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C. Brown: Compromising

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C. Brown Compromising

Compromising: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The exciting conclusion to Alex and Cassie's story! Sgt. Alex Cruz took the risk of his life when he pursued and established a relationship with Pfc. Cassie Bennett. Their secret was blown wide-open by one life altering event, leaving their futures in jeopardy. Escaping the shadows of Marine Corps orders should have been a sigh of relief, but quickly turns into their biggest challenge yet. Alex and Cassie must learn to navigate the road blocks thrown their way, while also figuring out how to function as a couple. They know what they want, but not always how to attain it. Life will test their love and their resolve, proving that their only option is to learn the art of COMPROMISING!

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“I vote for another wiener,” Riley croaked out in between sips of his beer.

“You and me both, Riley,” Cassie agreed. I scrunched my eyebrows at her, making her shrug her shoulders. “What can I say? Boys are pretty easy.”

I pulled her back into my arms, her plump ass resting on my cock. This was a bad idea with so many people in the room.

“And I need my princess.”

“You have me.”

“You’re my Queen, Blondie. My Queen.”

“Yeah, enough with that shit. Can we get to it before these two cause early labor and make another baby right here in front of us,” Adriana sarcastically threw in.

Nat took the knife next to the cake that she had been slaving over all day long. It was a long rectangular shaped cake, decked out in yellow frosting with little baby carriages on top.

“Do you want to cut the cake, Cassie?”

Cassie looked back to me and smiled, but turned back to Nat and shook her head. “No, I think I’ll let Alex cut it.”

I kissed Cassie’s cheek, then moved around her, taking the knife from Nat’s hands. “Are you all ready?”

“Nooo, Daddy! I want the cake.”

“You’ll get some, little guy. I promise.”

“I want to cut it.”

Cassie moved aside and let AJ through. Riley pushed a chair over to the counter and I helped my boy up, placing his hand on the knife before situating my hand on top of his.

“I just want everyone to know that no matter what, I’m happy, but Alex might need a shrink if he doesn’t get what he wants.”

The room broke out in laughter, and AJ shoved the knife down into the cake before I even had a chance to guide him. Our hands smashed into it, pulling out the cake matter as I pulled back.

“Ewww! I don’t like pink!” AJ shouted, then jumped down from the chair.

Everyone clapped loudly as the cheers rang out. I was so full of happiness that I couldn’t contain it. “Fuck yeah! Hell fucking yeah! I’ve got a little girl growing in there.” I reached out for Cassie and smeared some of the pink cake on her face, kissing and licking it off of her.

“Alex! The kids…”

“I’m too fucking excited to care. Let them see. AJ, you’re getting a little sister.”

“I’m so excited for you guys. Congratulations!” Adriana hugged us both, followed by Nat and then my grandmother.

The guys each gave their congratulations in a much more subdued manner, but still thrilled that I finally got what I had been looking for.

“I’ll just let everyone know, if baby number three had been another boy, we’d be doing this again in the near future.”

Cassie’s smiling face instantly faded and she switched to chiding me. “You are cut off, Cruz. You’re off to get snipped. I’m just letting you know that.”

My joy fell. “Cassie, fuck that. I’m not getting anything snipped. Don’t even joke about that shit.”

“Anyway, you two, it’s been hell on me keeping that a secret for the past week. And now that we know what you’re having, what are you going to name her? I hate calling her, the baby, ” Nat interrupted.

“Imelda Christine Cruz. We want her to take her grandmother’s name.”

Adriana’s eyes welled with tears as my grandmother allowed hers to flow. I took her in my arms, whispering how much I loved her and that everything would be okay.

“I’m so proud of you, Alejandro. So proud.”

With my grandmother getting older, she was sadly coming to grips with the fact that her health was fading and that she might not have too much longer with us. She missed my mom terribly, and often spoke about me or Adriana having a little girl, a girl to remember my mom by. After the birth of AJ and Antonio, we’d all hoped that Adriana would have a little girl, but when we’d found out she was having another boy, we’d all kind of lost hope.

“I know you are, Abuelita. I know you are.”

“Well, let’s eat because I am starving,” Riley called out, leading everyone out to the back patio.

We ate, talked about the baby and just how much my mom would have loved the growing family we had, shared stories about her, and even shed a couple of tears. I often wondered if I would ever be okay with it all, but the answer was simple—I wouldn’t be. My mom lived on in my heart every single day, and while my boys looked so much like Cassie, I was thankful that every now and then I would catch glimpses of my mom’s face. It was a constant reminder that she was there, smiling down on us and proud of the man that I had become.

On the other hand, I couldn’t have been more thankful that I didn’t have to look into the faces of my boys and see the traces of the one women that I’d never learned to love… hell, I had never even learned to tolerate… Emmalyn. After her brush with death during Cassie’s pregnancy with AJ, she’d promised that she would get clean because she wanted to be a part of her daughter’s and grandkid’s lives. At first, she kept to her promise, even checking herself into rehab and completing her treatment. She’d done well for the first year, but soon after relapsed and found herself back in rehab. It was after that stint that Cassie made it abundantly clear that if she fucked up one more time she would be cut off for good, and there would be no looking back.

Emmalyn’s well to do promises were all good until she was visiting while I was in Afghanistan, and messed up for the last time. I’d called home to speak to Cassie, and found her beside herself. She said she’d run to the mini mart on base to get milk for AJ, and when she got back, Emmalyn was passed out in her room with pills lying on the floor, and vodka shots half drank. Cassie flipped her shit, and woke her mom up as she screamed. If AJ had been in the house with her at any point, he could have swallowed one of the pills or sipped on one of her vodka shots.

Cassie stuffed all of her mom’s belongings into her bags, then tossed them out of the front porch. Emmalyn cried and pleaded her case, claiming she had messed up, but that she had gone so long without falling off the wagon that she deserved another chance. I hadn’t offered any input or advice. I only listened to my wife, and when she told me that at that moment, looking at her mom, she saw nothing, I knew she had finally had enough of her shit.

The MPs were called to escort her off base, and that was that. Emmalyn had tried calling a few times, but when Cassie ignored every call, she’d finally given up. I’d offered to change her number, but Cassie made it clear that she would not take that drastic step and that the woman who happened to birth her would eventually get the clue.

Emmalyn missed the birth of Antonio, and would certainly miss Imelda’s birth, but that was the way we wanted it—only good hearted and well-rounded people in our children’s lives. I’d celebrated when Cassie told me she’d thrown her mom out for good, and I hadn’t felt an ounce of fucking guilt for it. If I’d had my way, that day in the hospital after Christmas would have been the last time we’d ever had to contend with that poor excuse for a woman, but Cassie, being the warm hearted person that she was, found a way to give her mom a chance. I couldn’t say I was glad that she’d had to learn the hard way, but I knew the day would eventually come, and it felt good as hell to know that the woman would forever be a distant memory for me.


Lying down with Cassie later that evening, I ran my fingers over her growing belly, feeling the small kicks of my daughter as my hand traced her tiny form. “I can’t tell you enough how much I love you, Blondie. I love everything you’ve ever done for me because you certainly didn’t have to.”

“Why are you getting so sentimental?”

I rested my weight on my elbow. “I’ve wanted a daughter, and now I’m getting one. And you’re just a fucking amazing mom to my boys. I couldn’t have picked a better woman to bear my kids.”

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