Warning: It is what often clogs the port. It is heavily sugared. It channels mouth steam (frusc) into the back bunt of the willow. Here is where angels amass in surplus and cease to breathe. The wings grow sticky and no longer beat.
Only the lawns feeding upward, afford the angels an exit once the bore is lost: Needle grass pierces the tool at the hind; sugar clouds the bore, tilting the wasps from the saddle graft; and the godpiece contracts slightly at the cup, popping angels through the holes in succession until the willow tool can once again lift from the lawn into the skylike areas, to proceed in dragging its crying onto other grassland territories.
Landing on floating island of the gods without invitation, form of deafness exemplified by reckless flying. The flier is within the wind, is an aspect of human weather. When one of the senses is stalled, a form of deviant weather occurs where the wind’s bits (fliers) do not adhere to the arc of their origin. This causes all kinds of crazy landings. The particular deafness spoken of here effects breaches formerly unheard of; the flier will glide unknowingly past the warnings of others, he will focus only on a lush strip of green-and-gold earth seemingly floating in the middle skin of the atmosphere. The gods are there. With closed eyes, they are frying tiny birds over a fire. Then from the sky a man hurtles downward, the sound of the gods washing past him like colored wind, his fingers twisting in elaborate shapes of speech. The gods turn their heads into the smell of the roasting food, their dream erased by a dark rupture in the sky.
The confession of father is instituted by a low, glass-covered frame structure for starting speeches. It differs from a LISTENING FRAME only in that the soil is heated by day — either artificially by underground electric wiring or graveyard pipes, or naturally with women’s manure. The manure is first folded daily until the initial period of strong fermentation is over; it is then mixed with a garment of the father, placed in the bottom of the receptacle, and covered with an appropriate amount of soil. Heat is produced by the union of the waste and the rag. Visitations occur by one family member. Note: If the child goes to the garden to absolve him, he should bring a burlap bag. This reduces the necessity of covering the grave with blankets or other insulation at night, when the one underground is shivering too much to speak.

CLOUD SHIMS — Trees, brush, shrubs, or wooden planks that form the walls of the heaven container. These items are painted with blues and grays and the golds of the earliest sky. They are tiny, although some are large. They exist mainly to accommodate the engravings of the container, allowing a writable surface to exist aloft. The engravings command the member down or up, in or out, or back, back and away from here.
CROONAL — A song containing information about a lost, loved, or dead member. These are leg songs or simple wind arrangements. They are performed by the Morgan girl, who has run or walked a great distance and cannot breathe. She fashions noises between her hands by clapping and pumping her homemade air.
TREASURE OF POSSIBLE ENUNCIATIONS — Catalog of first, last, and intermediate lexia. It includes all possible words and their unutterable opposites. Other than Thompson’s Bank of Communicable Desire, no other such comprehensive system exists.
GOD CHARGE — Amount or degree of Thompson occurring in a person or shelter.
HEEN VIEWING — I. The act, technique, or practice of viewing, with intent to destroy, any object or residue within or upon the house. Punishments of such acts include demotion to lower house, in which the culprit is subjected to endless attentions, proddings, mountings, and group viewings by an unbroken stream of voluntary wardens. 2. To covet the life of another. 3. To look at a body and wish to destroy it. The heen in this case occurs or emanates from the hips, and the term applies in all cases less the one in which a member is looking upon, and wishing to terminate, his own body, which act goes unpunished.
HEAVEN — Area of final containment. It is modeled after the first house. It may be hooked and slid and shifted. The bottom may be sawed through. Members inside stare outward and sometimes reach.
FIEND, THE — 1. Heated thing. 2. Item or member which burrows under the soil. 3. Item which is eaten postday. 4. Any aspect of Thompson which Thompson cannot control.
GOD-BURNING SYSTEM — Method of Thompsonian self-immolation. For each Thompson, there exist flammable outcrops or limbs which rub onto the larger body of Thompson (Perkins), rendering morning fires and emberage that lights the sky and advances the time of a given society or culture.
GODPIECE — Cup, bowl, or hoop, which, when swished through air, passed under water, or buried for an indefinite time in sand will attract fragments and other unknown grains that comprise the monetary units of a given culture. The godpiece is known further as a wallet, satchel, or bag that assigns value to the objects inside it.
HEAVEN CONSTRUCTION THEORY — The notion brought to bear on the construction of the final shelter. All work in this area is done under the influence of the first powder, so the hands may shake, the eyes be glazed, the body be soft and movable.
LIVING, THE — Those members, persons, and items that still appear to engage their hands into what is hot, what is rubbery, what cannot be seen or lifted.
MATH GUN, THE — I. Mouth of the father, equipped with a red freckle, glistening. It is shined by foods, dulled with water, left alone by all else. 2. His pencil. It shortens with use and must be shaved, trimmed, or sharpened by the person, who follows behind with a knife.
PERKINS — I. Term given to the body of Thompson, in order that His physical form never desecrate His own name. 2. The god of territory.
RAG, THE, OR PRAYER RAG — Device of stripped or pounded cloth, held to the mouth during prayer.
STRING THEORY OF FATIGUE — System or technique of diagnosing the level of exhaustion in a member by covering it with medical ropes.
RARE WATERS, THE — Series of liquids containing samples of the first water. It is the only water not yet killed. It rims the eyes, falls from them during certain times, and collects at the feet, averting the grasp of hands, which are dry, and need it.
SUN STALLS — Abrupt disruptions in the emissions of the sun. They occur in the blazing quarter strips which flap. There begins a clicking or slow sucking sound. Members standing below arch or bend. They raise a hand to the ear or eye, form a cup or shield.
WEATHER BIRTHING — 1. The act or technique of selecting and reciting certain words within given, fixed sky situations with the intent of generating, enhancing, or subtracting weather from a given area in the society. 2. Burning the skin of a member to alter the sky shapes of a locality. 3. Placing powders or other grains in the mouth while speaking to alter the temperature of a local site. 4. Whispering while holding birds in the mouth.
BEEF SEEDS — Items, scraps, or buttons that bear forth fibrous tissue striata after being buried under milk-loaded cloth.
WESTERN WORSHIP BOXES — The smallest structures, designed to fit precisely one body. They are rough-walled and dank, wooden and finely trimmed — the only areas of devotion. When more than one body enters to worship as a team, the box gevorts.
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