At all times you should have a very relaxed attitude and enjoy the practice of feng shui. Do not conjure unhealthy and ridiculous expectations in your mind. Feng shui cannot create instant miracles. It cannot make you win the lottery – it won’t bring immediate wealth or a new love relationship overnight. But yes, good feng shui works pretty fast in that it often takes only nine days for you to notice a difference in the chi within your home.
Also, take note that feng shui accounts for only one-third of your luck – our “earth luck.” The other components of one’s destiny is the “heaven luck” that you are born with – one’s fate, karma, or fortune as written in the stars (that part of our luck over which we have little control,) and what I term our own intrinsic “mankind luck” – the luck that we create as a result of actions and attitudes. This, like feng shui luck, is the type of luck over which we have control. So, when you practice feng shui with a healthy, positive attitude, the possibility of fast, direct benefits increases tremendously.
I have to say that I have always practiced feng shui with the kind of motivation which I believe enhances its power even more – in that for me, feng shui is merely a means to an end. I use feng shui to improve the quality of my relationships, to bring happiness to members of my immediate and extended family, and to make my life more meaningful and fulfilled by being able to make a positive difference to the everyday lives of others. So for me personally, feng shui has brought a fulfillment way beyond my wildest dreams.
Today I am doing what I truly love – which is writing good, successful books on subjects with which I feel an affinity, and which I know have the potential to bring great measures of delight and happiness to others. Feng shui is one of my favorite subjects simply because it is both fascinating and potent. What has been quite amazing to me is its stunning depth. Feng shui can be approached from so many angles and in such a variety of ways. I am continually learning and, the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know in the vast world of knowledge that feng shui represents.
Like an onion, feng shui represents a wonderful sphere of knowledge; its philosophy, rituals, and symbols represent layer upon layer of marvellous new horizons. The scope of the practice is truly remarkable. So with this book I invite you to take your first tentative steps into the world of feng shui or, if you are already a practitioner, to benefit equally from the Tips contained within.
I want you to taste the potency of feng shui and enjoy healthy, friendly, and auspicious chi in your space before going deeper. I hope that this book brings you many moments of enjoyment as you improve the chi of your space. More importantly, I ask that the Tips in this book will answer the prayers of those most in need of feng shui help.
You can write to me at my email address, I can’t answer all my letters, but I do read them. Please ensure your letter is not more than fifty words, and I will try to reply.
Lillian Too, Kuala Lumpur October 2000
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