She wondered anxiously what Karin had made of it all. The last three weeks she had been barked at, abused, pushed to the very limits of her ability. It had been twenty-one days of fetching, carrying, sorting, running – she had been little more than Karin’s slave. And for what? So 800 fabulously wealthy people could get pissed, flirt with their friends’ husbands and show off how rich they were by buying holidays that they would never go on or jewellery they would never wear. She wanted to hate this world but, realizing her time in it would soon be over, she felt a pang of regret. Karin’s universe was like a Scott Fitzgerald novel and she did not want to let it go, certainly not to return to Cornwall and unemployment. She allowed herself an illegal swig of Evian and went to find Karin; she had a message from Adam Gold’s helicopter pilot that the winds were getting up and that they needed to leave soon.
‘Erin, right? Karin’s PA?’ said a tall, dark-haired man collecting an overcoat from the cloakroom.
‘That’s right,’ she said distractedly. She was still scanning the room looking for Karin.
‘Adam Gold. I was on Karin’s table. I was just looking for her to say thank you and goodnight.’
Adam Gold! She looked up. Christ, he was handsome , she thought, unable to tear her eyes away from him. Businessmen weren’t her usual type and this guy must be at least forty, but still … his eyes had the sexiest glint she had ever seen.
‘Ah, um, Mr Gold. Actually I was looking for you,’ said Erin awkwardly, ‘I have a message from your pilot.’
He smiled so the corners of his eyes crinkled. ‘Nice work with the Russians, by the way. I thought you handled it brilliantly.’
‘And to think I thought my Russian degree was wasted serving drinks,’ she smiled.
Adam paused for one moment, his eyes searching hers. Erin could feel her face begin to flush.
‘How do you like working for Karin?’ asked Adam.
‘It’s great,’ said Erin cautiously. ‘ Was great. It was only a temporary gig. Tomorrow’s my last day really.’
Adam smiled that crinkle-eyed smile again, making Erin feel a little weak. ‘Oh, well, that’s convenient. I’d hate to poach anyone from the hostess.’
Erin took a breath, but nothing would come.
‘You speak languages?’ he asked her.
Erin nodded. ‘Russian, French, and a bit of Italian.’
‘Are you organized?’
Erin barked out a laugh and spread her hands to indicate the party. ‘After this week, I should hope so!’
‘Listen, Erin, I need a PA. Mine came over from New York with me but she’s missing her family and wants to go home. Goddamn lightweight,’ he grumbled.
Erin nodded in sympathy, which she immediately decided was a mistake.
‘So are you interested?’
‘But you don’t even know me,’ said Erin, totally gobsmacked.
‘How do you think I made the Forbes four hundred?’ he said bluntly.
‘Um, property?’ guessed Erin, wincing.
‘By trusting my instincts,’ he replied flatly.
‘So you’re offering me a job?’ she said, unable to stifle a small, incredulous laugh.
‘You’ve impressed me,’ he said, the eyes crinkling again.
‘I can’t type.’
‘I got that covered. You just have to do whatever I say,’ he said with a small smile. ‘Seriously, it’s running my diary, making travel arrangements, fielding calls. All sorts of shit I could be here all night describing. It’s long hours and hard work, but I pay well and you might see a little of the world.’
‘Pay?’ ventured Erin. She was the worst money negotiator ever, her boyfriend Richard always teased her about it.
‘How does seventy sound?’
‘A day?’ squeaked Erin weakly. It wasn’t that much more than she’d got behind the bar at the local pub in Exeter.
‘A year, Erin,’ said Adam. ‘Seventy thousand a year, plus my PAs usually get a car.’
Erin stood looking at him for a moment, feeling as if she was going to burst out singing.
‘When do I start?’
‘Oh God, oh God, you’re too sexy! I’m not sure I can make it to the bedroom,’ panted Harry Levin, his tongue licking Molly’s neck like a hungry wolf. They had only just burst in through the front door and already Harry’s hand had plunged down Molly’s halterneck to grab at her hard brown nipples. His free hand was undoing the belt of his trousers and he had slipped off his shoes, rendering him at least three inches shorter. Insoles , sighed Molly, trying not to flinch as his teeth bit the tips of her breasts like a randy teenager.
She had picked up her latest paramour – cosmetic surgeon to the stars, no less – at the end of the Stop Global Warming benefit, when it was so late that the waiters had begun stacking up tables. To Molly’s great annoyance, Adam Gold had left halfway through the jazz band’s set, before she had even had time to introduce herself. There hadn’t been a great number of other single men at the party, although she had counted four ex-lovers, all married, all with their wives and all who had chosen to ignore her. She didn’t want to waste the night, not when she looked so hot. Her Cavalli dress was cut so low at the back you could see the dark tip where her spine met her ass. So when Harry Levin was pointed out to her as Harley Street’s premier tit man, she knew that she’d go home with him.
‘Spank me,’ growled Harry, when they had made their way up his sweeping staircase, tearing at each other’s clothes as they reached his bedroom. Welcoming the opportunity to inspect his five-storey Hampstead home further, she let him bend over the mahogany sleigh bed, slapping his skinny white arse while she looked around the room.
‘You’ve been a very bad boy,’ she purred theatrically, noting the walnut-panelled walls and fifty-inch plasma television over the exquisite marble fireplace.
‘Harder!’ groaned Harry, clutching his dove-grey duvet in pleasure. Mmm, that bed linen was definitely Pratesi, noted Molly as she smacked him harder, observing the tell-tale scalloped edges of the pillowcase. She also spotted a Picasso sketch on the wall above the bed and the many silver-framed photographs of Harry: Harry skiing, Harry on a yacht, Harry looking tanned, happy and rich. This one was definitely promising.
He rolled over to face Molly, his dextrous fingers pulling down Molly’s tiny chiffon thong in one movement. His eyes widened when he saw her totally bald bush; Molly had waxed it off earlier that day after discovering some tufts of grey.
‘I fucking love that,’ he mumbled, sinking his face between her thighs. She got onto the bed, long hair splayed across the pillow, one leg artfully bent at the knee, her arms thrown back over her head as if she was posing for a Playboy spread. His hands were all over her, and after a couple of minutes of licking her nipples, leaving her breasts cold and wet, he fumbled around with a condom as he prepared to enter her. His cock was small, but he thrust himself in so hard it was like a bullet. She ran her long fingers down his back, but Harry was beyond subtleties: his ass was bobbing up and down like a cork at sea.
She shut her eyes and thought of Adam Gold, but not even that could make this sexual encounter more enjoyable. Christ, let’s get this over with , she thought, making a few half-hearted groans and digging her nails into his thrusting arse as she prepared to fake orgasm.
‘Now! Now!’ he shouted before collapsing onto her, his head on Molly’s chest.
‘Incredible,’ he whispered, ‘just fucking incredible.’
Molly lay motionless, her eyes fixed on the ceiling as she tried to work out whether it was a Lalique or a Murano light-fixture above the bed.
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