.. Figure 1.2 Continental crustal architecture showing the main types of igneou... Figure 1.3 Relative abundances of selected metals in basalt, andesite, and r... Figure 1.4 The relationship between Ni and MgO contents of basalts within wh... Figure 1.5 Relative abundances of selected “granitophile” elements in basalt... Figure 1.6 Relative abundances of selected metals in alkaline magmas (and ki... Figure 1.7 Schematic representation of the “late veneer” hypothesis for the ... Figure 1.8 Schematic diagram illustrating features pertinent to the formatio... Figure 1.1.1 Idealized geometry of a diatreme–maar type volcano, showing the nature... Figure 1.1.2 (a) View of the Orapa diamond mine, Botswana. Pyroclastic rocks of a k... Figure 1.9 Schematic diagram illustrating the concept of mantle metasomatism... Figure 1.2.1 Simplified geological map of the Barreiro Complex. Figure 1.2.2 Back‐scattered electron microscope image of pyrochlore being re... Figure 1.2.3 Simplified geological map of the Bayan Obo district. Figure 1.2.4 ɛNd versus ɛSr plot showing the field of Phalaborwa data relati... Figure 1.10 (a) Simplified map showing the distribution of S‐ and I‐type gra... Figure 1.11 Generalized scheme that links granite compositions and magmatic ... Figure 1.12 The sequential melting behavior of peridotite in the mantle at 2... Figure 1.13 The pattern of grain boundary melting of an arkosic protolith s... Figure 1.14 The enrichment/depletion of a trace element in a partial melt r... Figure 1.3.1 Sheets of leucogranite cutting through high‐grade metasediments... Figure 1.3.2 Simplified batch melt model showing the degree of enrichment e... Figure 1.15 Schematic illustration showing the nature of layering in the Sk... Figure 1.16 (a) Density variations in a fractionating magma similar in start... Figure 1.17 Trace element distribution during fractional crystallization. (a... Figure 1.4.1 Simplified cross section through the Zaaiplaats tin mine in the... Figure 1.4.2 Rayleigh fractionation model showing the degree of enrichment e... Figure 1.18 A portion of the ternary system quartz–olivine–chromite (a) show... Figure 1.5.1 Simplified geological map and section through the Bushveld Comp... Figure 1.5.2 Multiple chromitite seams exposed at Dwars River in the eastern... Figure 1.19 The nature of the “immiscibility gap” (shaded) that exists in fe... Figure 1.20 Phase equilibria established experimentally in the system SiO 2–F... Figure 1.21 Variation in sulfide solubility as a function of progressive cry... Figure 1.22 (a) Plot showing the relationships between partition coefficient... Figure 1.23 (a) Calculated models showing predicted sulfur content as a func... Figure 1.6.1 The characteristics of komatiite‐hosted Ni–Cu deposits in the K... Figure 1.7.1 Sr isotope variations (in terms of the initial 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio ... Figure 1.7.2 Twenty meter deep pothole exposed in a quarry on the farm Maand... Figure 1.7.3 Schematic cross sections illustrating the progressive developm... Figure 1.8.1 Simplified geological map of the Sudbury Complex showing the r... Figure 1.8.2 (a) Shatter cone in country rock surrounding the Sudbury Igneou... Figure 1.8.3 (a) Plot of Sr versus MgO showing the compositional fields of t... Figure 1.24 The ternary system FeO–SiO 2–FeS at 1200 °C showing how the addit... Figure 1.25 Schematic diagram illustrating the formation of PGE clusters in ... Figure 1.26 Generalized model showing the nature of igneous processes that g...
3 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Idealized illustration of the water molecule and the nature of hy...Figure 2.2 (a) Pressure–temperature phase diagram (not to scale) for pure H 2Figure 2.3 Pressure–temperature plot showing the approximate conditions unde...Figure 2.4 (a) Experimentally determined solubilities (in wt%) of H 2O in sil...Figure 2.5 Schematic section through a high‐level granodioritic intrusion un...Figure 2.6 Plots of temperature versus H 2O content showing the crystallizati...Figure 2.7 Schematic section through a high‐level granodioritic intrusion (a...Figure 2.8 The variation of quartz solubility in aqueous solution as a funct...Figure 2.9 Normalized compositions of aqueous fluid in equilibrium with a gr...Figure 2.10 (a) Plot of the system H 2O–NaCl–KCl showing the compositional ra...Figure 2.11 (a) Boiling point (liquid–vapor) curves for pure water and for t...Figure 2.12 Plot of H 2O content versus temperature for rehomogenized (at 1 k...Figure 2.13 (a) The ratio of the concentration of Zn in H 2O‐fluid [Zn] fto t...Figure 2.14 Variations in the concentration of Cl −in a silicate melt ...Figure 2.15 Calculated concentrations of chlorine in (a) an aqueous fluid ex...Figure 2.16 Bar graph showing the abundances of metals in selected, coexisti...Figure 2.17 (a) The relationship between H 2O fluid/silicate melt partition c...Figure 2.18 Strong's model showing the relationship between level of granite...Figure 2.1.1 Simplified map showing the position, in northern Chile, of the ...Figure 2.1.2 North–south sections through La Escondida showing the lithologi...Figure 2.1.3 View of the Escondida open pit with the inset diagram showing t...Figure 2.19 Schematic model for the origin and formation of porphyry‐type Cu...Figure 2.20 The geological setting and characteristics of high‐sulfidation a...Figure 2.2.1 (a) Cross section through the Kasuga deposit showing the nature...Figure 2.2.2 Gold and silver (electrum) rich Hosen vein as seen underground ...Figure 2.21 Two stage model for the formation of high‐sulfidation epithermal...Figure 2.22 Plot of [FeO + Fe 2O 3+ CaO + Na 2O]/K 2O versus SiO 2showing the r...Figure 2.3.1 Generalized geology of the MacTung deposit and a cross section ...Figure 2.3.2 View of the north face of Mount Allan showing the exposed tungs...Figure 2.23 The evolution of intrusion‐related skarn deposits showing the th...Figure 2.24 Models illustrating the thermal and fluid flow characteristics i...Figure 2.4.1 Distribution of the major exposed plutons in Cornwall and Devon...Figure 2.4.2 Sheeted Sn–W‐bearing, greisen‐bordered veins (dark coloration) ...Figure 2.4.3 (a) The regional pattern of metal zonation around the southeast...Figure 2.25 Schematic illustration showing the nature of “potholes” in the M...
