Zara was sitting in the Regans’ large and well-appointed lounge, flipping through the pages of a wedding gown brochure. A tear trickled down her nose. The long-sleeved gowns were beautiful and the women modelling them looked stunning, but how would she look with only one hand?
Gloria, Mike’s mother, watched her future daughter-in-law’s sad expression and guessed the reason. Hurrying over to put Zara’s mind at rest, Gloria put the brochure away.
‘Listen to me. Stop torturing yourself. You, my babe, will look stunning in anything you choose to wear. The only less than perfect thing about you at the moment is your downtrodden smile. Now then, there’s nothing we can do about your hand, but we can concentrate on everything else. The first thing you need to do is get your confidence back. There’s no point in hiding away from the world. Didn’t Davey Lanigan want to meet up with you?’
Zara smiled up at Gloria with admiration, and for a moment, she felt like a kid. Gloria was so much in control of herself and those within her orbit. With her hair fashionably styled and her clothes sharp and tasteful, Zara had never seen her without make-up or a piece of jewellery around her neck. Then, she looked down at her own attire and wondered why she was still dressed like she had been for most of her time in that basement cell. There was no need to do so now.
‘Ya know what, Gloria, you’re right. I’m going to get my hair styled. And it’s been so long since I wore anything new and fashionable. Fancy shopping?’
Gloria was ecstatic. Firstly, she’d hoped that Zara would get herself together, and secondly, she never needed an excuse to shop. ‘Arthur, where are the credit cards?’ she shouted, with a hint of excitement.
Everything seemed daunting at first, and Zara couldn’t explain how she felt. Having spent five years kept as a prisoner with no daylight and only a television for company, the world seemed almost alien to her now. Yet, she also knew that come what may, she would have to pull herself together. She was Izzy Ezra’s daughter and now the head of his estate and the business. Although the Lanigans had taken over, thinking she was dead, the proceeds of all profits had still been split fifty-fifty and her half placed in an offshore bank account, in the unlikely event she was found alive.
Mentally, she had to retrain her mind: she wasn’t a captive anymore, she was a businesswoman, with one fuck-off firm behind her. She only hoped that she still had the balls to take back control.
Wandering around the department store, Gloria held up a pretty blue Ted Baker dress with long sleeves and a gold trim. ‘Zara, this would look stunning on you.’
Zara laughed. ‘But who would take me seriously?’ She held up a black blazer and dark jeans. ‘Now then, look at these! These are what I need to fit the part.’
Gloria jovially rolled her eyes. ‘Aah well, let’s see if they have this gorgeous blue number in my size then.’
As Zara headed for the changing rooms, Gloria watched the slim, graceful woman and wondered if Zara was really ready to carry on with her firm. She was older, damaged, and probably not geared up just yet. Most women Gloria’s age would never have understood why Zara would want to go back to her business when she was already worth a small fortune and could comfortably retire. With properties here, there, and everywhere, she could live the high life and never lift a finger. However, Gloria understood entirely why Zara was committed in this way because her own husband and his pals used to run South-East London many moons ago. Then Arthur’s two sons took over. While they too became very wealthy, it wasn’t all about the money. A life of crime was in their blood – it never went away.
Another thought crossed Gloria’s mind – her son Mike and Zara’s relationship. Of course, they both loved each other, but they were at the top of their firms, with equal standing. Would the relationship work? She wasn’t sure: in reality, family, business, and friendships still had a pecking order. She couldn’t see either of them relinquishing their role as leader. Realizing that her musing was getting herself agitated, she sighed and found the floral dress she’d spotted on entering the store. It was in a size 12. Perhaps this would look ideal for the mother of the groom.
The shopping trip had exhausted Zara. If she was honest with herself, the outing had been a bit of an eye-opener because it told her that she was still very weak. Her sudden pale complexion and tired eyes sent Gloria into mummy mode. As soon as they returned home, she cooked Zara a chunky meat pie, determined to get her strength up.
The hearty meal was gratefully received, and as they placed their cutlery down and leaned back on their chairs, they could hardly move.
Arthur winked at Zara. ‘It’s such a pleasure to have you with us. At last, I get to have proper home-cooked meals.’
Gloria gave an exaggerated tut and whacked Arthur with her tea towel. ‘You ain’t done too bad by my cooking. You’re still alive, ain’t ya?’
The teasing came to a sudden halt when the phone rang.
Gloria, as always, got there first, hoping it was Mike. ‘Hello?’
‘Good evening, Mrs Regan. Could I speak with Zara? It’s Davey Lanigan.’
Gloria beckoned Zara over. Holding her hand over the receiver, she whispered, ‘It’s Davey Lanigan, Zara. Remember you’re still recovering, babe.’
Zara smiled and answered. ‘Davey?’
‘Zara, I called just to say how delighted I am that you’re . . . ’ He paused. ‘Er, well, that you’re alive.’ He hadn’t thought over his words before he made the call. The news that Zara was found alive was a relief, but on hearing that she’d been brutally disfigured, it had sickened him.
‘Thank you, Davey, thank you for everything. I know you did your best to find me and keep the business running in my absence.’
The silence seemed to linger, and Zara wondered if he was about to make a statement.
‘The business is, er . . . fine. I can carry on, and we can talk about the future once you’re well.’
She could tell he was holding something back. ‘What’s going on, Davey? Please tell me, or I won’t get back on my feet if I’m worrying.’
‘I didn’t call to talk about work.’
‘No, I know you didn’t, but tell me anyway. What’s going on?’
‘Okay’, he replied, ‘but not on the phone. How are you fixed for tomorrow lunchtime? I think it’s better discussed away from the public. Would it be convenient to come over to Mike’s parents’ home?’
Zara looked over at the dining room table where Arthur and Gloria were sipping the last of their wine. ‘Would it be okay if Davey Lanigan comes here tomorrow? Say, lunchtime?’
Arthur smiled and nodded his head. ‘Of course.’
Unexpectedly, Eric appeared. They hadn’t heard him come in through the back door, too intent on trying to listen to Zara’s conversation. It wasn’t for any reason other than to make sure she was okay.
Once she’d completed the call, she turned around, and as she sat down, she was surprised to see Eric seated at the table.
It wasn’t so much that he was there, it was his appearance. His hair was cut short similar to Mike’s, and instead of his T-shirt and jeans, he wore a fresh white button-down shirt and black trousers. She had to blink because for a moment she thought it was Mike.
Even Gloria was surprised and had to remark, ‘So, off out with anyone special, Son?’
‘No! Christ, can’t a man wear a decent shirt without someone suggesting there’s a date involved?’ Instantly, he realized how harsh and childish he sounded.
But the tension wasn’t lost on Gloria. She arched her brow, and then her eyes flicked to Zara. Zara looked equally troubled but for a different reason.
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