Adam Sachs - Inherited Disorders - Stories, Parables & Problems

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Inherited Disorders: Stories, Parables & Problems: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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A son receives an inheritance from his father and tries to dispose of it before it destroys him.
tells this elemental story in over 100 hilarious, witty variations. Adam Ehrlich Sachs’s
is a rueful, absurd, and endlessly entertaining look at a most serious subject — the eternally vexed relations between fathers and sons. In a hundred and seventeen shrewd, surreal vignettes, Sachs lays bare the petty rivalries, thwarted affection, and mutual bafflement that have characterized the filial bond since the days of Davidic kings. A philosopher’s son kills his father and explains his aphorisms to death. A father bequeaths to his son his jacket, deodorant, and political beliefs. England’s most famous medium becomes possessed by the spirit of his skeptical father — who questions, in front of the nation, his son’s choice of career. A Czech pianist amputates his fingers one by one to thwart his father, who will not stop composing concertos for him. A nineteenth-century Italian nobleman wills his ill-conceived flying contraption — incapable of actual flight — to his newborn son. In West Hollywood, an aspiring screenwriter must contend with the judgmental visage of his father, a respected public intellectual whose frozen head, clearly disappointed in him, he keeps in his freezer. Keenly inventive, but painfully familiar, these surprisingly tender stories signal the arrival of a brilliant new comic voice — and fresh hope for fathers and sons the world over.

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Adam Ehrlich Sachs

Inherited Disorders: Stories, Parables & Problems




A postwar Austrian poet — whose name you might not recognize but who was in his time a fairly prominent figure on the Viennese scene, a fixture of the literary circle at Café Raimund — struggled most of his career to free his poetry from the shadow of his father, a Nazi officer. No one suspected the son of any Nazi sympathies; he even married a Jewish woman. The problem, rather, was that all of his poetry was interpreted by critics as a meditation on his father’s crimes. In truth, he had no interest in his father, really no interest in the past at all. He cared about nature: mountains, creeks, ferns. He called himself, at various points, a creekpoet or fernpoet . Yet every creek, every fern, was construed by his critics — from his very first major review in Die Zeit in 1968—as a “reckoning” with the actions of his father, who had once shot 150 Hungarian Jews in one day with his own pistol. The critic noted the total absence in the poet’s poems of people, history, politics, fathers, et cetera, and saw their absence as a sign that they were actually the poet’s primary concerns, the unspeakable void at the center of his ferns. (The review was extremely positive.)

Of course the poet deplored his father’s actions. But his “primary concerns” were mountains, creeks, and, especially, ferns.

Over the next decade he published two more acclaimed volumes of nature poetry. Both were interpreted as oblique meditations on his father’s crimes.

His fourth volume of nature poetry came out in 1985. It, too, was interpreted as an oblique meditation on his father’s crimes, but the reviews were less rapturous than before. The critic for the Süddeutsche Zeitung wondered if the poet had anything else to write about, anything besides his father’s wartime crimes, now more than forty years old. “The highly circumscribed nature of his interests,” wrote the critic, “became apparent with his second volume and glaring with his third. Now, with his fourth consecutive collection of poems to ponder how one generation’s crimes burden the next, it has finally become a liability.”

For the next thirty years the poet published nothing at all.

His friends began to suspect he was dead, presumably by his own hand. Everyone else forgot about him altogether.

But we now know that he never stopped writing. In fact, he had embarked upon his most ambitious project.

Since every description of a fern had been interpreted as an oblique meditation on his father’s crimes, he would write an epic poem about his father’s brutal crimes that was actually, obliquely, a description of a single fern. He knew the fern he wanted to describe. It grew on the fringes of a clearing in the woods near his home. A lovely fern. To describe it was easy. By now, that was nothing. But to describe it without mentioning the woods, the clearing, or the fern, to use only words that told how his father executed 150 Hungarian Jews, and yet to implant in his reader’s mind, by the time he finished reading the poem, an accurate and even quite detailed image of this one particular fern near his home: that was hard. He wanted his reader to close the book, this exhausting, appalling, tragic, merciless book, and have nothing in his head — no ideas, no horrors, no faces, no place names, no characters, no concepts, no morals — nothing but the precise image of a specific fern. He wanted the reader to think to himself: “I just read about the Holocaust. Why am I picturing this fern? What is the matter with me?” Such was the literary effect he was aiming for.

When he told his wife his idea, she left him.

The composition of the poem occupied the last thirty years of the poet’s life. In the first decade he contemplated his dead father, reading his journals and researching his savage Hungarian campaign, with special attention to the atrocities of June 1, 1941. The subsequent decade was devoted to careful contemplation of the fern: sketching the plant, scribbling notes, often simply sitting there staring at it. In the final decade of his life, the nature poet tried to describe the fern through a narrative poem about his father’s June 1st depravity.

This year he finally published The Kistelek Massacre . He died the night before its publication, uncertain whether he had succeeded in his aim. He would have treasured this morning’s brief review in Die Zeit , which simply calls The Kistelek Massacre “an elegant evocation of a fern.”



The University of Chicago, where his father had been first a professor and then president, wrote to ask him whether he would consider posing for a sculptor who would be erecting a statue of his father in the classics quadrangle. They sent a sketch of the proposed statue: his father striding forward with his left leg, his right hand gripping a volume of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The son wrote back that he would not only consider posing for the artist, he would consider standing, himself, in the classics quadrangle in just that position — left leg striding forward, right hand gripping Ovid — for the rest of his life, and would actually even consider rotating continually but imperceptibly so that he was always facing the sun. To this offer, which the son noted went “above and beyond” what they had requested, the University of Chicago did not respond.



When, in 1919, Henry Hobson Fowler, the only son of a London chimney sweep, was named Wykeham Professor of Logic at Oxford University, his colleagues marveled openly at his improbable escape from the chimneys of his fathers into the rarefied air of logic and language. And for a time in his early career it really did seem that Fowler had torn himself root and branch out of his own past, from that long line of chimney sweeps into which he had been born, even extirpating all traces of his working-class accent.

But either he was still held in the grip of a tenacious ancestral worldview, or the condescending awe of his colleagues awakened in him certain latent ancestral loyalties, or perhaps he simply came to see some symbolic value in his ancestral vocation, for he began around 1922 or 1923 to speak of his approach to philosophy as “a kind of logico-linguistic chimney sweeping,” and over time construed this metaphor in an increasingly literal fashion.

For a while it remained purely figurative. “Our task,” he told students on the first day of his fall 1923 seminar, according to notes taken by one of them, “is to shimmy up the flue of logic and language and clear it out.” In fall 1924, he specified: “We clear out the philosophical flue with, in one hand, our brush and, in the other hand, our scraper. ” Fall 1925: “With our brush we sweep away the loose soot, and with our scraper we chip away at the solid soot.” According to the seminar notes, a student asked whether Fowler was referring to “a real chimney or a logico-linguistic chimney,” and Fowler replied: “A logico-linguistic chimney. The philosophical flue.” In a lecture that spring term, Fowler warned: “It is extremely easy to get trapped in the flue and to suffocate from the soot. As you’re climbing, you must never jam your knees against your chest, in this position.” He showed them. “You’ll suffocate, and we may very well have to dismantle the chimney to retrieve your body.” Again a student asked, according to the lecture notes, whether he was referring to “an actual chimney or some kind of philosophical chimney,” and Fowler replied: “A philosophical chimney.”

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