To my wonderful family: my husband Gordon, my children Lysanne and Mark, my daughter-in-law Rachel, my mother Babs and my brother Richard and his family, with my love and many thanks for your love, kindness and support.
The Amazing Power of Visualization
The Diet
Weight-loss Planner
The Exercises
DAY 10
DAY 11
DAY 12
DAY 13
DAY 14
DAY 15
DAY 16
DAY 17
DAY 18
DAY 19
DAY 20
DAY 21
DAY 22
DAY 23
DAY 24
DAY 25
DAY 26
DAY 27
DAY 28
Salads and Sandwiches
Meat and Poultry
Vegetable Dishes
Sauces and Dressings
About the Publisher
There is a time in every woman’s life when she feels like taking herself in hand; she wants to lose weight, she knows she must exercise, she wants to feel better, have more energy, have more fun, look prettier and enjoy life more. She would like some great new clothes – but not until she has lost the weight that has been creeping up on her over the last few years. She would like to laugh more, have more self-confidence, but the main problem is time. Her life is already so busy she simply hasn’t time to make special food or join an exercise class. Consequently, she feels depressed, frustrated, and out of control – and doesn’t know where to turn.
Does this sound like you? If so, please cheer up, because that is why I have written this book. 10 Minutes in the Morning entails a daily commitment of only 10 minutes a day for 28 days. These 10 minutes will be your most important minutes for the next 28 days. To help you on your way, this 28-day plan contains:
Tips on visualizing and focusing on your goals;
Uplifting and energizing quotes from some of the world’s great motivators;
Instructions on how to make your personal weight-loss planner;
Daily menus containing easy-to-prepare, delicious meals;
Daily exercises, for strengthening, toning and balancing your body;
Beauty and lifestyle tips, to help you look and feel better all over.
By focusing daily on the weight you would like to achieve in 28 days time, and by visualizing yourself each day 10 lbs slimmer – and looking better for it – you will gradually become what you imagined. (To find out how this works, see here. It is important to know that the world is how we see it. In order to feel healthy and positive, and achieve our goals, we need to uplift our spirits daily and concentrate on the good that is and always will be around us. To this end, for each day I have included some uplifting quotes that will help energize and motivate you.
The daily menus cover everything that you are allowed to eat and drink during that day. To help you keep to this, you will learn to make a weight-loss planner that you can always keep to hand. This will act as a reminder of exactly what you can eat – and the correct size portion – and the whole plan will fit in with your work, social and family life.
During the exercises, you will learn 3 – 4 yoga postures a day, 5 days a week, on Saturdays you will refresh your mind and body by doing the entire week’s exercises, but on Sunday there will be no yoga – just a long walk in the fresh air. This means that at the end of your 28 days you will have learnt at least 60 yoga postures and have an exercise plan that will keep you fit and healthy for life! Don’t worry if you think you are really stiff and inflexible at the moment, you’ll be astonished how quickly you begin to improve!
Over these 28 days you are concentrating on yourself and achieving all your goals. And these goals might go a lot further than just becoming slimmer, healthier and full of energy – although that’s a pretty good start! The beauty and lifestyle tips I have included will soon become a part of your life, helping to make you feel positive about yourself and look much better. And when you are feeling good about yourself, there is no limit to what you can achieve.
If you stick with my plan, at the end of your 28 days, you should:
Weigh 10 lbs less;
Feel 10 times fitter.
But, much more than this, you will have learnt:
The amazing life-enhancing power of visualization;
Over 60 yoga exercises that will form the basis of an exercise regime to keep you fit, healthy and in great shape for life;
A healthy eating plan to keep your weight off – for good!
In short, you will have a comprehensive health-giving tool that is yours, not only for the next 28 days, but also for the rest of your life.
I bet you can’t wait. Let’s get started!
Not all diets and exercises are suitable for everyone. To reduce the risk to you, please consult your doctor before beginning this exercise and diet programme. It is designed for people in good health and is not suitable for pregnant or lactating women. The instructions and advice presented are not intended as a substitute for medical guidance. The writer and publishers of this book do not accept any responsibility for any injury or accident as a result of following the exercise programme or for any health problems experienced as a result of following this diet, or for any failure to lose weight. The plan is followed entirely at the participant’s own risk.

The Amazing Power of Visualization
Most diets do not work for one major reason and that is that while they use vitamins, minerals, recipes and super foods they never involve the subconscious mind.
Your mind is the most important computer in your house, but while most people realize that their desktop computer needs programming, they give no attention to programming their own mind. Over the years, your mind will have been programmed by your parents, teachers, friends, aunties and uncles – and everybody else who has helped make you the person you are today. But along the way you were probably taught some extremely bad health habits. For example, if you were good you may have been rewarded with a bar of chocolate; if you fell down and hurt yourself, you may have been given a sweet ‘to make it better’. And you may have been told you would never grow up big and strong if you didn’t finish all the food on your plate. Twenty years later, probably you still reward yourself with chocolate or biscuits to cheer yourself up.
These are just small examples as to how our brains have been programmed regarding food. But more importantly, if you established a negative image of yourself in your childhood, you are probably still carrying that image around with you today. Maybe you felt unattractive and a big lump at school. If that is the case, it is likely you still see yourself as such and whenever you try to diet, your subconscious mind brings this image back to you, encouraging you to eat the amount it takes to keep you as an unattractive big lump.
But, by changing the image you have of yourself you can change yourself and be exactly as you wish. This incredible power of the human brain means that you can re-programme your brain so that you become exactly the weight and shape that you desire. However, only you can do this for yourself. If you do not change your mental image of yourself, you will never lose weight or become the person you would like to be.
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