“Don’t get too comfortable, Java, another occupant’s on his way.”
I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. I didn’t hear the shower, and I didn’t get an answer.
Still no answer.
I pushed my way in. Matt was on the floor, curled up on (and regrettably not in ) his black silk kimono. I dropped a towel over his toned flanks and knelt down beside my buck-naked first love.
“Let’s go. Time for bed,” I said, taking his arm.
Matt was still damp from his shower, and just about as slippery as Randall Knox, but I managed to get him on his feet and into the guest room, ignoring his mumbled demands.
“I want some black coffee,” he said as I forced him onto the bed.
(He wanted some other things from me, too, a list of things, actually. All of them would have been stimulating. None had anything to do with caffeine.)
“Forget it,” I firmly told him. “You have to get some rest. You don’t want your eyes to look bloodshot for your wedding pictures, do you?”
“There’s not gonna be any damn wedding,” Matt said. (Okay, I’m paraphrasing what he said. But what’s the point of filling half a page with obscenities?)
While Matt ranted, I stripped away the towel, nudged my little cat over, and forced Matt to lie back on the pile of pillows. Then I covered his hard body with a soft blanket.
“Look, Matt, I know you’re still furious about what Breanne did. It was wrong for her to send every person in your little black PDA book a wedding announcement. But, come on, wouldn’t these women have found out anyway?”
“Maybe. Maybe not. A lot of them live in other countries. I doubt they read New York gossip columns or American magazines.”
“You mean you were actually planning to date some of these women after your wedding?”
“You know how I am, Clare. I like to keep my options open.”
I sighed, nudged his leg over, and sat down on the edge of the bed. “It’s going to be hard for you to hear this, but as much as I can’t stand Breanne personally, I have to confess I admire what the woman did.”
Matt’s bloodshot eyes widened in outrage. “What?”
“It’s smart. She obviously wants you to give fidelity a try.”
Matt frowned. “That wasn’t part of our deal.”
“What deal ? This is supposed to be a marriage .”
“Monogamy’s retro. Breanne’s said it herself, more than once.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t care what she said. I think, deep down, Breanne feels the same emotions I used to about you: jealousy, possessiveness, anger—”
He waved me off. “You don’t know Breanne like I do.”
“No. You don’t know women as well as you think you do.”
Matt and I could usually communicate with very few words. At the moment, I felt as though we were talking two different languages. I sat in silence for a moment.
“Tell me, truthfully,” I finally said. “What is it that you love about Breanne?”
This question seemed to baffle the groom. (Not a good sign.) I waited as he searched the bedroom ceiling, finally he met my eyes.
“I... I guess I love my life with her,” he said quietly. “It’s always fun to be with Bree, you know, exciting. She can always find a party, no matter what city she’s in. Man, that woman loves to party. And seeing Rome, Paris, Tokyo with her... it was great. It’s always the best with her: limos, top hotels, the finest restaurants.”
“So it’s her money you love?”
“No...” Matt frowned. “Honestly, it’s what we enjoy together, Clare. I mean, Bree loves that life—the traveling, the networking with new people—and when I’m with her, she arranges everything, makes life easy. I don’t have to sweat the small stuff. It’s kind of a relief. She doesn’t mind taking care of things and taking care of me, too—like she did when I broke my arm last fall.”
Like a mom, I thought. It made sense, their relationship. With Breanne in control, Matt was free to extend his eternal boy status all the way to the retirement home.
“Breanne likes adventure, too,” he went on. “After fashion week was over last year in Milan, we took off, ate and drank our way across Italy from behind the wheel of a Lamborghini that some designer loaned her. We skinny-dipped in the Mediterranean at five in the morning, and then we went paragliding. Oh, man, that was such a blast.”
Matt’s expression softened. “I guess I love her for things like that, too.” A hint of a smile moved across his features. “And I guess... I guess I do love Breanne.”
“Then, uh, maybe you should marry her. But I mean really marry her, Matt. Try being a real husband for a change. That might just be an adventure, too.”
Matt studied my face. “You and I weren’t a total disaster, were we?”
“One look at our daughter will answer how I feel about that.”
Matt sighed. “Okay, Clare. I heard everything you said, and I’ll think about it...”
It was the exact same response Breanne had given me at the restaurant earlier today. I returned Matt’s smile, holding out hope that this was a sign the two really were simpatico.
“So the wedding’s on?” I pressed. “You’ll marry Breanne?”
Before Matt could answer, the phone on the nightstand warbled. I picked it up.
“Clare?” It was the harsh, clipped tone of a woman who wasted no time with pleasantries.
“Yes,” I said.
“I gather things didn’t go well with Nunzio, or you wouldn’t be home alone right now.”
Here we go: the return of bridezilla. “Actually, Breanne, I secured the fountain. And I’m not alone. Matt’s here.”
I heard a sharp breath on the other end of the line. She began speaking again, but I put my hand over the receiver and turned to my ex-husband.
“Listen to me, Matt, I have something important to tell you ...”
I spilled the beans about Breanne being attacked in Machu Picchu’s bathroom. Before I could get to Randall Knox or my Gordian knot of conspiracy theories, he snatched the phone from my fingers.
“Breanne, are you all right, honey? You’re not in any pain, are you? Do you want me to come over?”
I listened to Matt’s end of the conversation for the next few minutes. I heard more than one “I’m sorry” and “Your forgiven” before things got really mushy. Then I slipped out of the room, deciding to table my discussion of the Breanne-in-peril case until after I got back.
The way Matt was cooing to his fiancée, I was certain of one thing: Saturday’s wedding was definitely back on, which meant I had to get Nunzio’s fountain to the Met!
On most evenings, taxis ran fairly regularly up Hudson Street. Chic residents of uptown neighborhoods knew downtown was the hottest Manhattan scene, so cabbies routinely spent the night transporting the clubbing set to bars and restaurants in Soho and Tribeca, then reversing course to go back uptown for a new load of trendily clothed forms to ferry.
I’d just missed one yellow cab. It swerved for the fare across the road. In the glow of the streetlamp, the silhouette of a man in a trench coat and ball cap climbed into its backseat. But another cab rolled up a moment later, and I snagged the ride.
Traffic was still pretty light, and we traveled from Greenwich Village to the Upper East Side without any major snarls. As the cab circled the block at Eighty-sixth Street and doubled back down Fifth, another taxi hugged its bumper. I saw the flash of annoyance on my driver’s face in the rearview mirror.
“Damn tailgater,” he muttered.
Soon the floodlit walls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art loomed into view. Bordering Central Park, the massive museum occupied five full city blocks, its interior crammed with a stultifying array of irreplaceable artifacts. The paintings included many of the world’s masterpieces; the sculptures dated back to ancient Greece and Rome. There were historical displays of furniture, jewelry, arms and armor, vases, tapestries, photographs, ancient mummies, and even an entire Egyptian temple, removed from the banks of the Nile River and transported to the New World. Soon one more treasure would be added to that list, albeit temporarily: the Italian sculptor Nunzio’s Lover’s Spring.
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