Victoria seethed inwardly, but held her temper in check. She could tell the woman was determined to provoke her but she wouldn’t rise to the bait.
‘Part of the trials of fame,’ she answered languidly. ‘One keeps on having to deal with the paparazzi and the gutter press.’
‘Victoria is here incognito,’ Rodolfo said hastily. ‘I shall expect your complete discretion,’ he insisted.
‘Oh, goodness. Well, of course.’ Alexandra waved a dismissive hand. ‘I’m sure you have enough troubles without being hounded by the curious. Though, of course, if one has the unwholesome habits you’re reputed to indulge in, then…’ She let the rest of the sentence trail, turned from Victoria and shrugged. ‘I suppose it’s the best one can expect.’
Rodolfo’s blood boiled, and he replied icily, ‘Alexandra, you should have called before coming here. I’m afraid this isn’t a very convenient time. Why don’t I give you a buzz when I’m able to make some arrangement to see you socially?’ he said, slipping his hand under her elbow and guiding her firmly back towards the living room.
Victoria was pleased to see the woman’s features stiffen. Then Alexandra drew herself up and sniffed. ‘Of course—I’m sorry if I’m in the way. I shall leave immediately. You are obviously very busy. I imagine you must be amusing yourself quite nicely,’ she added, in a low conspiratorial voice that was calculated to reach Victoria.
Despite her anger, Victoria’s cheeks turned red. Was it written all over her that she’d slept with Rodolfo? Or was the woman just a bitch? Whichever the case, she felt diminished and offended.
‘I’m sorry about that,’ Rodolfo said a couple of minutes later. ‘Alexandra was being particularly obnoxious today.’ He laughed, making light of the situation, but Victoria could see that he was ruffled.
‘Who is she anyway?’
‘A German countess whose parents have a property on the island.’
‘She seemed to be quite intimate with you.’
‘Hmmm.’ He smiled ruefully. ‘I have a feeling that was for your benefit.’
‘I think Alexandra sensed something between us. She knows that the council of the island are urging me to find a suitable wife and get married. They are concerned with the succession. Obviously Alexandra has her own agenda.’ He approached, lifted Victoria’s chin and peered into her clear grey eyes. ‘Don’t tell me you’re jealous, cara?’
Victoria caught the glint of male satisfaction in his eyes. ‘Not in the least,’ she answered, sending him a bright smile. She would not let him know the devastating effect of Alexandra’s gestures. She would not give him that satisfaction.
Swooping an arm possessively around her, Rodolfo brought her up close. ‘How about a drive around the island? We could picnic somewhere, if you like, or I could take you to lunch at my favourite restaurant in Lamara—a village at the end of the island. I promise you Alexandra won’t bother us again. I sent her away with a flea in her ear.’
A slow smile hovered about Victoria’s lips. His words mollified her defiant mood. ‘Okay, that sounds very nice,’ she said, lifting her face for his kiss.
THE RIDE TO THE OTHER SIDE of the island was delightful. Together they wandered hand in hand up a hill to the little rustic fish restaurant, all crooked whitewashed walls and bright blue shutters, perched on the edge of a cliff overlooking the pristine sandy beach below. Immediately a large grey-haired lady in a bright flowered apron, wreathed in smiles, came to greet them.
‘Your Highness, what a pleasure to see you. And so well accompanied,’ the woman said with a broad smile.
She showed them to a secluded table with a wonderful view, and soon the red and white checkered tablecloth was covered with all sorts of dishes, ranging from fried fish to squid salad, lobster and a local specialty of meatballs in a delicious sauce that Victoria had grown particularly fond of in the past few days.
Now that they were away from the palace, and Alexandra’s oppressive presence, she’d recovered her mood of the night before. It was difficult to think of anything disagreeable like Bill’s ultimatum when she was being treated to so much solicitude. Determined to enjoy herself, she pushed the impending threat to the back of her mind. What could he do that hadn’t already been done? The scandal was fading, according to Anne—a seven-day wonder. Soon she would just be another item of old news.
Rodolfo was charming, as always, and she found herself melting inside when she looked at him, remembering all that had taken place the previous night. There was a new tenderness and intimacy between them that she had never known with a man before. What would it be like to leave? she wondered as she sipped a glass of chilled water. What would Hollywood and all the hype be like after this? That, and knowing that she probably wouldn’t ever see him again? Her heart sank at the thought.
Just as she was about to take another sip of water a shadow fell on the table and she looked up. A scruffy young man stood there, a smirk on his face.
‘Hi, gorgeous,’ he drawled in an American accent. ‘Having a nice day? Knew I’d find you if I looked hard enough.’
Rodolfo was looking at her, then at the young man.
‘Who are you?’ Victoria demanded, feeling her pulse race and her stomach lurch. This had to be Bill. How on earth had he found her?
‘You know what they say. You can run but you can’t hide.’ Bill wagged a finger at her and smirked again.
‘What do you want?’ she muttered, swallowing.
‘I told you what I wanted when I called you last night. But I guess it’s too late for that, honeybunch. You had your chance and you didn’t take it. Tough.’ With that he pulled a small camera from his pocket and snapped several quick shots.
‘Who the hell is this?’ Rodolfo rose quickly to his feet as Bill stepped niftily away from the table and made for the door.
‘He’s someone from LA. He—well—’ Oh, how could she tell Rodolfo?
‘What, Victoria? Tell me at once,’ Rodolfo commanded, leaning towards her and taking her hand in his. ‘You must tell me. He’s taken pictures. I need to know.’
‘He’s the boyfriend of the girl who introduced me to the doctor who gave me the pills,’ she said in a half-whisper. ‘He’s already tried to blackmail me. He—’
But before she could finish Rodolfo had spun on his heel and was marching across the restaurant. He caught up with Bill as he was about to get into his Jeep.
‘Hey—you!’ Rodolfo threw at the coarse-looking unshaven creature. ‘Give me that camera at once.’
‘You have to be kidding. This is tomorrow’s headlines.’ Bill patted the camera smugly. ‘You may run your own little show here on your fantasy island, Your Royal Highness, but where I come from money talks. Sorry.’ He made to switch on the engine.
But before he could do so Rodolfo lunged forward and caught him by the scruff of his neck. ‘I’m asking you nicely,’ he said, his voice low and filled with menace.
‘Hey, leave me be,’ the man said, trying pull away, his expression ugly. ‘I have every right to take pictures of who the hell I want.’
‘Not on my island, you don’t. As you just pointed out, I run the show around here. If you don’t give me that camera immediately I shall have you arrested for harassment. That, I believe, is a term that you should be familiar with where you come from?’
‘Hey, you can’t do that,’ Bill protested. Then, after pushing Rodolfo away, he revved the engine and skidded off down the earth road, leaving a trail of dust in his wake.
Without hesitation Rodolfo pulled out his mobile and called the local police. They would stop Bill at the port. No way would he allow Victoria to be blackmailed or harassed by the press or by some unscrupulous drug dealer.
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