At three, when the limo pulled up, Ava ran to get Caroline’s presents—books and a little coat for the brown bear, plus a pink bandanna for Muffy—returning just as the bell rang. Smiling with joy at the prospect of seeing Caroline, she flung open the door. “Come—” She stopped, looking up at Will.
“Where’s Caroline? Is she all right?” she asked, going cold while her heart raced.
Will stepped inside and closed the door, taking the present from her to set it on a table.
“Caroline’s fine and you’ll see her very soon. I wanted to talk to you first.”
“She’s waiting in the car?”
“No, she’s home. I let her know she’ll be seeing you very soon.”
“Will, what on earth?” she asked, calming down, but becoming annoyed, yet aware of how handsome he looked in jeans and a charcoal knit shirt. “You scared me to pieces. I thought something happened to her.”
He pulled her into his arms. “I came over to do this right. I’ve been thinking about us.”
“There just is no ‘us,’” she said, her exasperation fading as she saw the desire in his dark eyes. “You don’t get that,” she added, her voice changing, becoming breathless while her pulse speeded.
“Ava, I went about this all wrong. I told you I want you in my life. I’ve thought for hours about what you said. I want you to marry me,” he said, withdrawing a black box from his pocket and holding it out to her.
She stared at it, but wouldn’t touch it. “Will, we’ve been over this and why it won’t work.”
“It will work. I love you. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you so the other night. I didn’t even know what love really is, until I met you.”
Startled, she drew a deep breath and her heart began to pound faster.
“Ava, I’ll support you in whatever you do. I want to marry you.”
“What about your father’s marriage and your brother’s marriage?”
“You’re not like my mother or like Lauren. I can have a happy marriage if it’s with you. I love you with all my heart. I need you in too many ways to count. I want to share my life with you. Will you marry me?” he asked again, holding the box higher.
“Are you sure? You mean it? You’ve really thought this through?”
“I have. I’ve never been happier than this summer when you lived with us, when we made love and when you’re there for Caroline. I want you back, love. Really want you.”
“Will, you’ve been so bitter about marriage. This is a complete turnaround.”
“Love does things to people. I just know you’re part of my life now and I have to keep it that way. I need you, Ava. I love you, want you, need you. You’re necessary to me.” He knelt on one knee and took her hand. “Ava, will you marry me?”
“Will,” she said, exhaling, her heart pounding while joy surged.
“Ava, please marry me,” he repeated, standing again.
“You’re sure?”
“Absolutely. Marriage. Forever commitment. That’s what I want from you.”
With a scream of delight, she threw her arms around him and hugged him. She kissed him, startling him for only a second and his arms banded her waist tightly and he leaned over her to kiss her passionately.
She tore her mouth away. “Yes, Will, I’ll marry you,” she cried and returned to kissing him. He picked her up, pausing a moment.
“Where’s the bedroom?”
She pointed and they kissed again.
Later, she lay in his arms. “Will, I don’t have the box you gave me.” She started to roll off the bed, but he caught her and pulled her back.
“I’ll get it,” he said. He left and she watched him, relishing the sight of his virile body and long legs. He climbed back in bed to hold the velvet box and open it.
She gasped at the huge glittering diamond set in a gold band with diamonds on either side. “Will, that is shamefully large.”
“No, it isn’t. I want you to have it. I love you, Ava.”
He slipped the ring on her finger. “Let’s have the wedding soon.”
“Very soon,” she whispered. She studied the beautiful ring. “I can’t wait to call my sisters and tell them. They’ll have to be in my bridal party.”
“Fine. I’ll have my brothers and Garrett and another close friend, Tyler.”
“Will, what about this half sister your family has discovered? Perhaps you can invite her?”
“She didn’t even have an interest in inheriting a fortune. She won’t be interested in meeting us or coming to a wedding. My brothers and I are still trying to contact her, but I’m not trying again until after the wedding and our honeymoon. I don’t have time for such a big distraction right now. Also, before I announce the news of our impending nuptials to my brothers, I want to tell Caroline.”
Ava smiled. “She’ll be so happy.”
He nodded. “I sat her down this morning and told her I was going to ask you to marry me and if I could come see you instead of her. I told her whatever you said, I would come back and get her.”
“Oh, my goodness. She may be anxious and waiting. Let’s go tell her,” Ava said, stepping out of bed. “I’ll shower and we’ll go.” She gathered her clothes and looked at him. He lay with his hands behind his head, a smile on his face as he watched her. She yanked clothes in front of herself. “Will, get up. Let’s shower and tell Caroline.”
“I won’t miss this.”
She tried to cover herself, smiling all the way down the hall.
“Will, I can’t stop looking at this ring,” Ava said on the ride over to the mansion.
“Look all you want while I look at you,” he said, pulling her close against his side.
They found Caroline in her playroom with Muffy and Rosalyn. Will had already called Rosalyn to tell her the news and that they wanted to share it with Caroline. The moment they arrived, Rosalyn greeted them with a big smile and headed upstairs.
Caroline’s eyes were questioning and she looked intently at Will. He picked her up and put his other arm around Ava, pulling her close.
“Caroline, I told you I wanted to ask Ava to marry me, which I did. She accepted.”
Caroline grinned broadly, looking at Ava. “Will you live here again?”
“Yes, I will live here again,” Ava said, putting an arm around Caroline so they formed a circle. “You will be my little girl.”
“Caroline, your daddy will always be your daddy, but if you want to just call me Will, that might be easier for you. And if you want, I’m sure it would be all right with Ava if you call her Mommy.”
Caroline looked at Ava who nodded as she smiled again. She glanced back at Will. “I’ll call you Daddy Two.”
They all laughed while they hugged. Ava had tears of joy that spilled over her cheeks. “Will, Caroline, this is the happiest day of my life.”
“Let’s pick a wedding date. Caroline, you can be our flower girl.”
The little girl beamed.
Ava stood in the narthex of the church, holding Caroline’s hand. Her sisters and close friends waited until the signal and then they began the walk down the aisle. The friends went first, next Summer and finally Trinity, who was maid of honor.
After Trinity, Ava bent to kiss Caroline. In her silk-and-tulle dress, the same shade of blue as the bridesmaids’, Caroline looked like a doll. She smiled at Ava and started down the aisle with a basket of rose petals on her arm.
Ava’s heart beat with joy while she watched Caroline carefully scatter rose petals as she walked down the aisle.
When Ava kissed her father’s cheek, he patted her arm. “I hope you live long and happily,” he whispered and she smiled in return.
Trumpets sounded and the wedding march began. Rising to their feet, guests turned while the wedding planner motioned to Ava to start down the aisle.
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