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Anonymous: Muriel

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Anonymous Muriel

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I asked him if he would be good. He said he would. -Then you will kneel and tell me so', I said, and felt a pleasure that I forced the words. He knelt at once! Oh joy that Eveline has trained him so. I walked around him slowly, let my skirt brush at his back (I am a better listener often than dear Eveline imagines that I am) and told him to get up, but not turn around.

He did so willingly to my surprise. His hands were clenched, the knuckles almost white. What was his state of mind, I wonder, then? Eveline says one never asks. It shows a weakness in such circumstance, she says.

The hardest part of my task was then to begin. To Richard's total amazement, I am sure, I told him to unbutton himself below, but otherwise not to move and not to turn. He did so, and his pego came out stiff. I saw it as I glanced around his side, for I was standing still behind him like some ever-watchful crone. The crest glowed wondrously but looked a little red-from too much rubbing, I believe.

'Now you will leave and go to bed', I said-but oh, with what a tremor in my voice! I tried much to disguise it, though.

I heard his teeth grind. 'Oh, Mama!', he pleaded. That I think of as the breaking point. Had I weakened then… but I did not, and felt a greater sense of freedom than I ever knew before. How strange!

I did not answer him. Cock showing still, he slouched out of my room and-in some burst of fitfulness-then went along the corridor and slammed his door.

'Oh, the noise!', called Amy from her room.

'He is a bad boy, Amy-I will see to him', I shouted back. It helped me to say that as well. She knew that I would then be in his room, as indeed I was in but a moment. Richard trembled at my entrance-had one hand upon his prick. He snatched it away and said in tones of anguish, 'Oh, Mama-I did not mean…'

I did not recognise myself as I thrust him down upon his bed, his buttocks uppermost, and pulled his trousers down. SMACK! went my hand and SMACK! again, and Amy joyfully calling out, 'Go on, Mama!'

'Shush! Go to sleep!', I told her back and smacked and smacked again while Richard yelped and rubbed his cock against the quilt. This taking my imagination, I took hold of it with my free hand and let it urge back-forth within my palm the while I spanked his reddened bottom more.

“Woh-woh!', he yelped quite shamelessly. I heard Amy's door open at the same time. I told her to go back, but curiosity overcame her and she peeped within. Richard did not see her for his nose was buried in the quilt, his buttocks flaring from my heavy smacks. His cries were part of pain and part of pleasure all the time. Amy saw what I did and stared. I shook my head at her to go away and venged myself on Richard's bottom all the more.

'I can't, I can't!', he choked out. Oh, too late I made to take my hand away. He jetted, frothed, and spilled upon the bed, and Amy with her hand up to her mouth and standing in the doorway at the time. Still Richard did not see her, though. More wildly did I motion her to leave. The floorboards did not creak, at least. She stepped back then, and I with a very sticky hand was quick to follow, closing Richard's door and leaving him to sob. Downstairs into the dark I ran, and Amy following on her bare feet. I lit the gas lamps, could not speak, and poured myself some wine, wiping my wicked hand upon my gown. I did not think of it as wicked, though, but that it had done a useful task.

Amy went to the sideboard and poured herself some wine, then came and sat beside me on the couch. How different silences can be! This had no awkwardness in it and slowly I relaxed. The palm that I had spanked him with was stinging still, and Amy sucked her lower lip in, looked at it, and said, 'It's red!'-and then we started giggling, both of us and could not stop and had to wipe our eyes. I told her to be quiet, but that was all. Nothing was otherwise said. We were conspirators. I had not sinned in her eyes, but done right.

We ceased our giggles, finished off our wine, then went upstairs again, though on tiptoe. An awesome silence came from Richard's room. I kissed her at her door and said goodnight.-'Goodnight, Mama', she said in turn, and looked at me with reverence!

I feel delighted at the outcome of it all and cannot wait to tell Eveline what transpired. There will be no more nonsense now from Richard, that I know. This morning he was courtesy itself, and Amy did not laugh at him. She pretended that she did not know of it. I am very proud of her for that, and was quite cheery with Richard, to his great relief. The bubble has broken, and the very air seems freer now.


Maurice's Day-Book

Maude's bottom has been breached, and very thoroughly, I hear. The chaps enjoyed themselves with her. She put up some resistance, not too much-just as I expected of the dear girl.

'She has a lovely bum, old fellow, you must try her out', was said to me in confidence afterwards. Eveline, being all a-flutter, followed behind us at a distance into town, saw me go in with Maude and then emerge. How bright her eyes were at the sight of me! I insisted that we take a drink downstairs in the hotel while Maude was receiving her first accolades. How squirmy Eveline was herself!

'What are they doing with her now?', she asked again, again, and looked up at the ceiling as she spoke.

'You may ask her, dear, when she comes down', said I. She-always confident at other times-was all a-twitter then, said she must leave. But no, I said. She had to stay, or she would think I might go up myself.

'Oh you-you'll do it with her now in any case', she pouted, sought assurance, but got none. I felt that I had shown my worth enough.

'Are we not libertarians still?', I asked. All in my mind, of course, the while we spoke were visions of Maude's bottom being plugged. Percy had her first, I learned. His prick is slightly smaller than the rest and made its entry with aplomb, burrowed between her cheeks and then was in. She jerked and moaned a lot at first, but took it well- did not strain forward as they sometimes do.

'Yes, but I want to go', said Eveline.

'She will come downstairs in a minute', I said, for forty minutes had already passed. They were not to linger afterwards with Maude, for I had told them so. In but five minutes they trooped down. Much flushed she was, and Stephen's arm around her waist. Turning the stairwell, she made to let him kiss her cheek, saw her Mama and blushed the deepest red, of course. Eveline stood stricken in the lobby. I did not. I offered up my bluffest smile and strode towards her, took her arm, complimented my companions, and led her swiftly out while Eveline slowly followed as if she did not belong! I, much amused, saw to their comfort in the carriage and back home we came- a fretsome journey at the first, for Eveline would not speak and nor would Maude which, as I saw it, gave the game away in a less tactful fashion than we like to do. Maude went upstairs and Eveline sat dumb once we were in:

'You are being silly, Eveline', I said.

'Perhaps I am. I don't know what to think. If you go in her room tonight…'

'I may', I interrupted puckishly.

'Oh, what? Oh, Maurice, no!'

'Get up! Come here!', I said. I never knew her to be so before. She obeyed me, though, and tucked into my arms, began to sob. I was not taken in by that.-'I said I may. I did not say I would', I said. I wiped her tiny tears and kissed her mouth. So fragrant was it with desire!

'I want if, she said moodily, tried not laugh. 'Go up and talk to Maude', I said. She would not go at first. I made her do, and left the house to ride about the grounds, saw to the fences, kept my mind alert, and then returned within the hour by when they had descended once again.

'Maude, you will kiss me first, and properly. Then I will take your mother up to bed', I said as bold as brass, new not any other way to handle it.

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