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Tim Severin: Sea Robber

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Tim Severin Sea Robber

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In his latest adventure Hector Lynch follows his quest for the young Spanish woman, Maria, with whom he has fallen in love. His search takes him and his friends on a nightmare passage around Cape Horn where they come across a small warship entombed on an icefloe, her only crew two skeletons - the captain frozen to death in his cabin and a dog. The corpse is the long-missing brother of a local Spanish governor in Peru. In gratitude for learning his brother’s fate, the governor tells Hector that Maria has moved to the Ladrones, the Thief Islands, on the far side of the Pacific. On the way there, Hector’s ship picks up an emaciated native fisherman adrift on a sinking boat. He dupes his rescuers into thinking that his home is rich in gold. But his poverty-stricken island proves to be the jealousy guarded by a Japanese warlord who treats the visitors as trespassers. Only when Jezreel, the ex-prize fighter, defeats the Japanese swordsman in a duel can they escape. Reaching the Thief Islands, Hector allies with the native people, the Chamorro, to launch a night raid on the Spanish fort and is finally reunited with Maria. But will the young couple ever be able to settle down? As a known sea robber, Hector will only be safe where the law cannot touch him so their journey continues . . .

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‘Do we have another choice?’ he asked.

‘The offer I made yesterday still stands. I’ll recommend to my crew that all four of you join our company. They must vote on it, as you know. That’s the custom. But I’m sure they’ll vote in favour.’

‘My friends and I have had our fill of buccaneering,’ said Hector stubbornly.

‘Then, in view of our long-standing acquaintance and how helpful you’ve been in the capture of this fine ship, I’ll inform the crew that I’m willing to take you on, even if you haven’t signed articles. That way you’ll be free to leave the ship whenever you wish.’

Yet again Hector sensed that Cook was being dangerously subtle. ‘What would be our duties on board?’ he enquired cautiously.

‘Work the ship, stand watches, that sort of thing. Also I need a navigator who has already been around the Cape.’

‘But you’re heading through Magellan’s Strait.’

‘True. But I’m a cautious man, and if we have problems there, we’ll need to have an alternative route. When you left the South Sea last time, you came around the Cape, so I believe.’

Hector hesitated, still unwilling to commit himself when Jezreel intervened again. ‘Hector, I think we should accept Cook’s offer. At least until something better comes along.’

‘I don’t fancy taking my chances among the black men,’ agreed Jacques.

Hector looked across at Dan. He was always level-headed. Dan gave a rueful smile. ‘I’m with Jezreel and Jacques. We go to the South Sea aboard this ship. Besides, Hector, it will bring you closer to Maria, and we’d be happy to see that.’

Hector felt a surge of gratitude. He hadn’t realized his friends were aware of his longing to find Maria again. He’d no idea that his desire was so obvious.

‘All ready,’ called the sailing master from the poop deck.

‘So is it settled between us?’ asked Cook. There was a glint of triumph in his eyes.

Hector nodded his agreement.

Cook raised his voice so that he could be heard throughout the ship. ‘Time to move off. Remember, be slow and calm, as if the Carlsborg is simply heading down the coast to visit another trading post, and the Revenge is going with her.’

He grinned wolfishly as he turned back to face Hector. ‘We don’t want the fort mistaking us for pirates stealing Company property.’

‘I blame myself for telling you that her captain was away with half his crew,’ said Hector.

Cook shrugged. ‘I’d probably have found out for myself, from gossip among the canoe men. But I only decided finally to take the Carlsborg when you told me you and your friends would be on watch at dawn. The ideal time to capture a ship, and an opportunity I couldn’t ignore.’

‘And you counted on our loyalty to Jacques.’

‘Of course.’

‘What if the Governor raises the alarm when he sees the Carlsborg sail off before her captain has returned from the interior?’

‘Yesterday, after our little tour of the fort, I called in at the Governor’s office. I told him that my visit had made it clear there was a shortage of slave stock locally, so I would be taking the Revenge farther down the coast to trade.’

‘And he believed you?’

‘Naturally. He saw us as we left the slave pens. I took care to add that I would recommend to the Carlsborg ’s first officer that he sail in company with me for a day or so, if he wished to pick up a few extra slaves. He would be able to return in time for her captain’s arrival.’ Cook gave a mirthless grin. ‘Before the Governor realizes the Carlsborg is overdue, I propose to make her vanish.’

