(a) Herodotus IV, 71–72; (b) E.D. Phillips, The Royal Hordes: Nomad Peoples of the Steppes, London, 1965. P. 72.
(a) Ibid.; (b) Iranians and Greeks in South Russia, pls. 7–9, etc.
Литературы о Зивийе очень много, причем относительно стилей и датировки споры не утихают до сих пор. Основная публикация: A. Godard, Le Trésor de Ziwiye, Haarlem, 1950.
(a) A. Mongait, Archaeology in the USSR. P. 250–252; (b) G.M. Aslanov, R.M.Vaidov, G.I. Ione, Ancient Mingechaur: the Aeneolithic and Bronze Age, Baku, 1959; (c) Strabo: Geography XI. 14,4.
(a) Homer: Odyssey XI, 13–19; (b) Herodotus IV, 11–13; (c) Strabo: XIV, 1, 40.
T. Sulimirski, article “Cimmerians” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1967 ed.
K. Jettmar, L’Art des Steppes. P. 80–141.
(a) E. L. Kohler, “Phrygian Animal Style and Nomadic Art” in M.J. Mellink, Dark Ages and Nomads, c. 1000 BC, Istambul, 1964. P. 58–62; (b) R.S. Young, AJA 61. 1957.
(a) Herodotus VII, 73; (b) Strabo: XI, 14, 12; (c) Histoire d’Arménie . P. 322–323.
(a) Herodotus III, 93–94; (b) Histoire d’Arménie . P. 332, etc.
(a) Herodotus VII, 73; (b) Histoire d’Arménie . P. 68, etc.
R.A. Grossland, “Immigrants from the North”, CAH I, fasc. 60. P. 36, 44.
Eudoxos (370 BC) in his Itinerary.
(a) J. Garstang, O.R. Gurney, The Geography of Hititte Empire. P. 36–38; (b) Strabo: XI, 14, 12.
Handbuch, no. 26, 27, 80, 81, 103. Кампании Аргишти I против Урма предполагают, что эта область находится дальше от озера Ван, чем долина Муш.
(a) Xenophon, Cyropedia I,5; II, 4; III, 1; (b) R. Kent, Old Persian, New Haven, 1950.
Burney, AS VII. 1957. P. 51.
(a) Herodotus III, 94; (b) Strabo: XI, 14, 4; (c) Histoire d’Arménie . P. 308–309.
Xenophon, Anabasis, IV, iii.
Burney, Iraq XXIV. 1962. P. 147–149, 152.
(a) R.H. Dyson, “Problems of Protohistoric Iran as Seen from Hasanlu”, JNES XXIV. 1965, pl. XLIV. Кувшин, обозначенный «IIIA» из Аграб-Тепе, на самом деле типично урартский; (b) T.C. Young, “A Comparative Ceramic Chronology for Western Iran”, Iran III. 1965. P. 53–85, etc.
Strabo, XI, 13, 1–2.
Burney, AS VII. 1957. P. 49–50, X, 1960. P. 185–188, etc.
Herodotus, The Histories, III, 89–94.
Ibid. P. 73, 79.
H.A. Manandian, The Trade and Cities of Armenia in Relation to Ancient World Trade, Lisbon, 1965. P. 36.
Herodotus, The Histories, V, 49.
Anabasis, III, 5.
Anabasis, IV, 4, 5.
C. Toumanoff, Studies in Christian Caucasian History, Georgetown, 1963. P. 279.
Kévork Aslan, Études historiques sur le peuple arménien, Paris, 1928. P. 70.
C. Toumanoff, Studies. P. 280, 289.
Strabo, Geography, IX, 6, 14.
R. Grousset, Histoire de l’Arménie, Paris, 1947. P. 80.
Manandian, Trade and Cities. P. 58, 64.
C. Toumanoff, Studies. P. 282.
Тревер К. В. Очерки по истории культуры древней Армении. М.; Л., 1953. С. 134–137, 142–147.
Strabo, Geography, XI, 5, 14.
Меликишвили Г. А. , К истории древней Грузии. Тбилиси, 1959. С. 217.
М. П. Инадзе. Причерноморские города древней Колхиды. Тбилиси, 1968.
O.D. Lortkipanidze, “Monuments of Graeco-Roman Culture on the territory of ancient Georgia”, Archaeologia, XVII. 1966. P. 49–79.
D.M. Lang, Studies in the Numismatic History of Georgia in Transcaucasia, New York, 1955. P. 10.
D.M. Lang, The Georgians, London, 1966. P. 82.
O.D. Lortkipanidze, Antikuri samqaro da Kartlis samepo (Iberia) , Tbilisi, 1968.
Y.I. Smirnov, Der Schatz von Achalgori, Tbilisi, 1934.
Strabo, Geography, XI, 2, 19; XI, 1–3.
Апакидзе А. М. , Города древней Грузии. Тбилиси, 1968.
Бердзенишвили Н. А. и др. История Грузии, I. Тбилиси, 1962. С. 68.
Strabo, Geography, XI, 3, 6.
Ibid. XI, 2, 13.
T. Reinach, Mithridate Eupator, roi de Pont, Paris, 1890. P. 54; A. Duggan, He died old. Mithradathes Eupator king of Pontus, London, 1958. P. 31.
Reinach, Mithridathe Eupator. P. 121–211; Duggan, He died old . P. 85.
Reinach, Mithridathe Eupator. P. 405–410, Duggan, He died old . P. 194.
H.A. Manandian, Tigrane II et Rome, Lisbon, 1963.
C.F. Lehmann-Haupt, Armenien einst und jetzt, I, Berlin, 1910. P. 381–429.
Dryden Plutarch, II. P. 219, 225.
Ibid. P. 230.
Ibid. P. 419.
H. Pastermadjian, Histoire de l’Arménie, 2nd ed., Paris, 1964. P. 71–74.
Paul Z. Bedoukian, “A classification of the coins of the Artaxiad dynasty of Armenia”, ANS Museum Notes, 14. NY, 1968. P. 41–66.
Malcolm A.R. Colledge, The Parthians, London, 1967. P. 50.
M.J. Vermaseren, Mithras, the secret God, London, 1963. P. 23.
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