Archaeological evidence for the historical reality of Gilgamesh.
Pergolesi died of consumption at twenty-six.
Laborare est Orare. Work is Worship.
Said the old monks.
Benedetto Croce died of a stroke.
Robert Schumann died mad, probably from syphilis.
Behold, this dreamer cometh.
Sophocles’ father manufactured swords.
John Dos Passos died of congestive heart failure.
Tyndale was permitted the indulgence of being strangled at the stake before they set fire to him.
A Farewell to Arms:
1590, George Peele’s version dating from.
Trying to imagine the shape of the modern world if Charles Martel had been defeated at Tours.
Simone Weil’s final hospitalization was ostensibly for tuberculosis and exhaustion. Nevertheless a coroner’s report labeled her death suicide by starvation.
The woman was mad, de Gaulle said.
Mantegna used a corpse as the model for one of his Crucifixions.
Géricault used several while painting The Raft of the Medusa.
Veit Stoss died blind. And destitute.
The almost unparalleled contemporary popularity of Euripides.
Greek soldiers captured and held as slaves after the disastrous expedition at Syracuse were actually given their freedom if they could teach passages from his plays from memory.
Which many could.
George Eliot translated Spinoza.
Emma Lazarus translated Judah Halevi.
Willem de Kooning’s father was a beer distributor.
An incidental notation of Malcolm Lowry’s, while describing a visit to a room used by De Quincey in the Lake District:
Smoking Prohibited.
She only said, My life is dreary,
He cometh not, she said;
She said, I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead.
Cousin Ruddy was habitually foul-mouthed.
Flannery O’Connor died of lupus.
In the century after their deaths, Ben Jonson’s name appeared in print three times as often as Shakespeare’s.
Salathiel Pavy.
Why does Joyce let Leopold Bloom think Saverio Mercadante was Jewish?
April 26, 1937. A Monday.
Which was also Guernica’s market day, drawing peasants in from the nearby countryside.
No matter how frequently, always given pause at remembering there is no color whatsoever in the canvas.
A little, plain, provincial, sickly-looking old maid.
Being Charlotte Brontë, as seen by George Henry Lewes.
Robert Southey died of — quote — softening of the brain.
And what should they know of England who only England know?
Gauguin once tried to kill himself with arsenic.
But vomited.
Do you think up that material when you’re drunk?
Asked a cousin of Faulkner’s.
Dittersdorf, you’re not in tune.
Tintoretto died of what appears to have been stomach cancer.
Trollope died of a stroke.
Milledgeville, Georgia.
Tracts free as the Lord supplies the funds.
Frank Lloyd Wright died of a heart attack after surgery.
Hilda Doolittle died of the flu, though already assaulted by a heart attack and a stroke.
Even after Einstein on the Beach had been performed at the Metropolitan Opera, Philip Glass was driving a taxi in New York City.
Hypatia, who was battered to death by Christian fanatics.
Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum, Lucretius said.
Such are the evils that religion prompts.
Emotion recollected in tranquility.
The best words in the best order.
Vivaldi died of no one knows what.
Of internal fire, the 1741 Vienna church registry having poetically settled for.
A social and moral pervert, Theodore Roosevelt called Tolstoy.
Roosevelt on Henry James:
A miserable little snob.
On Thomas Paine:
A filthy little atheist.
Spinoza’s tomb. At the Nieuwe Kerk in The Hague.
It was falling, too, upon every part of the lonely churchyard on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried.
S. Y. Agnon died of a heart attack.
Dostoievsky’s second wife, Anna, adding a note of charm to a recollection of Dostoievsky pawning something:
He sat there for over an hour — my poor, poor Fedya. So sweet, and so brilliant and altogether fine, and he had to sit and wait among a lot of Jews.
Stuck-groove music.
When the canvas is on the floor, I feel closer to it.
Said Jackson Pollock.
Marie Corelli was Charles Mackay’s daughter.
Marcia Davenport was Alma Gluck’s.
Robert Penn Warren died of prostate cancer.
Joshua Reynolds died blind.
After having been deaf through most of his life.
Only when the world itself is destroyed will the verses of Lucretius perish.
Said Ovid.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan died profoundly in debt.
Yet was granted a spectacular Westminster Abbey funeral.
Molière died after bursting a blood vessel in a convulsive tubercular coughing fit and choking on his own blood.
Panta rei, ouden menei.
It is very difficult to understand and appreciate the generation that follows you, Matisse said.
I only know that summer sang in me
A little while, that in me sings no more.
The candle-end was flickering out in the battered candlestick, dimly lighting up in the poverty-stricken room the murderer and the harlot who had so strangely been reading together in the eternal book.
The friendship of Byron and Stendhal.
According to Herodotus, Xerxes literally ordered that the Hellespont be given three hundred lashes when a storm washed away a bridge he had only then constructed for his invasion of the West.
And as an incidental afterthought also ordered his chief engineers beheaded.
Gary Cooper died of lung cancer.
Wilhelm Reich died in Lewisburg Penitentiary.
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin died after giving birth to the infant girl who would one day marry Shelley.
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin died after giving birth to the infant girl who would one day write Frankenstein.
Fanny Brawne’s mother died in an accident in which her clothing caught on fire.
Things from which one would avert one’s eyes even in a brothel.
Said Aretino in a letter to Michelangelo condemning The Last Judgment.
Which at least three different popes subsequently came close to having removed.
Rarely remembering that it was Congreve who said Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.
Rarely remembering that it was Congreve who said Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
In the same play.
People none of whose business it is repeatedly excising the Hughes from the Yorkshire gravestone inscribed Sylvia Plath Hughes.
Moses Mendelssohn died of a stroke.
Felix Mendelssohn died of a stroke.
Slabtown, Tennessee, Grace Moore was born in.
If on a winter’s night with no other source of warmth Writer were to burn a Roy Lichtenstein — qualms?
Kierkegaard was regularly beaten up by his schoolmates.
Yeats aussi.
Christina Rossetti died while praying.
Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore.
The Muses’ darling, Peele called Marlowe.
O Rare Ben Jonson.
So it befell in that affray that the said Ingram, in defence of his life, with the dagger aforesaid of the value of 12d. gave the said Christopher then & there a mortal wound over his right eye of the depth of two inches & of the width of one inch; of which mortal wound the aforesaid Christopher Morley then & there instantly died.
Negative capability.
Sartre died blind.
Having been strabismic.
Like Menander.
Splendid rooms and elegant furnishings are for people who have no thoughts, Goethe said.
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