Claudia Springer. Muscular Circuity: The Invincible Armored Cyborg in Cinema. Genders 18. (Winter 1993). Pp. 95-96.
Scott Bukatmen. Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodern Science Fiction. Surham. 1993. P. 20.
Donna J. Haraway. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York. 1991. P. 150. Курсив М. Дери.
Ibid. P. 151. P. 173.
Ibid. P. 150. P. 161. P. 164.
Ibid. P. 152.
Ibid. P. 174.
Ibid. P. 157.
Ibid. P. 162.
Ibid. P. 165. P. 181.
J. G. Ballard. Crash. New York. 1985. Pp. 3-4.
Joan Howe. Housebound / Questioning Technology: Tool, Toy or Tyrant? Philadelphia. 1991. P. 103.
Donna J. Haraway. Op.Cit. P. 181.
Anne Balsamo. Feminism and Cultural Studies. P. 65.
Donna J. Haraway. Op.Cit. P. 151.
Arthur Kroker. Spasm: Virtual Reality, Android Music, Electric Flesh. New York. 1993. P. 26.
Donna J. Haraway. Op.Cit. P. 150.
Arthur Kroker. Op. Cit.
Scott Bukatmen. Op. Cit. P. 247.
David Skal. Antobodies. New York. P. 1988. P. 25.
(jcourte), телеконференция Flame Box / WELL. February 13. 1993.
Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Age. New York. 1992. P. 170.
Интервью Уильяма Гибсона Терри Гроссу в передаче Fresh Air. National Public Radio. August 31. 1993.
Jeffrey Meyers. Op Cit. P. 103.
William Gibson. Neuromancer. New York. 1984. P. 5.
Ibid. P. 5. P. 51.
Ibid. P. 6.
Ibid. P. 21.
Ibid. P. 10.
Ibid. P. 203.
Andrew Kimbrell. Op. Cit. P. 61.
W. David Kubiak. E Pluribus Yamato: The Culture of Corporate Beings / Whole Earth Review. № 69 (Winter 1990). P. 6.
William Gibson. Op. Cit. P. 4. P. 12. P. 14. P. 21. P. 21. P. 97.
Ibid. P. 46.
Ibid. P. 258.
Ibid. P. 256.
Andrew Ross. Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits. New York. 1991. P. 150.
Ibid. P. 25.
Pat Cadigan. Synner. New York. 1991. P. 232.
Pat Cadigan. Op. Cit. P. 283. William Burroughs. Introduction to Naked Lunch. New York. 1966. P. XII.
Pat Cadigan. Op. Cit. Pp. 253-254.
Ibid. P. 331.
Ibid. P. 234.
Ibid. P. 232.
Ibid. P. 235.
Joseph Campbell. Bill Moyers. The Power of Myth. New York. 1988. P. 211.
Norman Spinrad. On Books: Virtual People / Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. Mid-December 1991. P. 171.
Anne Balsamo. Feminism for the Incurably Informed / Flame Wars: The Discourse of Ciberculture //South Atlantic Quarterly. Vol 92. N 4 (fall 1993). P. 688.
Ibid. Pp. 692-693.
Ibid. P. 703.
Ibid. P. 695.
New York Times Magazine. Aprile 14. 1991. P. 46.
Jeffrey Rothfeder. Privacy for Sale: How Computerization Has Made Everyone's Private Life an Open Secret. New York. 1992. P. 180.
Ibid. P. 181.
Ibid. P. 189.
Стив Куртц. Электронное письмо автору этой книги от 19 ноября 1993 года.
Critical Art Ensemble. Critical Art Ensemble: The Electronic Disturbance. New York. 1994. Pp. 57-79.
Стив Куртц. Электронное письмо автору этой книги от 10 февраля 1994 года.
Стив Куртц. Электронное письмо автору этой книги от 11 марта 1994 года.
Цитата по: K. G. Pontus Hulten. The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age. New York. 1968. P. 11.
Thomas Hine. Op. Cit. P. 174.
Barbara Ehrenreich. Op. Cit. P. 67.
Alan M. Klein. Of Muscles and Men / Sciences. November/December 1991. P. 36.
Paul Soloraroff. Living Large / Village Voice. № 44 (October 29) 1991. P. 30.
Ibid. P. 156.
Erik Hedegaard. Making It Big / Details. October 1993. P. 192.
F. T. Marinetti. Multiplied Man and the Reign of the Machine / Marinetti: Selected Writings. New York. 1972. P. 91.
Stuart Ewen. All Consuming Images: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture. New York. 1976. P. 188.
Alan M. Klein. Op. Cit.
Andrew Ross. Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits. New York. 1991. P. 152.
Ibid. P. 145. P. 152.
F. T. Marinetti. Op. Cit. Introduction. P. 6.
Andrew Ross. Op. Cit. P. 162.
The Beacon Book of Quotations by Women. Boston. 1992. P. 14.
Hunter Thompson. Hell's Angels. New York. 1985. P. 116. P. 119.
Цитата по: Naomi Wolf. Fire with Fire: The New Female Power and How It Will Change the Twenty-first Century. New York. 1993. P. 283.
Klaus Theweleit. Male Fantasies. V. II. Minneapolis. 1989. P. XIX.
Ibid. P. XIX.
Все цитаты из этого абзаца: Margot Dougherty. Entertainment Weekly. № 74 (July 12, 1991). P. 18.
Весеннее приложение 1988 году к каталогу для заказа товаров по почте Loompanics Unlimited Main Catalogue, стр. 2.
Claudia Springer. Op. Cit. P. 726.
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