Angela Hunt - The Elevator

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The Elevator: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Three women. One man. A gathering storm. In the path of a devastating hurricane, three very different women find themselves trapped in the elevator of a highrise office building. All three conceal shattering secrets–unaware that their secrets center on the same man. The betrayed wife, eager to confront her faithless husband, with rage in her heart and a gun in her pocket…The determined mistress, finally ready to tell her lover she wants marriage and a family… The fugitive cleaning woman, tormented by the darkest secret of all… As the storm rages ever closer, these three must unite to fight for their lives in the greatest test of courage any woman could ever face.

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“Prolific novelist Hunt knows how to hold the reader’s interest, and her latest yarn is no exception…. Hunt packs the maximum amount of drama into her story, and the pages turn quickly. The present-tense narration lends urgency as the perspective switches among various characters. Readers may decide to take the stairs after finishing this thriller.”

—Publishers Weekly on The Elevator

“Christy Award and Holt Medallion winner Hunt skillfully builds tension and keeps the plot well paced and not overly melodramatic.”

—Library Journal on The Elevator

“Hunt’s writing is filled with exciting twists that could have been pulled straight from the headlines. The prose is packed with biblical truths that readers will be able to relate to their own lives. The three women caught in an elevator reflect emotions and dilemmas that we all face.”

—Romantic Times BOOKreviews on The Elevator

“In The Elevator, Ms. Hunt creates the perfect setup to keep you turning pages long after the rest of the house has fallen asleep. The Elevator also serves as a cautionary tale to those who would remain trapped in their old lives and opinions rather than reaching up for freedom and life. Loved it.”

—Lisa Samson, award-winning author of Quaker Summer and Embrace Me

the elevator

Angela Hunt

Deception is not as creative as truth.

We do best in life if we look at it with clear eyes,

And I think that applies to coming up to death as well.

—Cicely Saunders

We can believe what we choose.

We are answerable for what we choose to believe.

—John Henry Newman

































No novelist writes alone, and I had lots of help with this book.

First, thank you to my blog readers, who helped me fill Michelle’s purse.

I owe a huge debt to my agent, Danielle Egan-Miller, and to Steeple Hill editors Joan Marlow Golan and Krista Stroever for their great enthusiasm for a one-paragraph synopsis.

A deep and abiding “thank you” to the two elevator technicians I met at the Imperial Swan Hotel in Lakeland. When I asked for their names, they said I could simply thank the “two handsome gentlemen” who gave me a guided tour of the inner (and outer) workings of an elevator and let me peer into the shaft. Gentlemen, my hat’s off to you.

Thank you to fellow novelist Randy Singer, who introduced me to Michael Garnier, who not only answered dozens of e-mailed questions, but seemed to enjoy doing so despite the story’s high estrogen level. Thanks also to Michael’s friend P.J., otherwise known as Paul G. McGrath, who answered queries from Michael, who then passed the answers along to me. Gentlemen, this book would not be complete without you.

Hugs and muchas gracias to Vasthi Acosta and Veronica Beard, who helped me with Isabel’s Spanish. Any lingering errors are mine alone.


7:00 a.m.


Wrapped in the remnants of a dream, Michelle Tilson opens her eyes and smiles at the ceiling until she remembers the monster looming in the Gulf. She reaches for Parker, but the spot where he should be lying is empty and cold. She pushes herself up, the satin sheets puddling at her waist, and looks into the bathroom, which is empty.

But a single red rose lies on Parker’s pillow.

Of course—he’s gone to the office. He said he might not be here when she woke.

Groaning, Michelle falls onto his pillow and breathes in the sweet scent of the flower. Typical Parker, the disappearing man. Here for a night, gone for a week. Most women would resent his inconsistency, but she’s become accustomed to his vanishing act.

She props her pillow against the headboard and leans back, surprised she can feel so relaxed on a Saturday morning. Weekends usually depress her, but despite the hurricane warning she floats in a curious contentment, as though the previous night’s love and laughter have splashed over a levee and flooded the normally arid weekend.

Parker is good for her. The man knows when it’s time to work and when it’s time to play, a lesson she’s been struggling to learn.

She reaches for the remote on the nightstand and powers on the television, still tuned to the Weather Channel. A somber-faced young man appears before a map on which a swirling bull’s-eye is moving straight toward Florida’s west coast. Hurricane Felix, already a category four, has left Mexico and is churning toward Tampa Bay.

Michelle squints as her mind stamps the map with an icon representing her condo at Century Towers. Nothing changed overnight; she’s still in the hurricane’s path.

At least she’s well insured. Parker’s made sure of that.

She turns down the volume on the television, then drops the remote and considers closing her heavy eyelids. She could easily sleep another hour, but Parker might call and she wants to be alert if he does. He’s already told her he plans to ride out the hurricane at his house, but who knows? This could be the weekend he’ll realize she ought to meet his children….

She eases out from under the comforter and reaches for the computer on her nightstand. The laptop is always online, maintaining a quiet vigil as it files incoming e-mail and prowls the Web for prospective clients.

Michelle slides her glasses on, then clicks on her e-mail program and checks the in-box: three inquiries from her Web site,, a note from her administrative assistant, four ads for fake Rolex watches, three for cheap (and undoubtedly illegal) pharmaceuticals.

The spam gets deleted without a second look, but Michelle smiles as she opens the Web mail. The first inquiry is from Don Moss, a Houston CFO who has recently lost his job with an oil company. He’s looking for a management position in the four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand dollar range and he’s willing to relocate.

The second is from a local woman with a newly minted MBA and “a strong desire to succeed.”

The third e-mail is from a school principal who needs to move west due to his wife’s severe allergies. Can Tilson Corporate Careers help him find a university position?

Michelle clicks her nails against the keyboard as she considers the requests. The CFO will get her full attention; he’s probably good for a fifteen-thousand-dollar fee. One of her associates can coach the girl with the MBA on how to create a résumé and urge her to attend industry conferences. She’ll not bring in much money, but she should find a job within a few months. The principal might be tough to place, but since he’s probably been in education a few years, he’s bound to know someone who knows someone in Arizona or New Mexico. He’ll land a job…eventually. Tilson Corporate will simply have to make sure he exhausts all his resources.

She moves all three messages into her Action folder, then opens the message from Reggie. She sighs when she reads that he’s taking his wife and new baby to Georgia to escape the storm.

I’ll keep an eye on the news, he promises, and you can call if you need me. I’ll be at my sister’s house in Marietta.

BTW—last week one of the counselors took an application from a young guy who’s looking for a management position. Nothing unusual in the app, but I saw him through the window and recognized him—he’s a columnist for the Tampa Tribune and he belongs to the gym where my wife works. Long story short, Marcy chatted him up and found out he’s doing a story on employment agencies who don’t meet their contractual obligations. Looks like we’re at the top of his hit list.

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