“I’ll wait until you call me. You’re doing great—I knew you would.”
“Will, stop being the ultimate optimist. She doesn’t have a clue yet about my connections. Everything will change when she learns the truth.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. Thank heavens women can’t resist you.”
Garrett had to laugh. “Oh, hell. Goodbye, Will. I’ll call when I can.”
Garrett ended the call and tried to get Will out of his thoughts and stop worrying about him. As he headed to his car, he focused on Sophia, his thoughts heating him to a torrid level.
When Sophia opened the door, her heart missed beats. Dressed in a charcoal suit and matching tie, Garrett looked as handsome as he had the night before.
His warm gaze roamed over her and he smiled. “You look gorgeous,” he said.
“Thank you,” she replied, thinking about all the different outfits she had tried on before settling on a plain red linen suit. Her hair was tied behind her head with a matching red scarf and he gave it a faint tug.
“Very pretty, but if we were going out for the evening, I would untie that scarf and let your hair free, which is the way I like it.”
“But I won’t,” she replied lightly, locking up and walking to his car with him. “I have to go to the gallery and it needs to be tied and out of my way.”
As he held the car door, she noticed he watched her legs when she climbed in. He closed the door and went around to slide behind the wheel. “So how did you sleep?” he asked.
“I must be slipping if my kisses didn’t keep you awake a little.”
“You think I would tell you if I had stayed awake all night?”
As they both smiled, she felt the sparks between them, that electrifying current that had sizzled the whole time they were together last night. She hoped he never realized what a strong impact he had on her. She had a busy life and a time-consuming career. Garrett had come into her life at a time when she was trying to make a name in the art world. She didn’t want him to realize how he affected her. She didn’t want to lose control of her emotions.
At the restaurant, they were seated on an outdoor patio—the breezes were cool, the sun bright. As soon as they had ordered and were alone, Garrett smiled. “So when will my painting be delivered?”
“This afternoon.”
“Excellent. Let me pick you up, we’ll go to my house to hang the painting and then I’ll take you out.”
Her heartbeat quickened yet again. “You really don’t waste time, do you,” she replied.
“I’ll pick you up around seven. So how much time do you spend in New Mexico?” he asked.
“Most of the summer. It’s cool at night and I enjoy being there part of the year. Do you have a home anywhere else?”
“My home is in Dallas and I have a condo in Colorado because I like to ski. I also have a place in Switzerland.”
“Painting is a reclusive occupation. Do you get out much in Santa Fe?”
“Sure, when I want to. But I enjoy the quiet and solitude. Chalk that up to being an only child.” As Sophia talked, she couldn’t help but study Garrett. His brown hair had been neatly combed, but the breeze soon shifted the locks and they tumbled over his forehead. His rough handsomeness—his hawk nose and firm jaw—and his spellbinding gray eyes fascinated her. When he began to speak, her gaze lowered to his mouth and she recalled his kisses, not hearing what he was saying as heat suffused her and the temperature of the cool morning changed.
He touched her chin with his fingers. “I don’t believe you’re hearing a word I’m saying. What could you possibly be thinking about?” he asked in a husky voice as if he guessed exactly why she hadn’t heard a word he had said.
“My mind drifted, sorry,” she said, embarrassed, looking into his knowing gaze. She felt the heat flush her cheeks and couldn’t do anything to stop it.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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