‘Cara, what is the matter?’ he asked, seeing her tears. He raised his thumb to her cheek and brushed them away. ‘You must not cry, darling. We have spent the most wonderful time together—a time that neither of us will ever forget.’
She nodded, forced herself to smile and pretend that all was well. ‘I’m fine. Just a little emotionally upset at the thought of having to go back, that’s all.’
He frowned. ‘Victoria, remember your promise.’ She nodded, and he took her hand. With one last look at the sea she turned and followed him. This interlude would remain etched in her mind for ever, she realised.
Soon they were reaching the island’s small airport, where the jet Anne had sent for Victoria was already on the tarmac. As she and Rodolfo alighted from the car and someone from the plane took her luggage, a familiar voice reached them.
‘Rodolfo, darling.’ Alexandra marched over towards them and, ignoring Victoria, slipped a hand onto Rodolfo’s shoulder. She dropped a kiss on his cheek. ‘It’s been awfully lonely without you, mein lieber. Where on earth have you been hiding?’ she asked, an insinuating smile touching her lips.
‘I’ve been busy. You remember Victoria?’ he said pointedly, removing her hand from his shoulder.
Alexandra turned with a raised brow and looked Victoria over from head to foot. ‘Ah, yes, the Hollywood headline. I’d forgotten.’
Victoria stood her ground and gave her a similar look back, but didn’t bother to answer. Instead she turned to Rodolfo. ‘I’d better be going,’ she murmured.
‘Of course. Goodbye, Alexandra.’
‘Bye-bye, caro,’ the Countess schmoozed. ‘I hope I’ll be seeing more of you now that you’ll be less occupied,’ she added with a significant look.
Rodolfo simply picked up Victoria’s tote bag, which she was taking with her on the plane, and slipped his hand under her elbow.
They walked in silence, accompanied by two airport staff. Victoria felt the pressure of his hand on her elbow and closed her eyes tight, as though trying to engrave the memory—the feel of him—inside her for ever.
Then they were at the plane. Rodolfo handed her bag to the crew and followed her on board into the sleek yet impersonal cabin, with its beige leather seats and glistening chrome tables.
‘Well, I guess this is it,’ he said, looking into her eyes.
‘I guess so,’ she answered as they stood uncomfortably aware of one another. Then suddenly she was in his arms and he was holding her tight. ‘Take care of yourself, cara. And remember. I’m here if you need me. Stay in touch, won’t you?’
She nodded into his shoulder, swallowing the flood of tears so near to the surface. Then she raised her face and his lips came down on hers, firm, warm and possessive. His arms caressed her back and they embraced. It was a kiss she’d hoped would last for ever, but inevitably it came to an end.
Rodolfo raised his head, smiled down into her eyes. ‘I think I’d better go now,’ he said. And, raising her fingers to his lips one last time, he kissed them. ‘Bon voyage, cara. Thank you for some of the most beautiful moments of my life. I will remember our time together for as long as I live.’
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