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Jack Lee: A Guide for the Heroic Nerd

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Jack Lee A Guide for the Heroic Nerd

A Guide for the Heroic Nerd: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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If you want to learn how to become a player, this book isn’t for you. To be a true player you have to treat women like objects; you can’t afford to care about their feelings. In other words—you have to be an asshole. There are enough assholes in the world; I don’t need to add to their numbers. If you want to learn how to listen to women, how to become more caring and understanding—again—this book isn’t for you. I can only teach what I know and I don’t know how to listen, care, or be empathetic. A nerd values his intellect over everything else. You can have any other trait, but if your brain is your defining characteristic, you’re a nerd. I’ll teach you how to use your best trait to pick up real girls in real places. To use my methods, you must become a hero. A hero refuses to live a life of quiet desperation. At the end of his life, a hero regrets the things he’s done, not the things he hasn’t. He doesn’t regret NOT asking a girl out. Most nerds avoid hard work. Smart lazy people use their intellect to avoid stressful situations. They choose the path of least resistance and then wonder why they accomplish nothing. Picking up real girls in real places is a contact sport. There will be pain. There is no easy path forward. If you aren’t brave enough to try, you’ll never have an opportunity to succeed. If you don’t have the fortitude to throw yourself back into the fray after you crash and burn, your journey will be over before it started. If you have what it takes to be a heroic nerd, you might want to read this book.

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Chapter 10: Learn the difference between real and fake friendships

A true friend likes you exactly as you are. They know all your flaws and they don’t care. You never have to worry about putting your best foot forward or hiding your real opinions when you’re around your friends.

It’s easy to tell who your guy friends are because you don’t want to have sex with any of them. If a guy is annoying, he isn’t a friend.

It’s harder with women. Sexual tension makes it difficult for us to see what’s real and what isn’t. A woman may be annoying but if she’s hot, you might be reluctant to avoid her.

It doesn’t matter whether they’re male or female, physically attractive or unattractive: if you want to sleep with someone, that person is a potential lover and not a friend. We always treat our lovers and potential lovers differently than we treat our friends.

Most men aren’t good listeners. We love to complain about women. We love to converse about sports and gear but we don’t really listen to anyone except people we want to sleep with. Even with them, most of the time we’re pretending we’re paying attention. If you’ve never patiently listened to a friend weep and patted his hand with sympathy as he explains how his girlfriend hurt him, you’re probably not acting like yourself when you do the same for an attractive girl. You’re being a fake friend.

I recommend you stop doing that for reasons both moral and practical.

I’ll review the moral reason first. It isn’t good Karma to fake being someone you’re not. You may be able to fake being sensitive and caring while you’re horny, but as soon as you’re satisfied you’ll revert to your old self. You won’t be able to help it; that’s just how the male brain works. If the girl fell for your act and started dating you, you’d never be able to keep it up. It’s always unethical to pull a bait and switch.

The practical reason for not being a fake friend is it will never lead to what you want. In movies and novels, fake friends often end up with the girl. This happens because almost all male script writers and novelists are nerds who make livings writing about their fantasies. It doesn’t happen in real life.

If the girl really wants to be your friend, she REALLY isn’t attracted to you. The best you can hope for is being loved like an adopted brother. If she’s anything close to normal, she will not be attracted to family members.

“But”, you protest, “being a fake friend is working! Just the other day she said, ‘I wish my boyfriend was more like you’. She’s totally into me!”

Let’s analyze her statement. First what were you doing when she said that? The odds were good that you were doing something men almost never do—you were carefully listening to her. You were also caring and empathetic. To put it bluntly, you weren’t acting like a man; you were acting like a girl.

When men get frustrated with their girlfriends, they often say, “I wish she’d be reasonable!” Men often wish women would be more like men.

When a girl gets frustrated with her boyfriend, she often says, “I wish he’d stop being so stupid and insensitive!” She’s wishing that her boyfriend would be more like a girl. So when a frustrated girl compares you favorably to her ex or current boyfriend, she’s comparing you (an honorary girl) to him (a real man).

Unfortunately for you, in a competition for a heterosexual girl’s affections, an honorary girl never beats a real man.

You don’t have to be an asshat or treat a woman badly to be a real man. There’s a fine line that separates ‘nice guy’ from ‘honorary girl’. You just need to avoid stepping over that line.

If you don’t want to be effectively neutered in a woman’s eyes, you mustn’t let her complain about ex or current boyfriend to you. Seriously, do you really want to hear this?

So how do you stop her? My initial suggestion is to yawn. It’s not hard to make a yawn when you’re really bored. Most women will get the message and let you change the topic. If a yawn doesn’t stop her, say this: “I’d much rather talk about us than him.”

It’s a bold statement that cuts through all the bullshit. It tells her exactly where you stand. A woman wouldn’t be talking to you about another guy if she was interested in you. The odds are high that she’ll reject you, but at least now you will no longer be wasting time and energy on a false hope.

Chapter 11: How to talk to a girl

The pick up line is the first step. The girl is now willing to hear your spiel. What are you going to say?

I’ll list a few techniques that I used to make small talk with women. If they fit your personality, you’re welcome to use them. If they don’t, try to come up with other techniques that better fit your style.

My goal isn’t to turn you into a mini, less-original version of me. I’m trying to give you the tools to turn you into the best you possible. I’m attempting to help you find the girl you want to be with long term. Your relationship is doomed if you start it off by pretending to be someone you’re not. Whatever technique you use, it has to be consistent with the real you.

If you try to talk to her about the things you’re interested in—sports, electronic equipment, cars, et al—the odds are high you’ll bore her in seconds. There are girls who are interested in this kind of stuff, but they’re extremely rare. Please don’t ask her deep probing questions about herself. We’ve talked about that before—that’ll just turn you into an honorary girl. It’s bad enough when a girl is trying to neuter you—don’t castrate yourself.

If I wanted to try humor, I’d sometimes use this opening line, “What does a man with a twelve-inch penis eat for breakfast?”

Most times, she’d be taken aback—not knowing how to deal with a guy who starts a conversation about penises. I’d just sit there with a grin on my face waiting for her to say, “I…I don’t know.”

It’s essential you put on a ridiculous look of pride on your face as you say, “Well, I eat oatmeal.”

Don’t laugh after you say this line. When she starts laughing in surprise, pretend to be offended.

If your timing and facial expression is just right, she’ll begin laughing even harder. When she finally stops, you claim, “I’m not joking!” If you time this right, she’ll lose it, again.

If the joke goes well, stop talking about penises—one risqué joke is funny and unusual. It’s funny because it’s unexpected. Multiple dirty jokes in a row to a girl you don’t really know is creepy.

You’ve broken the ice; now tell her all the funny stories you know. Talk about the time you almost got arrested and then ask her if anything like that happened to her. Your goal isn’t to be a standup comic; it’s to get to know her in an entertaining way. Every joke and story you tell should lead to a light-hearted question prompting her to tell a story of her own.

Almost everyone has a story about how they snuck out of their house without their parent’s knowledge. Get her to tell you if she ever did that.

If the opening joke didn’t go well, find another girl to talk to—first impressions are important and you’ve just blown it.

Let’s pretend that you’re not funny and way too uptight to ever tell a penis joke—especially to a girl you just met. You can still learn something. Let’s analyze why this was one of my favorite opening lines.

1. It was unusual. Very few men tell risqué jokes to women they’re trying to pick up.

2. It was self-deprecating. I was encouraging the girl to laugh at me.

3. It takes a lot of confidence to pull a joke like this off. Women are attracted to confidence.

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