, and so did this. The more she had, the more she craved. She wanted her daddy's cock locked inside her so much, she was willing to risk her mommy's wrath to have it.

In her dream, water continued raining in the shower stall in the distant bathroom, and through the walls, Jo Ann imagined hearing her mother hum as she washed herself.

Her father's soft, velvet cock continued to stroke, both in and out, and she clamped her labia around it all the more firmly. When she had started masturbating a few weeks earlier, Jo Ann had discovered it enhanced the feeling when she tightened her muscles that much more, and over a period of weeks had developed her vaginal muscles without realizing it, until they were stronger than the muscles of most experienced whores. Now she tried urging the imaginary penis deeper as she wiggled her tight, tiny ass, helping to seat it that much more firmly inside the oven of her cunt. Reaching down, she wrapped her arms around her daddy's buttocks, sliding one arm beneath him, and the other arm over him, marveling at how slender his waist was, when all the other times she had seen it, it had been somewhat corpulent. Ah, his adorable penis was buried as far into her as possible, sliding hungrily in and out of her vagina, their pelvic mounds crashing together again and again as she snuggled her father's cock even deeper into her.

"I'll bet Mom is rubbing soap all over those nice big breasts of hers right now," she murmured. Then she said words she had heard her mother say when she had been listening through the bathroom wall. She said, "Slide that hard organ into me, Daddy. Just think, in the bathroom, Momma is standing naked, taking a shower, and water is running through her cunt lips while your crotch is tight against your daughter's daddy. She doesn't know we're fucking, does she? She doesn't know that her very own daughter is taking her husband's prick inside her belly. She trusts you because she knows you've never cheated on her before, Daddy."

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