Summer Waters - River Rescue

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River Rescue: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Dive into another exciting magical adventure for girls – will you answer the call of Silver Dolphins?It’s the Spring holidays and there’s a surprise visit from Cai’s parents from Australia. But they’ve got unwelcome news – Antonia is devastated to learn that best friend Cai might be emigrating to Australia or moving back to the city.Cai faces an impossible choice: does he move to the city so he can still visit Antonia but give up being a Silver Dolphin or does he learn to answer the call in Australia without his best friend?Meanwhile a minke whale keeps getting stranded in the estuary. Antonia and Cai join forces with the local fishermen and the coast guard to try to save the whale but it keeps returning. Can there be another reason for its strange behaviour? And could this really be the end of Silver Dolphins for Cai?

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Silver Dolphins


River Rescue

Summer Waters

For Lizzie Ryley

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page Silver Dolphins 10

Prologue Prologue Agroup of dolphins were playing follow my leader along the seabed. In and out of the rocks they chased each other in a long, wiggly line. “It’s my turn to be leader now,” clicked Swift, one of the older dolphins. Swift swam fast, weaving between the rocks, turning somersaults and rolling in the water. The dolphins chased after him, squealing with delight. “This is so much fun!” exclaimed Bubbles. “Let’s go and play in the kelp beds,” said Swift. “That’ll be even more fun.” “Bubbly,” clicked Bubbles. “You lead and we’ll follow.” But as Swift headed out to sea, a tiny dolphin named Dot called from the back, “Mum doesn’t let me go to the kelp beds on my own.” “You’re not on your own. You’re with us,” said Swift. Dot stopped swimming and shook her head. “Sorry, but I’m not allowed to go there without a grown-up. Please can we play here?” “I’m going to the kelp beds,” said Swift firmly. “Stay here if you don’t want to come.” “But I won’t have anyone to play with,” squeaked Dot. “I’ll stay behind with you,” said Bubbles. He darted out of the line and swam over to her. “You said you’d go to the kelp beds,” said Swift crossly. “You can’t just change your mind.” “I can,” said Bubbles. “Well, I’m not changing mine,” said Swift crossly. “Follow me, everyone.” The other dolphins hesitated, then some followed Swift and some stayed with Bubbles and Dot. They immediately started a new game, unaware that Spirit and Star were watching them. “Bubbles was right,” said Star proudly. “You can change your mind.” Spirit uttered a long sigh. “If only all choices were that simple. I sense much harder decisions ahead for the Silver Dolphins.” “Can we help them?” asked Star. “No,” said Spirit sadly. “The Silver Dolphins must choose for themselves.”

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


About the Publisher


Agroup of dolphins were playing follow my leader along the seabed. In and out of the rocks they chased each other in a long, wiggly line.

“It’s my turn to be leader now,” clicked Swift, one of the older dolphins.

Swift swam fast, weaving between the rocks, turning somersaults and rolling in the water. The dolphins chased after him, squealing with delight.

“This is so much fun!” exclaimed Bubbles.

“Let’s go and play in the kelp beds,” said Swift. “That’ll be even more fun.”

“Bubbly,” clicked Bubbles. “You lead and we’ll follow.”

But as Swift headed out to sea, a tiny dolphin named Dot called from the back, “Mum doesn’t let me go to the kelp beds on my own.”

“You’re not on your own. You’re with us,” said Swift.

Dot stopped swimming and shook her head. “Sorry, but I’m not allowed to go there without a grown-up. Please can we play here?”

“I’m going to the kelp beds,” said Swift firmly. “Stay here if you don’t want to come.”

“But I won’t have anyone to play with,” squeaked Dot.

“I’ll stay behind with you,” said Bubbles.

He darted out of the line and swam over to her.

“You said you’d go to the kelp beds,” said Swift crossly. “You can’t just change your mind.”

“I can,” said Bubbles.

“Well, I’m not changing mine,” said Swift crossly. “Follow me, everyone.”

The other dolphins hesitated, then some followed Swift and some stayed with Bubbles and Dot. They immediately started a new game, unaware that Spirit and Star were watching them.

“Bubbles was right,” said Star proudly. “You can change your mind.”

Spirit uttered a long sigh. “If only all choices were that simple. I sense much harder decisions ahead for the Silver Dolphins.”

“Can we help them?” asked Star.

“No,” said Spirit sadly. “The Silver Dolphins must choose for themselves.”

Chapter One

Antonia Lee woke with the sun on her face and a wonderful feeling bubbling inside her. It was the first day of the spring holiday. Two whole weeks of fun and spending as much time as she liked helping at Sea Watch, the marine conservation charity run by her friend Cai’s great-aunt Claudia. Hurriedly, Antonia washed and dressed then went downstairs for breakfast.

Mum and Dad were drinking tea in the kitchen.

“You’re up early,” said Dad. “Did you forget there was no school?”

“I’m going to Sea Watch,” said Antonia, pouring herself a bowl of cereal. “There’s a lot to do because it’s just volunteers today Cai and Claudia aren’t there this morning.”

“Of course!” exclaimed Mum, passing Antonia a mug of tea. “They’ll be on their way to the airport to collect Cai’s parents.”

Cai was living with his great-aunt Claudia in Sandy Bay because his mum and dad had temporary jobs in Australia.

“How long are they over here for?” asked Dad.

“Ten days,” said Antonia. She finished her breakfast then sat on the kitchen floor to put on her trainers.

“Are you coming back for lunch?” Mum stepped over her to get to the dishwasher.

“No, I made some sandwiches last night. I’ll be home for tea, though.” Antonia’s voice trailed away as a very familiar feeling swept over her. It made her tingle with anticipation. The dolphins needed her! Any minute now the silver dolphin charm Antonia always wore round her neck would call her to the sea.

“Got to go,” she said, hurriedly jumping up. “See you later.”

“Have a good day,” called Mum.

As Antonia closed the front door her silver dolphin charm vibrated and its tiny tail tapped against her neck. The charm was as soft as a real dolphin. Antonia shivered with delight as suddenly a high-pitched whistle that only a Silver Dolphin could hear shrilled from it.

Silver Dolphin, we need you.

Spirit, I hear your call , Antonia silently answered as she headed towards the beach.

Both Antonia and Cai were Silver Dolphins, or guardians of the sea. They had special magical abilities that let them swim and communicate with dolphins! With these amazing abilities came the responsibility to care for sea life. Antonia wished that Cai was there too as she ran towards Gull Bay. He’d be frustrated that he’d missed Spirit’s call, even though he was really excited about meeting his parents at the airport. Antonia jumped down on to the deserted beach. The soft, white sand shifted beneath her feet as she ran over to the rocks. Pulling off her trainers and socks, Antonia left them under a rock and ran down to the sea. The water was chilly and her teeth chattered as she waded deeper. There were goose bumps on her arms and legs, but Antonia kept walking. When the sea was deep enough she gracefully dived in. The water was so cold it made her gasp, but she quickly warmed up as her legs melded together to kick like a dolphin’s tail. Hands paddling like flippers, body arching in and out of the sea, Antonia swam to find Spirit.

It wasn’t long before she saw four silver heads in the water. Antonia swam on, pleased that Spirit had brought his family Star, Dream and Bubbles with him. She greeted Spirit first, rubbing her nose against his. Bubbles impatiently bobbed in the water, waiting for his turn, then greeted Antonia enthusiastically.

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