4 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 (a) The major types of liquid water that exist at or near the Ear...Figure 3.2 Simplified diagram illustrating the water budget on or close to t...Figure 3.3 The formation and characteristics of basinal waters. (a) Depth pr...Figure 3.4 (a) The relationship between basinal fluid production during diag...Figure 3.5 (a) Part of the phase diagram for CO 2showing the variations in f...Figure 3.6 Various tectonic scenarios illustrating the mechanisms by which m...Figure 3.7 Plot of depth versus fluid pressure to illustrate the difference ...Figure 3.8 Model explaining the episodic flow of fluid along a seismically a...Figure 3.9 Models explaining the nature of hydrothermal fluid flow in (a) hi...Figure 3.10 The ability of a fluid to flow through a rock at a small scale d...Figure 3.11 Schematic diagram showing a convecting pore fluid circulating in...Figure 3.12 Plot of the effective stability of a metal complex (expressed in...Figure 3.13 Log fO 2–pH diagram showing the stability of iron oxide and sulfi...Figure 3.14 Base and precious metal concentrations in ore‐forming hydrotherm...Figure 3.15 Predicted solubilities of (a) Ag in vapor and (b) Au in vapor fo...Figure 3.1.1 Simplified, subsurface geological map of the Olympic Dam ore de...Figure 3.1.2 Geological model for the formation of the Olympic Dam deposit. ...Figure 3.16 Plots of percentage adsorption versus pH for (a) copper as CuCl +...Figure 3.17 Diagram showing the steps involved in adsorbing metal ions onto ...Figure 3.18 Microphotographs of (a) bacterial cell with amorphous ferric hyd...Figure 3.19 Models illustrating the dynamic nature of fluid/rock interaction...Figure 3.2.1 (a) General geological outline of the Golden Mile, east of Kalg...Figure 3.20 Plot of Gibbs free energy versus temperature for a variety of su...Figure 3.21 Conceptual diagram illustrating the fluid characteristics and ci...Figure 3.22 (a) Section through a typical ophiolite‐hosted, Cyprus‐type VMS ...Figure 3.3.1 Generalized geology of the Troodos ophiolite complex in Cyprus ...Figure 3.3.2 Photos of pillow lavas (a) and sheeted dykes (b) exposed in the...Figure 3.3.3 The nature and geometry of VMS mineralization in typical Cyprus...Figure 3.23 (a) Secular model explaining the evolution of fluids, growth of ...Figure 3.24 (a) Plot of temperature versus density for a variety of possible...Figure 3.25 The Salton Sea Geothermal System (SSGS) and its location (inset)...Figure 3.26 Diagram illustrating the setting for the formation of SEDEX‐type...Figure 3.4.1 Interpretive, pre‐thrusting, cross section through Devonian–Car...Figure 3.4.2 Simplified block diagram showing the environment of ore formati...Figure 3.27 Schematic illustrations showing the principal features of Archea...Figure 3.28 (a) Map showing the distribution of Carlin‐type gold deposits in...Figure 3.5.1 Cross section looking north of the Mega Pit at the Twin Creeks ...Figure 3.29 (a) Simplified north–south section showing the pattern of altera...Figure 3.30 Diagrammatic representation showing the relationship between a s...Figure 3.31 Eh–pH plot for the system Cu–O–H–S–Cl at 25 °C (with ΣS = 10 −4...Figure 3.32 (a) Section showing metal zonation in typical Kupferschiefer ore...Figure 3.33 Plot of Cu +/H +versus Fe +/H +activity ratios to ...Figure 3.6.1 Simplified stratigraphic profile through the rocks of the Centr...Figure 3.6.2 Folded metasediments hosting stratiform Cu–Co mineralization at...Figure 3.34 Diagram illustrating the concept of hydrological continuity betw...Figure 3.35 fO 2–pH plot showing key mineral and aqueous species stabilities ...Figure 3.7.1 Geological setting of the Viburnum Trend Pb–Zn mineralization a...Figure 3.7.2 West–east section through the Fletcher Mine, Viburnum Trend, sh...Figure 3.36 Eh–pH diagram showing relevant aqueous uranium species for the c...Figure 3.37 (a) The orebody geometry and nature of host rocks for the tabula...Figure 3.38 (a) Cross section through a typical roll‐front type sandstone‐ho...Figure 3.39 Diagram illustrating the relationship between different fluid ty...
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