1 ...7 8 9 11 12 13 ...18 ‘That was simply delicious,’ she said smiling and laying down her white linen napkin. ‘You’ve spoiled me rotten.’
‘A woman as beautiful as you should be spoiled,’ he murmured, rising and coming behind her chair to draw it back.
‘That’s all very well,’ she admonished breathlessly. For, although she was far more at ease with him than she had been earlier, his presence so close sent frissons running through her. ‘One could get used to this sort of living,’ she said trying to sound light, ‘but, after all, it’s really just a dream.’
‘Not entirely. I like to believe that I’m very real,’ he responded with an amused smile.
‘Do you?’ She cast him a sceptical look and let out a sigh. ‘This is all so magical, so unreal. I think it’s heavenly, but then I remember that soon I’ll have to return to reality, to Hollywood and Ed and the next movie. And I don’t know how I’m going to manage it.’
‘Without the medication to help you, you mean?’ he enquired, his tone challenging.
Victoria’s face flushed. ‘I know it was wrong, but there’s no need to rub my face in it. I really had no idea what they were,’ she muttered, tossing her hair back.
‘I know you didn’t. It was very wrong of that doctor not to inform you of what was in them. But I am merely wondering if you think you can kick the habit or if you plan to continue on the same course? If you were my—’ He cut off, realising what he was about to say and the impropriety of it.
‘If I was what? I belong to nobody, and what I do is nobody’s business, either,’ she responded belligerently.
‘That is true. I’m sorry.’
‘Plus, you don’t know how difficult it was, there on my own. I knew nobody. Everyone expected me to fit in as if I’d been there all my life. When I met that girl and she gave me the doctor’s name I felt better, realising I wasn’t the only one who found it difficult to keep up the pace and—’
‘You don’t need to explain,’ he interrupted, placing his hands firmly on her shoulders. ‘I understand. I just hope that from now on you won’t feel the need to ruin your health, your youth and your beauty, that’s all.’ She looked up at him, read the sincerity in his gaze and swallowed. ‘If you hate Hollywood so much, why go back?’
‘I have a contract with Ed.’
‘But what about the actual work? I thought you enjoyed acting,’ he said, signalling to a servant to lay the coffee tray on a low Ottoman by the parapet.
‘I do. That’s why I have to overcome this stupid fear, these silly inhibitions I have. It’s absurd when I’ve been offered the chance of a lifetime. I’ve always wanted to act. Being taken to Hollywood and given this opportunity was all I’d ever dreamed of. It’s just that now I—’ She shrugged, looked out over the sea. ‘It’s all so superficial, so fake. Not at all as I imagined it. Again, just a sort of fantasy.’
‘That’s just how you described this place.’
‘Well, I didn’t mean it quite like that. It’s a different kind of fantasy.’
‘I’m glad you think so. I would hate to think that I live in a Hollywood dream world. I happen to have very real projects for this island.’
‘I’m sure you do,’ she said, seeing a gleam in his eye. ‘Very different to where I come from. That’s just pretty and old fashioned and comfortable.’
‘But you love it?’
‘Yes, I do. It’s home.’
‘And you regret the necessity of having to leave it?’
‘I—’ All of a sudden Victoria remembered Anne’s comments, her financial advisors’ insistence that she change her domicile, and all the reasons she hadn’t wanted to come to Malvarina surfaced. Was this man just trying to seduce her into investing in his island?
‘I’m sorry. That was a personal question and none of my business,’ he murmured. ‘But if, while you’re here, you would like to visit some property I can arrange it.’
‘Thanks,’ she answered, a cold chill rushing through her. ‘Would you mind awfully if I went to bed now? I’m really rather tired after everything that’s happened.’
‘Of course. You must be. I will accompany you upstairs and see that all is in order.’
‘Oh, please—don’t bother,’ she said hastily, getting up and taking a step back. ‘I’m sure I’ll find my way. Goodnight.’ She waved her hand abstractedly, then turned, quickly entered the large living room and headed towards the hall and the stairs.
WHAT HAD HE SAID to upset her? Rodolfo asked himself as he watched Victoria disappear into the shadows like a white and silver ghost. Had it been the mention of visiting property on the island? He had merely wanted to be of help. But he was fast realising that there was much more to this sensitive young woman than met the eye. Their kiss remained imprinted on his lips and the desire to possess her made him take a deep breath.
He stood pensive for a moment, then decided that he too would turn in early. He would have to take it slowly with Victoria. But he knew now that he definitely wanted to take her to his bed. But she was still fragile, and she was also his guest, and therefore he owed her every courtesy.
After a quick snifter of brandy he walked up the castello’s wide, ancient staircase, glanced at Victoria’s door, then with a veiled smile headed on towards his own suite of apartments and his lonely bed.
A SHAFT OF BRIGHT SUNLIGHT piercing the heavy blue brocade curtains woke her.
At first she had no idea where she was, wondered for a moment if she was on a film set. Then she saw her luggage in the far corner of the room. Little by little the events of the previous day played out and she remembered everything—from the terrible morning to the flight to the airport and, later, the kiss on the terrace yesterday evening.
At the thought of the latter, a delicious shiver coursed through her. She had never been kissed like that before. The thought that it could reoccur left her anxious, yet filled with a new and exciting anticipation. Of course Rodolfo wanted nothing but a fleeting sexual affair, an amusing interlude to pass the time. Maybe that was why he’d asked her here? But, whatever the reason, she surely could handle it? Surely she was mature enough to indulge in an affair without getting hurt? It was time she got some experience of life and love. Perhaps he was exactly the kind of man to gain that experience with. After all, there were no strings attached, plus he was a gentleman, and she’d never found any man so devastatingly attractive.
An hour later she was downstairs, dressed in a short white flared cotton designer skirt, small pink T-shirt and matching flat fifties-style shoes.
‘I hope you slept well?’ the Prince said when she joined him at the breakfast table.
Victoria smiled, noted how attractive he looked, dressed in jeans and a white polo shirt.
‘Great, thanks.’
‘Please sit down.’ He’d risen to greet her and now they both sat at the glass table laid with attractive ceramic crockery. Not at all palatial, she thought with a tiny smile, feeling at ease as she sipped a delicious glass of chilled orange juice.
‘I have taken the liberty of asking my doctor to come after breakfast and check you over. Then, I thought I would take you around the island, and we can lunch on board my yacht, the Mona Lisa.’
‘Well, that’s very kind. But I feel fine, and am sure I don’t need medical assistance.’
‘Perhaps. But indulge me and see Dottore Manfreddo. He is the Royal Physician and a delightful character. That way we’ll both be assured that you are all right and we can forget that whole incident—okay?’
‘All right,’ she agreed with a reluctant smile.
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