Summer Waters - High Tide

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Dive into another exciting magical adventure for girls – will you answer the call of Silver Dolphins?Everyone is busy at Sea Watch with preparations to return young seal Tilly to the sea. Meanwhile, a film crew for popular TV series ‘Stage Struck’ arrives in Sandy Bay! They’re filming on the beaches, making it hard for Silver Dolphins to answer the call without being noticed…Antonia and Cai make a daring rescue of an unusual creature and become celebrities in their own right, but when a rising tide threatens the safety of the film crew is the Silver Dolphins secret about to be exposed for good?

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Silver Dolphins


High Tide


Summer Waters

For Lucy Broom Table of Contents Cover Page Title Page Silver Dolphins 9 - фото 1

For Lucy Broom

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page Silver Dolphins 9

Prologue Prologue Hidden behind some rocks, Spirit, a magnificent dolphin with striking yellow markings, lazily watched the younger dolphins searching the seabed for a strand of seaweed. His wife, Star, was watching them too. “I’ve found some,” clicked Bubbles, digging in the sand with his nose and uncovering a long, green, crinkly piece. “Good,” clicked Swift, an athletic dolphin with a sleek, muscular body. “Now we can play seaweed tag. Who wants to be ‘it’?” “Me,” squeaked Velvet, shyly swimming forward. As she reached out to take the seaweed from Bubbles, Swift swam in front of her, blocking the way. “Who said you could play?” he clicked bossily. “N-n-no one,” said Velvet uncertainly. “But I can, can’t I?” “No,” Swift clicked. “Boys only. Go away.” Star went to intervene, but Spirit stopped her. “Wait a moment,” he said softly. “Let’s see if they can sort this out for themselves.” Just then Bubbles swam forward and tossed the seaweed down in the sand. “If Velvet can’t play then I don’t want to either,” he said. “Boys only,” said Swift firmly. “And you will play or else.” As he spoke, Swift seemed to grow larger. The other young dolphins huddled together, nervously watching what would happen next. “Or else what?” asked Bubbles calmly. “You don’t scare me. Come on, Velvet. Let’s go play somewhere else.” Swift stared in surprise as Bubbles and Velvet left with the other dolphins chasing after them calling, “Wait for us. Can we play too?” When they’d gone, Star smiled at Spirit. “Bubbles did well,” she said. “It takes courage to stand up to someone who looks stronger than you.” “He did,” clicked Spirit proudly. “The Silver Dolphins do well too,” Star mused. “They stand up for us and our oceans.” “The Silver Dolphins are very brave,” Spirit agreed. “We are lucky to have them.”

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


About the Publisher


Hidden behind some rocks, Spirit, a magnificent dolphin with striking yellow markings, lazily watched the younger dolphins searching the seabed for a strand of seaweed. His wife, Star, was watching them too.

“I’ve found some,” clicked Bubbles, digging in the sand with his nose and uncovering a long, green, crinkly piece.

“Good,” clicked Swift, an athletic dolphin with a sleek, muscular body. “Now we can play seaweed tag. Who wants to be ‘it’?”

“Me,” squeaked Velvet, shyly swimming forward.

As she reached out to take the seaweed from Bubbles, Swift swam in front of her, blocking the way.

“Who said you could play?” he clicked bossily.

“N-n-no one,” said Velvet uncertainly. “But I can, can’t I?”

“No,” Swift clicked. “Boys only. Go away.”

Star went to intervene, but Spirit stopped her.

“Wait a moment,” he said softly. “Let’s see if they can sort this out for themselves.”

Just then Bubbles swam forward and tossed the seaweed down in the sand. “If Velvet can’t play then I don’t want to either,” he said.

“Boys only,” said Swift firmly. “And you will play or else.”

As he spoke, Swift seemed to grow larger. The other young dolphins huddled together, nervously watching what would happen next.

“Or else what?” asked Bubbles calmly. “You don’t scare me. Come on, Velvet. Let’s go play somewhere else.”

Swift stared in surprise as Bubbles and Velvet left with the other dolphins chasing after them calling, “Wait for us. Can we play too?”

When they’d gone, Star smiled at Spirit.

“Bubbles did well,” she said. “It takes courage to stand up to someone who looks stronger than you.”

“He did,” clicked Spirit proudly.

“The Silver Dolphins do well too,” Star mused. “They stand up for us and our oceans.”

“The Silver Dolphins are very brave,” Spirit agreed. “We are lucky to have them.”

Chapter One

Antonia Lee and Sophie Hastings were on their way to school.

“Antonia, were you listening to anything I’ve been saying?” asked Sophie, gently tapping her best friend.

Smiling apologetically, Antonia took Sophie’s arm and linked it with hers.

“Sorry, Soph. I was, but then I got distracted by that seagull cawing. It reminded me how much there is to do at Sea Watch right now.”

Sophie sighed and rolled her eyes, but she was only joking.

“Forget Sea Watch for just one minute,” she said. “This is exciting news. You know that TV programme Stage Struck? The one about the teenagers who go to a drama school? Well, it’s coming here, to Sandy Bay, to film for the new series!”

“You don’t watch Stage Struck,” said Antonia, waving at Cai and Toby who were waiting at the school gates.

“Not very often,” Sophie agreed, “but it’s still exciting. There are lots of opportunities for artists on a film set: scenery, make-up, costumes, that sort of thing. I’m definitely going to go and watch the filming. I might learn something new.”

Sophie was mad about art and rarely went anywhere without her sketch book and a pencil.

“The film cast and crew are arriving today. Dad says everyone’s staying at the Sandy Bay Hotel. They’ve taken over two whole floors and the penthouse suite.”

“Not you as well!” exclaimed Toby. “Everyone’s talking about Stage Stuck.”

“Stage Struck,” Sophie corrected him.

Toby gave her a cheeky grin and, realising he was teasing her, Sophie groaned.

The whole school was buzzing with the news and soon Antonia was fed up of hearing about Stage Struck.

“Not long now,” whispered Cai, as they filed into afternoon assembly.

Antonia glanced at the clock. Fifteen minutes until the end of the school day, then she and Cai would be free to go to Sea Watch, the marine conservation charity run by Cai’s great-aunt Claudia. She could hardly wait! She didn’t hear a word that the headmaster, Mr Cordier, said. Antonia rested her hand lightly on her school polo shirt, knowing that her silver dolphin charm necklace was hidden underneath it. Jewellery was forbidden at Sandy Bay Primary School, but Antonia never went anywhere without her special necklace.

Antonia and Cai shared a wonderful secret. They were Silver Dolphins, guardians of the sea. When the dolphins called to them through their special jewellery, Silver Dolphin magic allowed Antonia and Cai to swim with real dolphins so they could look after the ocean and the creatures living there. Silver Dolphins were rare. Claudia was a Silver Dolphin too, although she rarely answered the call these days.

“Antonia Lee, I said Year Six could lead out,” said Mr Cordier. “It’s home time.”

Antonia’s face flamed red as the rest of the school giggled.

“She wasn’t listening because she’s thinking about Stage Struck!” hissed Lauren nastily.

“She’s not such a big fan as you are!” Becky whispered loyally.

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