She called out, more impatient than concerned, walked down the railed bridge that led to the pool side of the house, then back again before she took the steps down.
Cate loved the walled garden, so she looked there, wandered through the little orchard beyond it, calling, calling.
The sun dipped lower; the shadows lengthened. The air began to chill. And her heart began to thump.
A city girl, born and raised in L.A., Nina Torez had what she considered a healthy distrust of the country. She began to imagine poisonous snakes, cougars, coyotes, even bears as her calls for Cate rose to desperate.
Silly, she told herself, all that was just silly. Catey was fine, had just … fallen asleep somewhere in the big house. Or …
She rushed to the guest cottage, burst inside, calling for her charge. The sea side of the guest cottage was a sheer wall of glass. Staring out at the sea, she thought of all the ways a little girl could be swallowed up.
And thinking of Cate’s love for the little beach, she raced out, down the steps, called and called while the sea lions reclining on the rocks watched her with bored eyes.
She raced up again to try the pool house, the garden shed. Sprinted inside to the lower level to search the theater, the family room, the rehearsal space, even the storage areas.
She raced back out the other side to check the garage.
“Caitlyn Ryan Sullivan! You come out right now! You’re scaring me.”
And she found the butterfly barrette she’d tucked into Cate’s long, lovely hair that morning on the ground by the old tree.
It meant nothing, she thought even as she clutched it in her hand. The girl had been doing handsprings, racing and running, doing pirouettes and jigs. It had just fallen out.
She told herself that over and over as she ran back to the house. Tears blurred her eyes when she dragged open the huge front door, and all but ran into Hugh.
“Nina, what in the world’s the matter?”
“I can’t—I can’t—Mr. Hugh, I can’t find Caitlyn. I can’t find her anywhere. I found this.”
She held out the barrette, burst into tears.
“Here now, don’t you worry. She’s just tucked up somewhere. We’ll find her.”
“She was playing hide-and-seek.” The trembling started as he led her into the main living room, where most of the family had gathered. “I—I came in to help Maria with little Circi and the baby. She was playing with the other children, and I came inside.”
Charlotte, sitting with a second cosmo, looked over as Hugh led Nina in. “For God’s sake, Nina, what’s going on?”
“I looked everywhere. I can’t find her. I can’t find Catey.”
“She’s probably just upstairs in her room.”
“No, ma’am, no. I looked. Everywhere. I called and called. She’s a good girl, she’d never hide away when I called for her, when she could hear I was worried.”
Aidan got to his feet. “When did you last see her?”
“They started, all the children, to play hide-and-seek. An hour—more now. She was with the other children, so I came to help with the babies and little ones. Mr. Aidan…”
She held out the barrette. “I only found this, by the big tree near the garage. It was in her hair. I put it in her hair this morning.”
“We’ll find her. Charlotte, check upstairs again. Both floors.”
“I’ll help.” Lily rose, as did her daughter.
“We’ll start checking this level.” Hugh’s sister patted Charlotte’s shoulder. “I’m sure she’s fine.”
“You’re supposed to watch her!” Charlotte shoved to her feet.
“Ms. Charlotte—”
“Charlotte.” Aidan took his wife’s arm. “Nina wouldn’t have any reason to watch Cate every minute while she’s playing with all the kids.”
“Then where is she?” Charlotte demanded, and ran from the room calling for her daughter.
“Nina, come sit with me.” Rosemary held out a hand. “The men are going to look outside, every nook and cranny. The rest will look through the house.”
Rosemary tried a comforting smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “And when we find her, I’m going to give her a good talking-to.”
For more than an hour, they looked, covering every inch of the sprawling house, its outbuildings, the grounds. Lily gathered the children, asked when they’d last seen Cate. It came down to the game Cate herself had instigated.
Lily, her flame-red hair disordered from the search, took Hugh’s hand. “I think we need to call the police.”
“The police!” Charlotte shrieked it. “My baby! Something’s happened to my baby. She’s fired! That useless woman’s fired. Aidan, God, Aidan.”
As she half swooned against him, the phone rang.
On a deep breath, Hugh walked over, picked up the phone.
“This is the Sullivan residence.”
“If you want to see the girl again, it’ll take ten million, in unmarked, nonsequential bills. Pay, and she’ll be returned to you unharmed. If you contact the police, she dies. If you contact the FBI, she dies. If you contact anyone, she dies. Keep this line open. I’ll call with further instructions.”
“Wait. Let me—”
But the phone went dead in his hand.
Lowering the phone, he looked at his son with horror. “Someone’s got Cate.”
“Oh, thank God! Where is she?” Charlotte demanded. “Aidan, we need to go get her right now.”
“That’s not what Dad meant.” His soul sank as he held Charlotte tight against him. “Is it, Dad?”
“They want ten million.”
“What are you talking about?” Charlotte tried to struggle out of Aidan’s arms. “Ten million for … You—she— My baby’s been kidnapped?”
“We need to call the police,” Lily said again.
“We do, but I need to tell you … He said, if we did, he’d hurt her.”
“Hurt her? She’s just a little girl. She’s my little girl.” Weeping, Charlotte pressed her face to Aidan’s shoulder. “Oh God, God, how could this happen? Nina! That bitch is probably part of this. I could kill her.”
She shoved away from Aidan, rounded on Lily. “Nobody’s calling the police. I won’t let them hurt my little girl. My child! We can get the money.” She grabbed a fistful of Aidan’s shirt. “The money is nothing. Aidan, our little girl. Tell them we’ll pay, pay anything. Just give us back our baby.”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry. We’re going to get her back, get her back safe.”
“It’s not the money, Charlotte.” Terrified, Hugh rubbed his hands over his face. “What if we pay, and they … they still hurt her? We need help.”
“What if? What if?” When she turned back to face him, Charlotte’s carefully styled chignon tumbled, spilling hair around her shoulders. “Didn’t you just say if we didn’t pay, they’d hurt her, if we called the police, they’d hurt her? I won’t risk my daughter. I won’t.”
“They might be able to trace the call,” Aidan began. “They might be able to find out how someone took her away.”
“Might? Might?” Her voice pitched up, a shriek like nails on a blackboard. “Is that what she means to you?”
“She means everything to me.” Aidan had to sit as his legs shook. “We have to think. We have to do what’s best for Catey.”
“We pay whatever he wants, do whatever he says. Aidan, dear God, Aidan, we can get the money. It’s our baby.”
“I’ll pay.” Hugh stared into Charlotte’s tear-ravaged face, into his son’s terrified one. “She was taken from my father’s house, a house my mother has given to me. I’ll pay.”
On a fresh sob, Charlotte threw herself into his arms. “I’ll never forget … She’ll be all right. Why would he hurt her if we give him what he wants? I want my little girl. I just want my little girl.”
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