With that, Cook walked away.

Hector slid a hand into his pocket and fingered Maria’s letter once again. His mind was in a tumult. Already he was calculating how many weeks it might be before he saw her again, and he felt a surge of happy anticipation at the thought that every mile the Carlsborg sailed would bring him closer to her. Yet he knew that he was also putting everything at risk by arriving on the coast of South America with a crew of ruffians whom the Spaniards considered barbaric pirates. He promised himself that at the very first opportunity he and his friends would abandon such unwelcome company.


картинка 6

THE LANDFALL off the broad entrance to Magellan’s Strait was both disheartening and confusing. The weather, hazy with frequent rain showers, made for poor visibility, and the tide, flowing out of the Strait, created an ugly current of at least six or seven knots, which was more than the ship could manage. The only land in sight was a low barren island, a dismal yellowish-brown, a cable’s length to starboard. A single black albatross, which had followed the vessel since early morning, was now gliding over the boulder-strewn beach, searching for food.

As he stood by the helm, Hector glumly set aside any hope that this was where he and his friends might be able to leave the ship.

‘Not much of a place, is it?’ observed William Dampier morosely. As navigator, he was responsible for the landfall. Hector had always liked him. Long-faced and lugubrious, Dampier had sailed on the previous South Sea raid. He’d admitted to Hector that his real reason for voyaging with the buccaneers was not to win plunder, but to have the chance to observe and record the natural world. He kept notes of whatever caught his interest, whether plants or animals or local people and their customs, tides and the weather, and wrote his observations on scraps of paper, which he kept dry in a stoppered bamboo tube. Now he had a chart in his hand and was trying to identify exactly where they were.

‘It would help if we knew our latitude more accurately,’ he muttered.

‘Little chance of that. This overcast looks set,’ Hector observed.

There was sharpness in the air, a chill that had been increasingly noticeable these past few days. Hector was wearing a thick jacket and a heavy scarf purchased from a shipmate. The sultry warmth of the Guinea coast was a distant memory. Behind them lay 4,000 sea miles from Africa, covered in little more than six weeks.

‘Our first snow,’ muttered Dampier, shaking the chart to dislodge a flake that had drifted down on it.

‘What do you think? Should we attempt the Strait?’ The question came from Cook, who had joined them by the helm.

‘We’ll be sailing into dirty weather,’ replied Dampier. Ahead of the ship, the sky was turning a menacing blue-black as if a great bruise was slowly spreading up from the horizon. Flickers of sheet lightning lit the underbelly of a cloud bank forming in the far distance. To emphasize Dampier’s warning, a sudden gust of wind made the vessel heel abruptly, causing all three men to stagger and lose their balance.

‘Are you confident this is the entrance to the Strait?’ Cook asked.

‘As sure as I can be, with such poor charts,’ answered Dampier.

Cook chewed his lip. Hector had noticed the same habit when the captain had been thinking about stealing the Carlsborg .

Away to the south an expanse of blue-grey water was already churning into white caps. Turning to Hector, Cook asked, ‘You’ve been the other route, around the Cape. What did you think of it?’

‘We were travelling in the opposite direction and were lucky. We had an uneventful passage.’

‘Nothing like the fierce storms we hear so much about?’

‘Fresh winds, no more than that.’

‘Our ship swims better than most.’

Hector agreed. The Danish West India-Guinea Company would find it difficult to recognize their stolen vessel. After Cook and his men had turned their prisoners loose in the Revenge ’s longboat, the buccaneers had set to work with saws and axes and chisels. The Carlsborg ’s high poop deck had been ripped out. Next, the forecastle was dismantled. Anything that might slow the vessel in a chase or make her cranky in bad weather was discarded. Deckhouses were knocked down, topmasts shortened, twenty of her cannon lowered from the main deck and repositioned where once there had been a half-deck for stowing slaves. Gun ports were cut. Very soon the tall, stately merchant ship was transformed into a low, lean predator. When all was ready to receive them, the stores and supplies were shifted out of the Revenge , and the carpenters went back aboard their former home with their mauls and axes and smashed great holes in her lower strakes. The Revenge sank within an hour and left no trace.

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